[center][b]Yoshikuni Sadako[/b][/center] Kuni was getting dressed. She had nearly missed the time she needed to wake up at to be on time at the training field, but luckily for her, she didn't miss it. After getting properly ready, she went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection for a moment. She closed her eyes and thought about the day before. It was quite eventful for her, even after the sealing of Son Goku was done. This made her think about the talk she had with Son a while after the sealing. ----------- [center][b]A More Proper Talk Kuni and the Yonbi[/b] [i]A collab between J8cob and Mr Nim[/i][/center] [hider=A More Proper Talk] Kuni was sitting on her bed. She had told Eiji to leave her alone after quite some time with her because she believed she was fine now and he needed to go take care of Sachi. She was aware someone followed her to her apartment, but she didn't care about it. She raised her shirt a bit and looked at the seal on her belly. It seemed so odd, that something so powerful would be inside her, but at the same time, that it could be sealed into the little girl she was. She wondered how it was possible, and then wondered what Son thought about it. She then remembered that he said she could come back by simply wishing it, and she hoped it didn't mean that she would need to knock herself out each time. Moving to lay on the bed in a more comfortable manner, she closed her eyes and thought about Son Goku. Opening her eyes, she would see the beast in front of her once more, in the exact same position as before, and in the exact same place [b]"Hey Son."[/b] She said and sat down on the ground in front of him and gave him a wave of her hand [b]"Sorry if it will appear a bit rude, or very quickly after out last talk, but I was just too filled with questions. I was wondering if you would answer some of them. Then we could go have a look around town, since you probably never had such a close look at a hidden village before. Right?"[/b] She asked, hoping she didn't offend him in any way. The Yonbi let out a sigh when Kuni finished talking. [b]"Closely, I have not. But I have seen villages before. They are just a high concentration of humans necessary to allow easier survival,"[/b] he explained. It appeared that he had long given up trying to move around with all the bindings he was restrained by. [b]"There isn't much to it that can really be hidden."[/b] He chuckled a bit now, finding his own pun amusing. [b]"Though, I wouldn't mind that. Better than sitting here and doing absolutely nothing. Which is what I have to do when you aren't here, by the way."[/b] [b]"All you can do is sit around here and do nothing while I wonder about? No way of us to talk while I am out there? I mean, there has to be something we could do. Unless you meant that you can see at least what I see and such. In that case, then I will try to wonder around and see as many new things as I can, though you will also see me train or Eiji-sensei or Sachi from time to time. You will get to see how awesome they are. But aside from that, since right now I am here..."[/b] She said and gave him a smile [b]"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions about what you know? Only if you want to answer though. If you don't, I'll just go about my business and roam around the village."[/b] She said and leaned backwards on her hands. [b]"Well, I can see and hear the things you do,"[/b] Son confessed. [b]"But I can do nothing myself."[/b] After her inquiry on whether he can answer some questions for her or not, Son Goku thought about it for a moment. [b]"Considering I am doing nothing better than looking at your bedroom right now, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to answer a few questions."[/b] The large tailed beast chuckled a bit after that. [b]"But before we start, I don't suppose you'd be willing to leave the village first so you can let me out. Allow us to talk face to face? I don't know what you've heard about my brethren, but I am not usually the violent type. I have hardly ever killed, and only by accident or self defense."[/b] He knew it was a pointless plight, but he figured one last try for his freedom could be made. Raising an eyebrown on Son's attempt at making her free him, Kuni was about to say it was pointless, but decided to go at it a different way [b]"Oh sure, I will free you, after you will tell me why did you kill people from my village."[/b] She said in a sarcastic tone [b]"Eiji-sensei told me and you know it. You confessed to seeing and hearing what I do, so no point in denying it. Now, onto my first question."[/b] She said and looked at him for a bit [b]"I know Bijuu's are supposed to be all powerful beasts and such, and each with a unique ability. What's yours?"[/b] She asked, now her tone being curious. The giant beast seemed to grow angry with her sarcasm. [b]"Your sensei didn't tell you the truth,"[/b] he claimed, his voice clearly irritated. [b]"He didn't tell you how your shinobi attacked me while I was minding my own business. How they kept attacking me. I was angry and didn't realize I had followed them to Amegakure, where even more shinobi began attacking me. I did nothing wrong. Is defending myself wrong?"[/b] He scoffed now, looking away from Kuni. Despite the fact there was nothing to look at anywhere except for Kuni. [b]"Unique ability. I have control of lava. There. Happy?"[/b] His tone was still clearly irritated from before, and he was still looking away from Kuni. Now Kuni felt bad. She made Son angry, only for not knowing the whole truth. She got up and jumped a bit, trying to catch his attention again [b]"I'm sorry Son! I didn't mean to make you upset. But you must understand that I have a lot of faith in Eiji-sensei since I have known him for years now, and I just met you a few hours ago."