[center][b]The mission between friends, A request of the Cho clan. A collab between Sketcher, Gerontis and Lesli. Part IV Summary : Koike and Katsu are chasing down the man that they had been tasked to spy on. After they have been discovered, the situation escalates. The mission comes to an end and the boys return to Konohagakure, where they see a glimps behind the curtains of the Cho clan. Link to the previous post ; [url=Part III[/ur][/center][/b] [hider=Blades for Hire] [center][b]Several hours later[/center][/b] Freezing on spot, Koike heard the voice of an unknown person. Whipping his head to look over his shoulder, his right hand went to his kunai pouch. Discovered! Turning around, the young Hon threw out a kunai towards the man. [b]''You know what to do!''[/b] Koike said to Katsu. While he had thrown the kunai, his right hand went to grab another one. He wouldn't like to recieve a whack with the spade against his head. [i]I hate this...[/i] Katsu quickly pulled out two kunai with smoke bombs attached to them, throwing the first one after Koike's, though covering the rest of the entrance to the room. He kept the other one firm in his grasp, ready to launch. [i]Does this mean we have to kill him?[/i] he thought to himself though he feared the answer to the question was rather obvious. He was running away. The kunai thrown by Koike had scratched the shoulder of the man. Dropping the spade, the man ran down the stairs and jumped the last few stairs. [b]''Not going to get me alive!''[/b] He mumbled as he kept running, exiting the house through the backdoor. His plan was to go to the nearby wooded hills. He could lose them once he would reach the forests over there! Hearing the sounds, Koike cursed out loud. [b]''After him! He is making a run for it!''[/b] Koike called out. He sprinted through the smoke and almost fell of the stairs, but managed to regain his balance. Sprinting of the stairs, he also ran and exited the house through the backdoor. Holding the kunai in right hand, he narrowed his eyes. Luckily the man wasn't moving to a populated area, else it would seem like a masked Sunagakure shinobi was chasing the man. Not really ideal if there would be any by passing patrolling shinobi. Katsu cursed under his breath and looked out the window to see the man running out the back. He jumped threw it, crashing through the glass and landed on one of the rooftops, rolling to keep his momentum. He continued running, lifting the kunai up to his mouth and biting off the smoke bomb by the string, keeping it between his teeth and his eyes on the enemy. They were after him. She had sent them. That treacherous woman! Sweat dripped from the man's forehead. He could fight them, try to win the battle but he was sure that it wouldn't solve everything. There were bound to be more. They were creeping in the shadows. Hunting him down on her orders. [b]''I must make it!''[/b] The man mumbled to himself, trying to run as fast as he could towards the nearby wooded hills. Running after the man, Koike infused the kunai he held with chakra. Coating the blade of the weapon, he was aiming to pin the man down. The problem was that the man was running fast and Koike wanted to be sure his kunai would hit mark. [b]''Remember, aim to kill.''[/b] Koike muttered into the microphone of the communicator. Blocking any thought and emotion, he focused sole on hunting and killing this man. [i]I hate this job. I hate it, I hate it![/i] Katsu thought to himself, following the man from atop the roofs, jumping from one to another, leaping over the alley while swinging his right arm, throwing a kunai towards the point the man was walking with a tag fluttering behind it rapidly. [i]I have to do it but... How do you stand it, Koike?[/i] Looking over his shoulder, the man noticed the kunai. But he couldn't dodge it with a roll to the side. All he could was jump, so he did. Jumping, the man rolled over the ground as he was afraid that the tag would be what he feared. Trying to turn around, he was trying to stand up to then face his two attackers. [b]''Come and get me then! Know that you're serving something evil! Evil!''[/b] He shouted, clenching his hands into fists. Finally! With the man not running anymore and even turning around, he saw his chance. Throwing with all his strength, the kunai was flying towards the man's chest. The projectile had a blue aura around it as it was approaching the man, soaring through the air. Already Koike pulled out another kunai in case his attack wouldn't hit his mark. But he slowed down as he also expected that Katsu had thrown an explosive tag. The tag didn't blow up. It didn't even ignite; though it wasn't a dud. Gritting his teeth, Katsu leapt onto the gap again, spinning and turning in mid air with his hand on his long sword, pulling it out when he was upside down and facing downwards, sending a stream of wind towards the man's left shoulderblade where he stood. Without waiting to see if the attack hit, he sheathed it as his feet connected to the top of the building on the side, leaping downwards from wall to wall to increase his speed and landing on the far side from Koike. Surprised, the man took a few steps backwards. He became pale as his eyes lowered, to the kunai that had striken through his arm and pierced his chest. Just when he felt the rush of panic, numbing the pain, it became worse. Falling on his knees, blood was coloring his clothes. The strike of Katsu had sliced deeply and caused that the man fell dying on the ground. Coughing, the fingers of his right hand trembled, trying to still move. [b]''I... Moon...''