Sinai went back to the place where she had been swarmed by hollows. She wasnt entirely sure why she had come all the way out there but it was where she wound up. The area was secure now, but real banged up of course. As she looked around she tried to remember what had happened. it was a pretty vivid memory, 5th squad captain snatching her off the street and sicking her on someone like a dog. She would have taken offense to that if it wasnt her life story. That was how she spent most of life even before joining the gotei 13. she was a mercenary, an attack dog, and expendable asset. She kind of expected that to be different this time around, but deep down she knew it wouldnt. she was starting at the bottom and no one really cared about the foot soldiers and thats all she was so far. so far. it wouldnt stay that way though, she assured herself.  She kept moving through the area and eventually left it going further from the seireitei. She often forgot how young she was and why traveling alone wasnt smart for normal girls her age. Her path was blocked, not by hollows but my men. hopefully someone was praying for them because if she heard on cat call at least one of them wasn't making it home. "Hey sweetheart, it's not safe for pretty little girls like you to be out here all alone" one of them called to her. "Get out of my way" was Sinai's response. "Ooooh she's fiesty." A voice came from behind her. She didn't look back but she pretty much surrounded. "Shes a shinigami too, how adorable, she even has a little sword too" Sure she could just shunpo away, and leave them in the dust but she was leaning more and more towards laying the out. Especially when one grabbed his crotch and said "you want to see a mans sword?" He first strike wasn't even to the deadbeat that grabbed his crotch. Nope it was the one behind her. A back kick straight to his stomach that hunched him over. "Little bitch" another yelled. Normally she would have cut him off with a strike to the throat but she had some frustrations to work out. More than she had realized. They all rushed her at the same time. Sure she could have reached for her sword but instead she stepped forward grabbing the first Comer and pulling him in front of the rest causing them to collide. Pissing them off further. Moments later she walked away from them, leaving them all moaning on the floor. That was all to common In her life. Everyone used to underestimate her because she was a girl. As well as because she was so young. She was looked at like a piece of meat more than she was looked at as a person. And her family and clan exploited that. As a mercenary who was better to accomplish something than the least expected? How better to insult your enemies than by hiring a little girl as a body guard. She kicks ass and looks goods on their arm. God help the next person who tries to put her in a dress.