[/b] She stopped jumping and now looked down [b]"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have been quick to judge, it was wrong of me. And Eiji-sensei said someone not from the village led you there. I'm not trying to put the blame on you again, but I'm saying there might've been someone else involved. I remember you said humans are greedy for power, but I don't think thats true about everyone. I don't think Amegakure would have a reason to lead you here if you didn't do anything to them. But I promise I won't be quick to point fingers again."[/b] She said and looked at her hands before closing them into fists. The Yonbi looked back down at Kuni now. [b]"You are young, so I cannot blame you for your shortcomings,"[/b] he began. [b]"But let me teach you something I learned in my years: it doesn't matter where a shinobi is from. They are all the same. They fight for the same goals, the same ideals. The only difference is their loyalty."[/b] He let out a sigh now. [b]"I accept your apology. Perhaps it was my fault to grow angry with you. You know no better than what you have been told about me. That should be expected when it comes to humans. It has been a long time since I have truly conversed with anyone of your species."[/b] [b]"Oh? You previously had other Jinchuuriki's? Excuse me for the way I will say it, but that sounds kind of... sad. What happened to them?"[/b] Kuni asked and now sat down again, wondering how many jinchuurikis Son had before her [b]"And did you manage to connect to any of them?"[/b] She added, wondering if that wasn't crossing the line. The Yonbi began to chuckle. [b]"I have actually never been sealed before. You are my first jinchuuriki."[/b] Son sized her up a bit again, before chuckling once more. [b]"But in the past there had been several humans brave enough to seek me out. Some to take my power, where they ultimately failed. And some to talk, to gain some of my knowledge. Those were the humans that persist in my memory. Some were arrogant. Most were arrogant, actually. But they had something I didn't see in other humans at the time, and that was understanding."[/b] Son gave Kuni a little glare. [b]"You seem to have a bit of understanding yourself."[/b] Kuni stuck out her tongue at him saying she was understanding [b]"Thats nothing really. To understand someone you just need to listen. And I mean really listen. Try and look for the letters between the words, and you could find what everyone truly mean. But doing so is hard. So I keep on trying."[/b] She said and gave him a grin [b]"Alright, next question. After over four centuries of traveling, what is your most favorite place you have seen?"[/b] She asked, hoping it would be somewhere she knew of. The giant beast contemplated on this for a moment, letting out a faint hum as he did so. [b]"That would be a difficult one,"[/b] he confessed. [b]"There are many interesting places hidden across the world. Not to say that it is nature I like, but places generally devoid of human population were always more appealing. Perhaps... There are some mountains in the Land of Snow that form a basin. It has been a long time since I have been there, so I do not know if humans have given it a name. It is that place that I like the most. The snow is so interesting to me, for it is almost like the opposite of me. Where I am hot to the touch, it is cold. The sensation of walking through it was interesting and that basin was so deep in snow that only my head could stick above it."[/b] He began laughing now, remembering the time he was there and picturing himself from a different perspective. How strange that would appear. With the grin staying on her face, Kuni was glad to see Son was feeling a bit happier now. She now leaned a bit forward [b]"Sounds really cool. I should go there sometime. My most favorite place was a forest clearing in the Fire country. It had an amazing looking tree in the clearing and climbing it was so much fun. From the top of it you could see nearly the edge of the forest, and the feeling of being at the top of it was undescribable. I should take you there once. I think you'll like it."[/b] She said and moved back to sitting straight [b]"Okay. Who was your dad? I heard you talk about him, but I couldn't quite understand who you were talking about."[/b] She said and then snapped her fingers [b]"Something that is related to the other question. Out of your siblings, who is the one you like the most?"[/b] She asked and moved to lay on the ground on her belly while still facing Son. The fact she was getting comfortable made Son realize she had plenty of questions. [b]"You never heard of my father?"[/b] he asked first, sounding somewhat surprised. [b]"You humans call him the Sage of Six Paths."[/b] He paused to let that sink in, or at any rate see if it clicked with Kuni. But he didn't wait long before moving on. [b]"As for the others... we all have very different personalities. That is because for the most part we split apart when we were young, not too long after our father died. I would have to say... Matatabi is the easiest to get along with. Kurama would have to be the worst."[/b] He chuckled a bit. [b]"I can still remember when we were all little. We all got along then."[/b] Nodding, Kuni made sure she will remember those names. Matatabi and Kurama. Those were nice names [b]"I know who the Sage was, I just didn't know he was your father. He was even more impressive then I thought. Did you get to spend plenty of time with him as a young beast?"[/b] She asked. Son grew quiet after that. [b]"No, I didn't,"[/b] he said, rather simply. [b]"He died soon after giving us life. Living just long enough to help us understand the world. We were young, but we knew who he was. He didn't have to say it. But no, not much time at all."