[quote=KabenSaal] Mirja felt her wrists grabbed by Nishiki, who had a very powerful grip. However, she didn't need to worry much about it since the Lieutenant turned around and smiled, letting go of her wrist as she saw it was someone she knew. THen, came the very polite introduction for her, and for the man next to him. It was nice that Nishiki saw this as the analysis it was and not anything else. Mirja nodded, and grinned."I was at 10th. I heard talking and was curious as to what was being said" she told Nishiki, before taking a big breath. "Hello Lieutenant!" She exclaimed with a very broad grin, before turning to Sora. "Hello My Captain!" She exclaimed again, before standing up broadly, obviously displaying herself. "I'm Mirja..." She held the end note for a while, as if thinking about something, and then deflated. "I don't know. I forgot" she said, scratching a half-hidden scar on her forehead. "But, I don't really have any cool titles either, so just Mirja" she finished, in a much less energetic tone. "BUT!" She recovered, Twice as vigorous, as if in response of the momentary loss. "My business here is to throw the Greatest Party in the Universe. And then you'll all be 'wow, Mirja, your so cool, come join us' and then I'll be all 'Aww, I'd love to, thanks' and then we can frollock in the midnight moon!" She explained, clearly having a giant plan. [/quote] [quote=Kurisa] Shiro looked at the woman who grabbed his Lieutenants ass this caused Shiro to frown as he, instantly placed his right hand on the hilt of his Zanpakuto when Nishiki then turned around and acted seemingly casual about it, Shiro watched and listened as Nishiki spoke to the person as they then introduced themselves and stated their goal, to be quite honest they seemed like a bit of a joke and Shiro had no time for this. Shiro took his hand off his Zanpakuto then picked up Nishiki and threw her over his shoulder and turned around then spoke "If you want to even get close to joining this Squad you best show me something actually impressive, I suggest you go off and go work on it...I have important training to do with my Lieutenant. However...if you want to touch people up and plan party's you best go join one of the other Squads that are considered a joke...maybe Squad 4...they don't do much fighting and they get to deal with loads of people. However if I see you around here again acting like a perv and trying to plan stupid parties I'll cut you in two. I don't have time to waste with people who aren't serious enough to join this Squad." Shiro then began walking off, Nishiki still over his shoulder "if you follow me then you'll end up cut in two a hell of a lot faster..." Shiro then continued to walk off, leaving the barracks and making his way out to somewhere far off in the distance with Nishiki still over his shoulder "Well you heard what we are going to do, we're going to train...also I don't want to see you letting anyone touch you like that again. Your the Squad 11 Lieutenant, I don't want people thinking they can go around and cop a feel when they want...all it takes is some perv like that to start something and then they all start doing it, even those in our own Squad...I'd rather keep their minds set on training not groping women. We clear on that Nishiki? " [/quote] Nishiki held a grin, trying to shrug off the touching of her bottom. She didn't particularly mind, or more wouldn't of if her Captain wasn't standing right in front of her when it happened. Instead of bringing light to the action, Nishiki chose to ignore it instead since that was the easiest option here, or more so that's what she thought. [b]"Hello Mirja, it's nice to meet you!"[/b] She exclaimed in a happy tone, grinning widely. It was always nice to meet new people, however when Mirja said what her business here was, Nishiki couldn't help but sweat-drop while rubbing her right temple with her right index finger in a confused fashion, still grinning. [b]"Erm eheh... I don't think Squad Eleven is the place for you th-"[/b] Before Nishiki could finish her sentence, Shiro picked her up onto his shoulder. [b]"Wooe!"[/b] Her eyes widened a little at first as she tried to get used to being in this position, looking at Mirja when Shiro turned around. She kept quiet, thinking that this girl must be lost or something because Squad Eleven is far from the place to throw parties.... Now, if she wanted to fight then that would of been another story. After Shiro spoke and began walking off, Nishiki called back to Mirja. [b]"Or you should go back to Squad Ten! The Captain there might like you since he's playful!"[/b] And with that, Nishiki was carried away, slumping down Shiro's back before sighing and closing her eyes while Shiro walked. They had gotten a far enough distance away from the Seireitei before Shiro spoke up, immediately waking Nishiki up out of her light nap. She pouted as Shiro spoke, not really seeing what the big deal was at first until he mentioned what her rank was now and why he didn't want her to act the way she did.... Looking down, Nishiki continued to pout, upset now knowing that she had already annoyed Shiro as his Lieutenant. [b]"Yes Captain... I'm sorry..."[/b] She watched the floor while still being carried, keeping quiet yet still pouting.