Name: Raizo Hizure Appearance: [img][/img] Age: 180 Height: 6'2 Weight: 185 lbs. Hair Color: black Eye Color: green Race: shinigami Rank: unseated Spiritual Energy Color: gold Personality: He is a generally quiet individual, but also enjoys saying his mind when in the company of those he trusts. He enjoys being around people he likes and is outspoken then. When around crowds or people he doesn't know, he is uncomfortable. Women in general make him uncomfortable, but he can talk to them like normal. He dislikes vain people who think themselves better than others. He is a fighter at heart and loves nothing more than a good battle. When he is around others he will avoid conflict, but if someone does something such as threaten an innocent he becomes very angry. History: He grew up in the soul society as a slave. The war on all fronts had taken all but the youngest of his family. He was found and taken for a slave. He worked for a middle class family. He was not mistreated, but he was not treated as an equal either. Mostly he was to do chores and be a companion for the family's son. At the age of 100 the other boy died. With that role no longer needed, and the family stricken by grief Raizo was forced to do more arduous tasks. When the man retook the soul society he simply had to wait and bide his time until he could join him. Watching this mans incredible display of strength had inspired him. He wanted to emulate this free man and become a hero like him. A nameless shinigami who the took back the soul society noticed how in his free time he was always attempting to practice sword techniques. These techniques were imperfect and inadequate, but the man saw a burning passion in Raizo. Buying him from the family at the age of 110 he began to raise the boy. Raizo agreed to do whatever the man required so long as he would teach him the way of the blade. For the first 30 years Raizo was allowed to do nothing but train his body. From the time he woke up until he passed out from exhaustion the man made him push his limits. The man was a firm believer that he who landed the first blow always landed the last. Because of this he made Raizo train on his footwork and speed more than anything else. While the boy did become physically stronger his most impoved attribute was always his speed. Finally at the age of 140 Raizo was allowed to begin training with a blade. He was given an unnamed sword like all shinigami are and for the first ten years was allowed to do nothing but meditate with it. On the eight year he contacted his swords spirit. Meeting in her word it was a peaceful lake were they stood atop the water. She told him of herself and he did the same. For the next two years he did nothing but continue to strengthen the bond between himself and his sword through meditation. Finally after ten years he was allowed to perform combat training. His conditioning paid off and he excelled at melee combat. Learning to use advancd sword techniques quite easily. For twenty years he practiced sword techniques and the ability to use speed based moves. Finally at the age of 180 his master has deemed him fit to attempt to join the gotei 13. Other: extreme speed and sword proficiency. He is not the fastest but for his age he is very quick and agile. ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Kogane no raion kiba Type: fire Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: "Fall before the lions fang. Release! Kogane no raion kiba!" Spirit Appearance: [img][/img] Inner world: [img][/img] Sealed appearance: katana with gold wrappings Shikai appearance: [img][/img] Bankai appearance: [img][/img] wont obtain bankai until later. Shikai skills: 1. [b]Lions claw[/b] He flash steps past the opponent and slashes them with his sword while it is infused with golden spiritual energy. Greatly increasing its cutting power.(cooldown 2 post) 2.[b] burning earth[/b] He stabs the end of his blade into the ground and gold flames erupt from the ground in a line towards his opponent.(cool down 4 posts) 3.[b]Kings cloak[/b] Gold spiritual energy envelops him. It appears like golden flames surrounding his entire body giving off an unearthly glow. These flames burn anything but him that they touch and extend along his sword as well.(lasts 4 posts has a 5 post cooldown) 4.[b]Phoenix[/b] He uses an immense amount of spiritual pressure to heal his wounds(takes a lot of his spiritual energy only usable once every three days) 5. 6. 7. 8. Bankai skills: N/A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: N/A Skills Zanjutsu: Shitonegaeshi, Hōzuri Kido:none Hakuda:none Hoho: shunpo Points gained from missions: Mission log: Points spent and skills gained: