Kronshi was shaken awake by one of the guards. "Come on mom, five more minutes," he said rolling over. "Kid, I'm not your mother, now get up!" Kronshi woke up drowsily and looked at the guard and then felt the handcuffs already around his hands. Not wanting a fight, he got up and slowly followed the guard down long hallways. Finally coming to a spaceship, Kronshi wished he could get his hands on its servers, but the guard had other plans. The guard locked him into his seat, and walked off the ship. Kronshi looked around and saw a bunch of people, some out conscious, others were wide awake. He also noticed a few empty seats as people were lead, carried or even dragged into them. 'There's got to be at least a hundred seats,' he thought, wondering where they would send all these people. Suddenly, the deafening sound of engines could be heard as the ship came to life. Kronshi started to get a little carsick, or shipsick, as the ship flew off into space. A little after the ship left the Arc, some people gained consciousness. He looked around at the other 99 people that was suffering the same fate as him. "Does anyone know what's going on here?" He asked, hoping someone could shed some light on the subject.