Name: Kronshi Cramaso Nickname: Crimson Age: 15 Gender: Male Relationship Status: Single Appearance: [img=] Crime: I killed 20 people with the blade listed below Parents: Orphaned Friends: Who would be friends with a grounder orphaned serial killer Personality: Quiet, Mysterious, Anti-social, Not willing to side with anyone, Personality might change as the rp affects him Likes: being alone to think, playing mind games (from brain teasers to chess, actually pretty smart) Dislikes: people, being with people, arrogant show-offs who think they are better than him Talents: Swordsmanship, Computer Programming, Anything that requires his brain or blade Biography: Just your average street rat, orphaned, learned not to trust people, and all he ever loved was his sword. One day he was jumped by a gang and he managed to kill all 20, but because of his reputation, he was blamed and was locked up, but he just lets people believe he is a crazed killer, you get more respect that way Weapon Type: serrated great sword Weapon Appearance: [img=] Other: