Mirja pouted as the captain told her off. Why kind of mad-man didn't like parties? It was obscene! Illogical! And the getting cut in half part was also a bit scary, so Mirja decided not to press the point. But something impressive, she could do. Flash stepping away from the barracks, and indeed most of the Seretei, she reached the outer gates, where a calm, small collection of trees stood.It was nice. and quiet. Perfect for what she needed. And what she needed was for her sword to start doing that thing where it became something else. "Ok, we are going to sit down and be all 'ammm' and shit until you are working, ok?" She asked, taking her sword out and placing it across her lap, before breathing deeply, and then exhaling, trying that 'calm' that people so often enjoyed. It was hard for her, and it took nearly an hour before anything started to happen, but it did start to happen and Mirja could feel the sword more clearly, as if she could slip into the world that was inside the sword and converse. Or though, she was never the best with talking, and what if it was a really nice girl? THat'd just be awkward.