The air was thick in his room, his cell being among the closest to the reactor didn't help when it came to room temperature but that wasn't all that annoyed Arkade, he had a feeling in his gut that something bad was going to happen, something worse than then prison food. He started to pace around his cell, the 3 months or so he'd been in the cramped room his mind had deteriorated, he couldn't hold a steady thought process and his speech became more prone to stammer and be erratic because of lack of contact with people but it didn't make him any less perceptive. He'd been hearing about big plans from the guards conversations outside the door and he didn't like the sound of them, so he did what any insane person would have done in his position, scrawl on the walls. After a week of gathering minerals from his sink water he was ready to write down insane, ingenious ramblings on the wall, a new piece of chalk in his hands that was ready to be wasted on a wall, then the door opened. He shoved the stick of handmade chalk into his pocket as the guards entered. "W- What do you want!" he yelled at them, forgetting that he could talk normally, they didn't reply instead they restrained him, encasing his hands in metal sleeves to stop him moving his fingers, when they were walking him to his cell for the first time he had dismantled the cuffs without the guards noticing, he could have escaped at that pointed but being the polite person he was he thought he'd hand the cuffs back to the guard before running off. They beat his head in with batons and removed all the furniture in his room in case he would find a way to use his bedsprings to escape. They were walking down the hallway of cells now, all were empty as if no one had ever occupied them, except for the ones that were trashed, 'probably a struggle' he thought to himself casually as they past them by. He found himself in a seat next a short haired woman around his age and someone who looked half asleep and was bleeding from his forehead, the guards strapped him down and took the cuffs off, subsequently leaving the room, Ark turned to the girl and decided to say hello. "Hi!" he yelled, attracting a few eyes, "I'm Arkade!"