[/b] A blade pierced the neck of the man. Twisting the blade, Koike pulled the blade out. [b]''Only one thing remains.''[/b] He muttered. Glancing at the dead body, Koike kneeled as he sheathed his blade. Pulling out a kunai again, he pressed the blade against the ear. Without flinching he started to cut off the right ear of the man. [b]''Check if nobody is around the corner.''[/b] Koike mumbled. [b]"Koike, wait!"[/b] Katsu yelled, seeing the blade dig into the man. His legs trembled as the man drew his last breath, falling to his knees. [b]"Ah... He's dead..."[/b] He stayed like that even after Koike had given him directions, his ears not acknowledging the order as the tongue they spoke. [b]"Maybe there could've been another way out... We didn't have to..."[/b] His eyes got teary and he shook his head quickly to hide the gathering water. [b]"Sorry... I'll go and look,"[/b] he said solemnly, getting up and running atop the building to see if anyone was near. Koike said nothing nor did he looked up to Katsu. All he focused on was to cut off the ear. Once he had done that, Katsu had already gotten up to do what was asked of him. Holding the ear, Koike looked around before he would cut off a piece of cloth from the man's clothing. Wrapping the ear in the made rag, he would put it in his pouch. They had to go and fast. With still disguised as Sunagakure nin, they would be in serious trouble if somebody would approach them. [b]''Back to the house. We will search quickly and then head back.''[/b] Koike spoke calmly and soft, turning already around. Without saying a word to respond, Katsu, dropped from the roof once more, still with the same visage of despair on his face. [i]I wonder if he had a family. If not...[/i] He didn't refuse these thoughts like when he had during their chase. It was done now. There was no point in avoiding "distractions". He followed Koike closely to the house, thinking about where they could... Though Koike most likely wouldn't be up for something like that. --- [center][b][i]Some time later.[/center][/b][/i] Koike glanced at Katsu. They were on their way back to Konohagakure. The body had been dragged away and burnt, while they had managed to discover what seemed to be a diary and a scroll, that had been sealed. With that Koike decided that they should go back to the Leaf. [b]''You should wash your face before we report to Aiko-sama.''[/b] Koike told his friend, looking at the main gates of Konohagakure in the distance. Katsu was silent the entire way as opposed to their venture [i]to[/i] the village at first. When he heard Koike break the silence, he lifted his head, noticing that they were almost at Konoha. [b]"Yeah,"[/b] he said simply, lowering his head once more. After several more moments, he spoke up again. [b]"Did you read any of the entries from that diary?"[/b] [b]''No.''[/b] Koike frowned at the dairy he was holding with his left hand. It was tempting to learn about the man they had killed, but knowledge was dangerous. [b]''It is nothing we should worry ourselves with. Our orders were clear. It is unwise to indulge further into a matter where we have little to no clue about.''[/b] Koike told him. Soon they would be in range of the gate guards and Koike had a feeling that the trouble wasn't over. [b]''Before we head back, don't even try to look like you're doing now. Try to look calm and... normal.''[/b] He told his companion. [b]"I get it,"[/b] he snapped back, though his voice was still low. [b]"Sorry..."[/b] He wiped the corners of his eyes once more though the tears had already dried up. [b]"Did sensei say where we were going to meet up?"[/b] Koike thought about it. [b]''No, she hasn't. But I suspect we are to bring it to her after knowing where she is.''[/b] Koike replied. Then he patted Katsu's shoulder. [b]''Don't apologize. I understand.''[/b] Briefly Koike flashed a smile, though it wasn't a real warm one. Katsu nodded. [b]"Alright,"[/b] Katsu said simply as they approached the gates of Konoha. They were practically back home. For a moment, Katsu forgot everything, a sincere and warm smile appearing on his lips. [b]"We're back,"[/b] he said, sighing. [b]"If she hasn't told us where to go, what should we do?"[/b] Koike threw a look around. Without a problem they had walked back into Konohagakure, but it wasn't over. [b]''First, clean yourself up. Make sure to that you won't look depressed or sad for one moment. Meet me then at the entrance of the Cho compound.''[/b] He said, stretching his arm towards Katsu. Katsu looked towards him and gave him a seemingly warm yet faint smile. Though it was fake, it seemed exactly like when he was sincere. [b]"Don't worry about me,"[/b] he said, running his hand past Koike's and grasping his wrist. [b]"See you there soon."[/b] Nodding, Koike however held Katsu's wrist for a moment. [b]''In one piece. I rather have a friend that isn't half crying.''[/b] Grinning, Koike released the wrist as he would head his way, though still worried over Katsu. ---- [center][b][i]A hour later, In front of the Cho Compound.[/center][/b][/i] Leaning against a nearby building, Koike had his arms crossed. The sealed scroll and diary were placed in a shoulderbag. Having his eyes closed, he was simply waiting for Katsu. Pondering, Koike had a bad feeling about this all. Assassination missions and requests was something he had done several times, under Aiko's mentorship. But it was strange that Katsu was sent on one. With just him at his side. Katsu had just finished calming himself down after clogging the sink. He wiped his mouth and cleaned his face before leaving, drinking lots and lots of water to go with it. After stepping on the window, he performed the Ram handsign, disappearing in a puff of smoke. Not much later, he appeared next to Koike. [b]"Hey,"[/b] he said with a cheerful voice. Slowly looking up as he opened his eyes, Koike noticed Katsu. [b]''Hey. I have the requirments here. Lets hope Aiko is at the compound. Else we will need to go to her home.''[/b] He told Katsu. Pushing himself off the wall, he examined his friend. [b]''How are you?''[/b] He asked, already turning to walk into the Cho Compound. [b]"I'm fine,"[/b] Katsu reassured Koike with a sigh. [b]"A bit tired from the march but other than that, I'm doing great."[/b] Though he wasn't trying deceive Koike as much as he was trying to deceive himself, it would be obvious to Koike who saw his reaction to the event back at the village that he wasn't telling the truth. He started following Koike into the Cho Compound. He nodded, not going to further question the answer that Katsu had given him. As they entered the compound, Koike cleared his throat. [b]''My first assassination was a man that a few years older than I am now.''[/b] Koike started. He looked like normal, without much of emotion. [b]''Aiko-sama and I tracked him down after the man had murdered a young child. You see, some murderers has some very nasty habits.''[/b] Koike paused as he thought about it. Then a neutral smile crossed his face. [b]''Offered them to some religious blabbering. Jashin or something. To make it short,''[/b] Koike said as he led them towards a kind of temple. [b]''I end up staying three nights awake after I had dealt the finishing blow. Of course, I also puked after thinking what the man had done to those innocent victims, but even as I slashed his throat... I felt wrong.''[/b] Koike told Katsu as they would near the temple. [b]"Can you really say that these two were similar cases?"[/b] Katsu argued. After a moment, he sighed and went on. [b]"I know you got used to it but... I don't want to. If I can't feel anything even when killing an enemy, I'd start doubting my humanity. Even if that hesitation costs me, I don't want to be able to do it in a heartbeat..."[/b] Koike thought about it. [b]''Who knows? All we know about the man is that Aiko-sama wanted him dead if we were caught.''[/b] He then shrugged, trying to stop the temptation of taking the only chance on finding more out about the man they had killed. When Katsu said he didn't want to get used to it, Koike frowned at him. [b]''It is alright to wish for that, but remember what it means to be a shinobi. Besides, a sacrifice isn't worth anything if somethign isn't offered in its return.''[/b] He spoke with a more stern voice to his friend as he placed a hand on his shoulder. [b]''You chose a proffession where you're ought to kill. Either in direct combat or in stealth. Else, my friend, you need to look for another job.''[/b] Removing his hand from Katsu's shoulder, Koike would hope that his words would motivate his friend. Though he could understand if Katsu would disagree with him. [b]"...You're right,"[/b] he said, sighing. [b]"I'm just being a brat. Forget what I said."[/b] He continued to follow Koike, his eyes looking anywhere except ahead. [b]''I wouldn't count a brat as a friend and comrade in arms.''[/b] Koike simply replied as he would then walk ahead. Heading into the temple, he looked around. He had no belief in some higher might, but he was impressed by the artwork that the place had. [b]''I see you both have returned.''[/b] Aiko said as she came walking around a corner. Wearing a black kimono, she had her hands folded together as her eyes examined her students. [b]''Come. Tell me about the short travel. I hope that you both weren't experiencing any..''[/b] She kept walking, beckoning them to follow her as she would lead them deeper into the temple that wasn't allowing much light into the halls. All kind of artwork was carved into the walls. [b]''Discomfort. Yes, that was the word.''[/b] [b]"Course not sensei,"[/b] Katsu said with a pleasant tone. [b]"We got to know each other quite a bit too as well as get the job done, right Koike?"[/b] he said with a wide smile on his face as he glanced towards his friend. What he said was half true, at least. Though there was some "discomfort", they did what they were sent there to do. Briefly Koike threw a frown look at Katsu. [b]''Yes. We did.''[/b] Walking behind Aiko, Koike threw a look at the walls, wondering what tales they would tell if one could understand the meanings of the symbols and carvings. [b]''We also managed to find information, though the man discovered us. But he is dead.''