[/b] He let out a sigh as he remembered that day. He showed no other signs about it, and seemed like he was no longer willing to dwell on this subject. [b]"Next question?"[/b] [b]"Hmm..."[/b] She begun to hum as she tried to figure out what was the next question she wanted to answer, and looked at him [b]"I kind of wonder. Have you ever tried to think what you would do if you were ever captured by shinobi and placed inside a Jinchuuriki? Besides trying to trick them to letting you go free again."[/b] Kuni asked, slightly teasing him on his previous attempts at doing so. She found those to be so straight forward, he could've simply asked her to open the seal twice. Son chuckled at her words. [b]"If I wanted to break free, I could. It would be a matter of patience. My siblings have done it before, and none are as intelligent as me. So I imagine I could do so as well,"[/b] he told her, closing his eyes as he continued to chuckle. [b]"But I had never anticipated this fate would befall me. I figured I would be able to continue evading shinobi. After all, I had managed to do so for hundreds of years. It would seem that fate had other plans, so here we are. I had no idea what it was like actually being sealed. I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this."[/b] He made a brief attempt at moving, to emphasize how restrained he was by the massive chains. Moving to a standing position, Kuni rubbed the back of her head [b]"I would like to help with those, but until I can be sure that you won't try to escape and I could trust you, I'm not gonna try and mess around with my seal. Not to mention I have no idea if I can even make it loosen up a bit or not."[/b] She said and then scretched her arms to the front of her [b]"But you can be sure, once I feel both of us trust each other properly, I will learn how to improve your conditions. There are other jinchuuriki out there, and I will approach them to learn how to be a better host from you, if I see they are a good host for their bijuu. I wouldn't want to approach someone who is tormenting their bijuu and take advice from that kind of person."[/b] She said and let out a small laugh, looking at Son with an apologizing look. [b]"Now I have a question for you, Kuni,"[/b] Son spoke up, interrupting her laughter. [b]"This has been puzzling me for a little while now, but why do you have so much interest in me? Most humans only see me for my power, not my knowledge. What makes the difference with you? I may see the things you see, but I cannot see your memories so I do not understand."[/b] Despite his face not being human, he had an inquisitive look. He was genuinely curious as to why Kuni was so different. Shrugging her shoulders, Kuni thought about it for a moment. When she had an answer, she approached Son a bit [b]"Well, I can't be exactly sure what makes me different, but I like to think that if you have a personality and feelings, then why shouldn't I be interested in you? Plus, I would be a bad hostess if I didn't show some interest, seeing we are going to spend a lot of time together from now on. But in a more general note, I just like to get to know people I meet. Often I don't get to ask all the questions I want, and now I do have a chance to do so, seeing... Well.."[/b] She kicked the air and looked down [b]"Sorry about you being here. I know you want to be out there, and mind your own things."[/b] She said, now speaking in a quiet voice. Son didn't answer her right away, but he let out a sigh. [b]"We are both victims of circumstance,"[/b] he said first, closing his eyes for a moment. [b]"But I am only here as long as you live. I do not have a lifespan like humans do. When you pass away, I will be destroyed, but I can regenerate. According to Matatabi, it is a painful process. Something I never figured I would have to go through either. But that is also destined now. Unless..."[/b] Now the tailed beast seemed to grow angry. [b]"What is more likely to happen is that when you are close to your end, I will be sealed inside a new host."[/b] He scoffed at the thought of that. [b]"If it comes down to that, I will be sure to put up a real fight unlike this time. I wasn't expecting a sealing, and that was my fault. I won't be fooled twice."[/b] She now looked up at Son [b]"I think that when my time comes, I'll be sure to let you out before. I would hate thinking you will be trapped forever. You can count on my word that no matter what, I will ensure that you will get your proper freedom."[/b] She said and gave him a wide smile before giving him a thumb up. She knew he couldn't do anything back, so she brought her hand back and gave him a small bow [b]"Thanks for answering all my questions, Son. You can be sure I have plenty more, but I think I will let you rest a bit now and see some things from a new point of view. From my point of view."[/b] She said. The Yonbi chuckled at her words. [b]"Perhaps I may enjoy it one day, who knows?"[/b] he joked, closing his eyes and shaking his head. Smiling at his remark, Kuni closed her eyes and thought about her bedroom. Opening her eyes, she saw her bedroom celling and soon enough jumped off the bed and went out of the room as quickly as she could. Kuni had a lot to show to Son, and she did not want to wait another moment with it. Soon enough she was at the street and she begun walking to the market, knowing she needed to so some shopping for food. [/hider] ------------- Smiling at the thought of the conversation she had with him, Kuni couldn't help but wonder if the large beast thought it was interesting to talk to her just as she thought it was interesting to talk to him. Figuring that she could ask him that at a later time, she tied her hair in a ponytail and gave herself a nod in the mirror before heading out of the apartment, wanting to reach the training field as quickly as she could.