[center][b] Ryuu Uchiha Amegakure: Training Field E[/b][/center] Ryuu stood alone in the training field, as he waited rather impatiently for his Sensei to arrive. Seeing as he had just been assigned to a team for the first time in his life, then Genin was actually rather surprised that he wasn't terribly excited. Then again, Ryuu had never played well with others. Seeing as the kids his age seemed to think of him as an outcast since his parents had abandoned him. [i]Those cowards are not my parents in any manner other than they brought me into this world.[/i] Ryuu scolded himself. He had sworn long ago never to deal with those cowards again. Fleeing from their home Village because they didn't want a child, making that child an outcast among his own clan members, then constantly degrading him and making him an outcast in his new home. Then leaving him alone outright. Loneliness ate away at a person after a long time. As Ryuu stood there, leaning back against the tree behind him and staring blankly at ground, lost in his own thoughts and the pain of being alone, he twirled one of his Kunai around on his right finger. Something he only did while he was lost in deep thought. Anybody could come up on the boy now and he would not notice.