Lee was not awoken by the sound of his door opening, he was to watchful and careful for that. He only watched as the guards took his arms and carried him away. He wasn't afraid of death, he had accepted his fate. This was life, that was Karma, and he was getting his. He was going to leave his now disabled father alone to fend for him self. Ha that was funny, he couldn't even feed him self. They took Lee to large auditorium filled with other teens, some crying, shivering, unconscious or wide awake. He couldn't blame them, they were all about to be shot out into space, hundreds of lifeless bodies lazily bumping into one another like bees on a hot day. Lee was strapped into a seat and Lee thanked the guards as they left, they never responded. Lee looked up at the ceiling blissfully awaiting death. But the bliss would not come, he thought he had accepted death, but his heart would not allow him to. A single tear fell down Lee's face, he finally understood the old nursery tune, "You get what you get and you don't through a fit". Funny for it gained new meaning over the years. Lee sat in his seat more tears rolling down his face. This was it, this was it for him and 99 other teenagers like him.