Ryozo who was being pushed back a bit by the numbers catching up to him, was smacking Hollows away one by one with the coffins, as he was doing this, he felt like there would always be a sudden jump in the numbers that came at him, before trickling down, then going up again. As he looked around out of the corner of his eye did he spot something close in the sky, which had some flying hollows circling, plus some hollows falling to the ground. As he tapped on the black coffin, the skeleton hands shot out and began grabbing some of the hollows and ragging them into the abyss of his zanpakuto. "Hadō #31. Shakkahō" Ryozo said as he hurled the bright red ball into the sky, not aiming to hit, more so to give the other two a heads up. He really couldn't go and deal with it anyway. As he was once again being beset with waves of Hollows, which made Ryozo sigh as he ran at them. Megumi who was being stopped every so often by some Hollows which for some reason was able to distract with a simple dance, saw a bright light in the sky near a few flying hollows, which made her shrug as she was about to use a byakurai only to remember that was the retreat sign. She then had this idea of using a bakudo and her shikai to her advantage. "Show them your moves, Sonohoka no tokuchō pīkokku! Saying this made her katana change to a large green pole with two metal points at the bottom and top. "Bakudō #9. Hōrin!" She said wrapping it around her own shikai in which she shunpoed in the air, and proceeded to swing the pole around before letting it fly right at one of the bat like Hollows, with the pole piercing right through its head, causing it to descend to the ground.