When Rachel was done setting up her security measures, she decided to continue her interrupted workout at the gym. She changed into a sports bra and a pair of shorts and walked out of her room. She really couldn't care less if any of the guys saw her like this - she was pretty sure the weights would hurt even Superboy a little bit, should any of the guys earn her ire. She passed by the lounge where Kid Flash and the quiet guy seemed to be arguing about something. Did the dolt actually claim the lounge his room? Well, she did just run a live current through her own bedroom door so she wasn't in a position to talk about people going overboard with their personal space. She entered the gym and spotted a familiar set up she hadn't expected to be here. From the ceiling to vertical supports extended to just above her reach, with a catches even spaced along its length, and a bar resting on the lowest one. Rachel smiled and wondered if Artemis had taken a leaf from Green Arrow's book and installed it here after showing Rachel the exercise. The girl grabbed the bar and started her workout, swinging herself up and moving the bar up a catch before she could fall back down. The bar was heavier than she was used to, but it wasn't that much more difficult to move. [i]I wonder if Kid Flash would die of a heart attack if he looked up now.[/i] Rachel smirked as she proceeded to move up another level, and now was high enough to look through the glass walls of the gym to see the lounge below. She was facing Nate, so if he looked up he would get a view of her hanging from that bar, toned abs stretched taut and slender legs dangling in the air. Well, perhaps his eyesight wasn't that great to notice the former detail, but she was a trouble maker. If Kid Flash couldn't focus on dissuading the boy from claiming the lounge because he was busy ogling her, that was his problem.