[hider=Yu learning Bankai part one] Once back in his room with Amaya pouting at him from afar while petting the cat, which made him laugh nervously while rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry Amaya, it will grow back. Yet how about this, I'm going to do Jinzen training, so if it looks like I'm producing anything red anywhere, I need you to snap me out of that place, by any means necessary. Okay?" Amaya looked at him before nodding still pouting however. Yu simply nodded himself before getting into position and placing both zanpakutos over his lap, it took only a minute before he was allowed in, yet when he came in what he found was shocking. Not only were his zanpakuto spirits in front of him, there were quite a few other different looking spirits. Yu was slightly confused but when he looked at the ones he knew the bonked him on the head. The male one, that he used to call on his own, before he found his zanpakuto's true name. He looked at Yu and laughed. "Yu, we know why you are here, and you see. If you want to be a part of the pack, you cant just go beating us up. You got to know us. Every single bit of us, sure you may know us two, but do you know everyone perfectly? In fact you can start with this one." The male said, lifting up this small female, about half his height with brown hair yet had white ears and tail. Yu looked at her and scratched his head. "I don't understand. Who is this?" The male wolf simply shook his head and walked away, leaving Yu and the small female wolf alone. "Umm.... Are you a part of my zanpakuto? Did he lie when saying I found the true form of my zanpakuto?" Yu asked but the girl simply remained silent, then all of a sudden, you would hear the tiniest exhale, before the Yu would be witness to that loud explosion he heard before. [b]" WHAT ARE YOU AN IDIOT! IM THAT LONE WOLF! ONE SHOULD REMEMBER THE ONE THAT HELPED SAVE THEIR ASS FROM A THOUSAND GILLIANS!"[/b] She said before looking up at him with a now more fierce expression, which made Yu blink blankly as he poked her forehead. This made the wolf female kick Yu in the shin. [b] "AND ANOTHER THING! WHY DO THE OTHER TWO GET NAMES! I WANT A NAME TOO! ONE THAT IS WORTHY OF ME!"[/b] The female shouted again kicking Yu in the shin, which made him sigh as he patted her head. "I see, that was you? Damn you are quite strong for being on your own. A small body, yet the power to make yourself heard. If people forget about you, then its a huge mistake as forgetting you is like forgetting your own name.... Will Echo please you? I think it fits you." Yu asked looking down at her, as she tapped her chin. [b]" IT WILL DO! BUT YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND MY REAL POWER! SO ARM WRESTLE ME!"[/b] Echo said, as she grabbed Yu by the hand and led him to a stump, where she rested on her knees while Yu sat down. With both of them locking hands on the stump, Yu was wondering if he should go full power, and in the end decided to go full power, as to not make her think he went easy. Yet as soon as it began he soon found his hand going through the stump which made him look at the shattered stump shocked. "I see..... people judge based on what they see right away, so looking at you, they think this will just be something weak... yet when I think about it, you were the first to truly do some damage on that red head arrancar. You truly are one devastatingly powerful wolf Echo. I can only shudder at what you will be like when we both grow stronger." Yu said which made Echo stand up and pump her fist in the air. [b]"DAMN RIGHT! AND NEVER FORGET THAT YU! MAKE SURE TO CALL MY NAME, WHEN YOU TRULY NEED SOMEONE TO GET WRECKED!"[/b] Yu simply smiled and nodded at this, which made Echo smile herself as she jump right at Yu and seemingly vanished. Thats when the male wolf appeared again, clapping his hands. [/hider]