Name: Spades Age: 17 Home World: Wonder Land History: Spades is something of a source of great rumor. A young maid in the Queen of Hearts Castle, it is quite the well known fact that she is not a full and proper wonderland being. Oh sure she was born there, and lived all her life with its rather mad denizens but she was always a bit more subdued than the others, and as a great deal point out ' her smell is just a bit off'. Everyone, including her, knows she is the child of a wonderland citizen and some person from another world that was unlucky enough to wind up in the unorthodox kingdom. No one knows who exactly her parents are, but the most favorite rumor is that she is the illegitimate child of the king of hearts, given her card-themed appearance and her position as a maid in the palace. The more likely story being some card-guard ended up not wanting the responsibility of it's mistake. Given that she far better enjoyed the feeling of a weapon in her hands rather than a broom it seems a likely guess. A handful of cards and the white rabbit where her primary parents and guardians, teaching her the various do and don'ts of life. Besides attending the occasional beheading or convincing some of the friendly cards to train her in battle, she found life in wonderland amusing but not exactly exciting. Until she received an invitation from Yin-sid to apply her talents elsewhere. She gladly accepted. Appearance: [hider=Pik Annie Card AKA Spades] [img] [/img][/hider] [hider=Spades in the Pride Lands] [img][/img] [/hider] Keyblade: "Luck of the Draw" A fickle keyblade, worthy of a wonderland warrior. While it's handle is always the same; A golden heart shaped guard about handle ending in chain that rather looks like the kind seen on a pocket watch with a charm that appears to be the 4 traditional aces, It has 5 'suits'. Every time its drawn there is a chance it will be one of these five suits. Once drawn it can't simple be instantly un-drawn to hopefully pull a more desirable suit, she must attempt to fight with what she is dealt until a hand full of foes are defeated, she is legitimately disarmed, or 10 minutes goes by. 'Poor Shuffle' The most common one to come up with no overtly unique trait. If anything is unique about it over the standard kingdom key is its very keen edge. It is rather sharp, though not fantastically so like other keyblades can be. It appears as if cards have been messily arranged in the shape of a keyblade. 'Heavy Hearts' A massive key blade, the length of her and quite nearly her weight. A huge bright red beast of a blade with hearts all along its length, every other one is broken. Slow and devastating are its swings, though certainly not easy to use with any grace or speed. 'Diamonds Rough' A with attack power not all that superior to 'Poor Shuffle', yet its defensive abilities are impressive. A long thin blue blade, looking as if it was made of roughly carved diamond. It boasts incredible hardness and balance making it good for defensive sword play. It can raise up a mildly strong barrier before her to defend herself and others. 'Crazy Clubs' A medium length blade, light with a dull edge The very end of shaped like the traditional suit of clubs, where each sphere is a different color. One red, one yellow, one blue. This blade works far more like a wand than a sword, allowing her to cast fire, lighting, and Ice spells. Problem being that she has no ability to control which spell is cast or how big it is. This form can bring out some of the hardest blows or biggest blunders depending on her luck. She hats this form with a passion. 'Ace of Spades' The rarest and arguable strongest of her keys-blades forms. A short black blade barely two feet in length shaped almost just like a spade. Swift and dreadfully sharp in her hands, it allows her to attack with wild speed and abandon. It has a secondary ability of boosting the only magic she appears to have access to outside of Crazy Clubs, Demi/Gravara. Magic: The only magic she can use outside of Crazy Clubs is Demi or 'gravity'. She seems to have a talent for it really. Abilities: Insane durability. No literally, it is maddening what she can put herself through and survive. Citizens of wonder land tend to be notoriously durable and Spades is no different. That doesn't really mean she is any harder to knock out or incapacitate so badly that she can't continue fighting, but she is darn hard to mortally wound and knows it and will take advantage of it.