[b][center]Kamiria Haruhino[/center][/b] [b]"Uh, yeah."[/b] Kamiria responded half heartedly to Sensei's question. She was certainly ready to get back out there, but she wasn't feeling all that pumped about this. But it was better than being stuck inside all day. Thankfully, Niji arrived to interrupt the potential beginning of an awkward conversation. It was kind of surprising to think she was actually late to this. She had always thought of Niji as being a pretty straight laced person. Whatever the case, at least they were all ready to go. However, she was somewhat thrown by Kazuma's last statement. Even with her focused vision, she couldn't read faces. Emotional sensing wasn't something she could claim either, so she hadn't thought Niji was excited about this. She really wondered why. The mission sounded really boring to her. Perhaps Niji really liked the idea of helping people out. Kamiria only wished she could share in that enthusiasm. [b]"....I didn't bring anything worth mentioning, Sensei. Nothing that would occupy someone's attention for sure."[/b] She doubted Kazuma was really hoping to get something to calm Niji down with, but it was the truth that her pack just had the barest essentials in it. In any case, she was prepared to fall in line and trail behind Niji to their destination. Even without vision, she would be able to sense where Niji was walking. She would manage this walk fine enough.