[b][center]Darkness, with a chance of terror.[/b][/center] [center]A collab between Sketcher and FoxSVK Summary: A short collab - Ryoku assigns Itsuo his first ANBU mission and learns a bit about his motivation. [/center] [hider=Enjoy!] [b]" What will tomorrow bring us?"[/b] This one question was running through the mind of the Amekage for the last few days. Reports were arriving at an increased rate, and none of them were too promising. Increased attacks on the inhabitants of the country, devastated countrysides and these were only the top of the iceberg. As it was a matter that affected the entire country, it was not entirely up to him to solve that, but as the Amekage, Ryoku felt partial responsibility for the events that were happening across the country. He took it as a bad omen, especially with several of the past events. That is why he was now sitting atop the building that housed his office, one of the tallest buildings in the village. He had a scroll that contained the mission objectives for one of his ANBU agents, Itsuo. He knew the mission was way easier in appearance than a mission that would regularly require an ANBU agent, but he had his reasons. He was sure that a man with his skills and attitude can pull off this mission, even if the things Ryoku is afraid of will happen. So, while he enjoyed the breeze atop the building, he also enjoyed the view he had as he waited for Itsu to arrive. Itsuo was laying in his bed just until before the sun rose. The sulking young man rolled off the bed, dodging the first light that sneaked into his house. The young shinobi put on his ANBU uniform and his gear, getting ready to meet the Amekage to receive his mission. With his usual bored visage now masked and his combed hair hidden under his hood, Itsuo started to make his way towards the meeting point. Once there, the boy appeared in front of Ryoku on one knee, his fist firmly on the ground and his head bowed forward. [b]"Good morning, Amekage-sama,"[/b] he said with a plain and emotionless voice. [b]" Morning, Itsuo-san. Be careful, the building is slippery. And not to mention, tall."[/b] Ryoku then looked up to the sky for a few seconds, then back at Itsuo.[b]" You must be wondering, why did he pick this place for a mission? A roof of a building is not your typical place to hand out missions. Well, I agree with you. But the view reminds me why am I the Amekage. And also, why I am assigning you this particular mission. Upon a first look, it looks unimportant, boring - not requiring ANBU attention. But I will explain to you my reasoning. So please ... take a seat next to me. Well ... if we can call a piece of concrete a seat, that is."[/b] Getting up, Itsuo looked at Ryoku for a second before nodding and sitting next to him on the piece of concrete. He'd never thought about it but it was rather strange that the Amekage would pick such a place to do a task like handing out a mission. The boy didn't care much about how boring the mission would be, as long as he wouldn't have to go a day or two without doing something. Though he didn't seem to be the type who couldn't stay in one spot, Itsuo always looked for something, anything to do to occupy his time, even though he didn't have much "free time". [b]" You got to enjoy the view from up here."[/b] Ryoku told the young man while letting his mind drift away for a second or two.[b]" Reports are coming in from all over our country. Reports of attacks on settlements, countrysides ruined beyond recognition. The settlements that were attacked are an easy target for repeated attacks. And this all makes me worry. There is one location in our country that is crucial to the existence of our village - the large food plantations, south from the village. You must be thinking while is this old man talking about food plantations. The reason is that with the current situation and the combination of our intel from around the country, I have a good reason to believe somebody might try to use this unrest for their ... not so noble purpose."[/b] [b]" You must still be thinking why I am sending an ANBU operative? The reason is also political. Now that we are the part of The Fire Union, we have to show the great villages that we can take care of our domestic events. That is why I am giving you this mission. You are to go the plantations and guard them for four days. Untill that time, I will arrange for a proper force to be sent to the location, which will also relieve you. Any questions?"[/b] The boy did as he was told and made the best of the current situation, the view from the top of the building giving him a rare smile from under the mask. After the Amekage was done explaining, he got up and faced him, his hands locked behind him, standing up straight with a respectful pose. [b]"None, sir,"[/b] he responded. Ryoku expected that. He only picked the sharpest from the sharp into the ranks of his top agents.[b]" Good. I was expecting that. However, I do have, Itsuo-san. I would like to know a bit about your ... motivations. Why have you accepted to join the ANBU? When you could have easily refused and let somebody else to be picked."[/b] Itsuo found himself caught off guard with the next question. He hesitated for a moment before speaking to respond. [b]"I wanted to have something to do, Amekage-sama,"[/b] he said solemnly. [b]"I thought I would be useful as well if what I did benefited the village in however small a way it did."[/b] Ryoku nodded his head in acknowledgement of the answer. The answer made him sure that he picked the right person. He then looked up to the sky, making sure not to have any eye contact as he asked the next question.[b]" Should the situation turn dire, are you ready to die for your village, Itsu-san?"[/b] [b]"I'd rather avoid death but like all those who fell before me, I am,"[/b] he said in response with no hesitation. Of course he didn't want to die. Such a hassle... He knew that if he had to trade his life for the good of the people of the village, he'd do it with little hesitation. [b]" That is the right answer. I would say the same. I am ready to give my life for my village - except that I cannot do so ... as lon[g as there is even a single villager I can protect, I will breathe, I will stand and I will fight. I made the right choice when I picked you, Itsuo-san. With this attitude, And before I forget ... the scroll. Take it."[/b] Ryoku handed the young man the scroll.[b]" It contains the exact location of the plantation, together with other mission details. It also contains a set of directives for the worst outcome that can happen. But then again ... I am sure you will not fail. Now, please go."[/b] Itsuo nodded, taking the scroll and bowing. [b]"Good day, Amekage-sama,"[/b] he saluted Ryoku once more and leaping off and disappearing from sight. As he moved, the boy looked into the scroll, reading into the detailed information in it. Lowering his hand once more, Itsuo felt some feeling of satisfaction. [/hider]