Han sighed as he sat down after a good work out. He sprayed some water into his mouth as he lounged on his bench. He heard the door open over the sound of other fighters training. He saw a beautiful girl and a tough looking guy walked in. He chuckled at the sight. He saw them holding hands.... Aw that's cute. He though to himself. He looked down at his hands and began to pull off the tape on his hand when he saw in the corner of his eye her walking towards him. "Han Li?" He stopped and looked up at the girl. She was from the water tribe he could tell by her features. He narrows his eyes. "Northern tribe right ? I'm from the the southern water tribe." He smiled at her and winked. "Northern tribe always turns out the best looking Women. Anywhere." He stood up and threw his towel over his chair. He stood there with out a shirt as he looked her in the eye. " Obviously you know me, What can I do for you Miss?" He took her hand and kissed it her knuckles gently. He looked over at the guy, who seemed not to happy at the moment with him wooing his girl.