[quote=Kurisa] Kaizo looked at Rio and listened to her speak, her attitude seemed to change almost dramatically from being upset to be angry. It went back and forth which confused Kaizo a little, although what she said did hurt him...he wasn't sure why she was saying some of these things however as it was very unlike her and so it really was confusing...Kaizo then noticed a glint in her eye as she then spoke about how she was done with everyone then seeing her sigh, he noticed the glint faded and with what she said next, it was a complete change of attitude. Kaizo wasn't sure of what the hell was happening but he'd have to look into this further. Kaizo rubbed the back of his head as he then spoke "Well it seems like you've been through a lot and got a lot on your mind, I recommend relaxing for a bit Rio...get some rest, the Squad aren't in need of anything to urgent right now. We will return later, perhaps do some more things together as Captain and Lieutenant...I'd like to get more involved anyway and see how well you're doing" Kaizo then smiled at Rio. He had been meaning to do this anyway but now he had more of a reason. It was just odd how she suddenly began acting so cold then went back to normal...was she doing this a lot? all this made Kaizo wonder was what the hell else happened when she left to deal with her clan's business...were the memories affecting her? something was different...that was for sure [/quote] Rio looked down as Kaizo told her to rest, the smile she held dropping from her face. She couldn't rest, she had to do something... if she didn't, she'd get swallowed up by her own thoughts... Wait. [i]'... "Rio, I need you to do something, you know what I want you to do"'[/i] While fighting Ursula, her mother's voice echoed through her mind. Indeed she did know what she needed to do, she just had to wait for a little while before having to do what she wanted... Now was the perfect time, while everything was still peaceful. [b]"Yes Captain. I will visit your office some time later and then we could make arrangements."[/b] Rio bowed in front of Kaizo before turning around and heading back towards the Seireitei, definitely back to her normal self, or so it seemed.