[quote=Zane620] As Megumi continued moving straight with her zanpakuto drawn, she would have released her shikai but its more for certain situations. She still noted the Hollows going for Ryozo, while some lingered around by themselves. So she took the opportunity to shunpo behind ones head and thrust her blade through it, and watched it crash to the ground and vanish. Her first true kill, it helped ease her a bit, and to motivate her as well. If Ryozo could be handling all of these guys at once then she could try and finish the mission.Meanwhile with Ryozo, he swung his white coffin bashing a Hollow into another one, while he slammed the black coffin down on ones head then blocked a swing from a hollow with the white coffin, raising his right leg he kicked the coffin up, tripping the hollow up a bit, which allowed Ryozo to swing the black coffin, cutting its mask in half. He got punched by one which made him skid back a bit, before he slammed the black coffin down and tapped it twice. This caused black mini arcs to shoot out in multiple numbers tearing through some of the hollows. It lowered the number, but the mob that ran towards him only grew larger and larger. [/quote] Enji kept running forward as he searched everywhere for any sign of what could be drawing the hollows to this town, but the amassing hollows made it hard to search through them. Suddenly two hollows came into his path and had to skid to a halt before holding the bat at them with both hands gripping it, though at the sight of it, the two hollows would burst into laughter. Hollow: What's he gonna do with that? swing at us?'The hollow burst into laughter once more hollow 2: Better watch out before he strikes us out, then we're all dead! The hollows kept mocking him since this was the first they ever met a shinigami with such a non-threatening zanpakuto as Enji gripped the bat tightly and slid his left foot forward into a batting stance. Eyeing them intently while the hovering glove opened up and at the center of its palm, a baseball formed before the glove closed around it. Reeling back then shot forward throwing the ball which flew at a speed of 100 mph; not at the hollows but at Enji who had pulled his bat back and exhaled slowly. A loud, shuddering crack filled the air with the bat striking the ball and sending it flying at the hollow with greater force. Hollow: Oh gonna enterta-' Unable to finish as the ball smashed into his face with such force that his body was pushed back as his face was shattered. Hollow 2: huh? You bastard!'The second hollow was about to lunge forward, but Enji had shunpoed followed with a jump and appeared in front of him. Before the hollow could follow with an attack, he had swung the bat downward crushing its skull and mask causing the two hollows to disintegrate, while the number on the bat was now level 7 and the glove level 6. Upon landing he would start off into a run once more; having to fight back the urge to cheer at having just killed his first hollow and with a ball and bat of all things and settled with a small grin for now.