[/b] Reaching to his pouch, Koike would hold the rag covered ear in his right hand. The words of her students made her smile. They were entering a room that wasn't as spacious as the halls were. [b]''I am glad to hear that you have gotten closer. Koike, would you be a dear and give the items to Katsu. Then you're free to go.''[/b] Aiko said, turning around as she had a warm smile to the two. [b]''I will soon send the reward for this mission to you.''[/b] Katsu's eyes opened wide when he heard what she said. He looked at Koike helplessly. [i]But why...[/i] He then turned right back at Aiko, trying to understand what she was thinking. He turned his body back to Koike to see what he would do. [b]"K... Koike?"[/b] The expression on Koike's face didn't reveal any thought nor emotion. Simply stretching with one hand the ear, covered in rags, and the shoulderbag, with the diary and scroll, with his other hand to Katsu, Koike gave a short nod to Katsu. After he had given it, he would make a short bow to Aiko. And walked away. Katsu remained frozen as he received the items from Koike, stuffing them between his arms. Seeing Koike disappear from sight, he turned to Aiko with a look of confusion in his eyes. He didn't say anything but simply watched to see why Koike was told to leave. It didn't make any sense. Though come to think about it, not much of what had happened made sense. [b]''May I ask why you look so surprised or may I ask.. afraid?''[/b] Aiko asked with a calm and friendly voice as she walked further into the room. It was designed as some sort of small library. Taking a seat in a chair at a small round table, she had a strange look in her eyes. [b]''I dare hope you're not suspecting me to do you any harm. Cause I am not suspecting you to do the same. Unless I am wrong.''[/b] Some white smoke seemed to travel low over the ground, heading towards Katsu's ankles. [b]''Am I, Katsu?''[/b] [b]"I'd think not, sensei,"[/b] Katsu said. [b]"I'm just confused because..."[/b] He gestured to the door Koike had left from. He looked down after feeling a light pressure as if the air was slightly denser below, seeing the white smoke. [i]That's not...[/i] He looked back up to Aiko and kept staring, trying to figure out why she was acting, from his perspective, strange. [b]''Because I sent Koike away and leave you to report to me? Cause I need to see your reaction. And by sending him away, I noticed that look on your face.''[/b] Aiko told him. She pointed at the shoulderbag. [b]''Did the man troubled you or Koike? Made you waver with words? Or were you perhaps wavering to take his life?''[/b] She asked, still speaking in the same calm and friendly tone as before. [b]"No,"[/b] he answered. [b]"His words didn't trouble me or Koike."[/b] He didn't want to admit to his teacher that the job he'd signed up for was what bothered him itself. He didn't want to disappoint her after having gotten past the hard part of the job. [b]"I've never taken a life, although I suppose I aided Koike in the killing part."[/b] It stayed quiet as the white smoke covered around the floor where Katsu stood. [b]''Good.''[/b] Was all she said at first. It seemed like she was thinking about something. [b]''I couldn't help but to hear though what you said. About losing your humanity. Are you proud of being a shinobi in name, Katsu?''[/b] Aiko asked as she pointed to a nearby chair. [b]''And please sit down. I am just interested in some answers you may have for me. Answers not found in any book or scroll.''[/b] Taking a seat, Katsu looked at Aiko, somewhat surprised to hear this question. [b]"I don't have too much pride in anything, sensei,"[/b] he answered, locking his hands together and putting them on the diary on his lap. [b]''Why not? What you have done has saved my children from some danger. As you both have done something I am very grateful for. May...''[/b] She reached out a hand towards him, glancing at the dairy. Katsu looked down at the diary. After a moment, he handed it and the scroll to her, as well as the wrapped ear with it. [b]"I didn't really know what we were doing, sensei,"[/b] he said quietly though still intended for her to hear. [b]"It's hard not to hesitate when you don't know what you're taking the life for. It's my inexperience, perhaps, but..."[/b] Taking the items, she placed the book and scroll on the table. While she listened to her student, she unwrapped the rag. Staring at the ear, Aiko smiled. [b]''It is sometimes better not knowing than to know.''[/b] She wrapped the ear again in the rag as she placed it on top of the diary. [b]''Though to hesitate when you're unsure what you're doing shows that you think about your actions. What consquence they might bring. Some might find that dangerous, but I can understand it.''[/b] Laying her hand to rest on the scroll, Aiko stared at it. [b]''Your inexperience is what I must replace with experience. Though you need to follow instructions, I hope you will keep... this hesitating habit, if you would permit me to call it like that.''[/b] She laughed softly as she looked at him. [b]''I find it suiting for you.''[/b] A faint smile appeared on the boy's lips and didn't fade as quickly as the ones he had earlier. Though that still didn't answer the question of "why am I here?" which she had understood, according to what she was saying. Though it was probably nothing, the ominous smoke on the ground reminded him of the first training session he had with Aiko. [b]"Thank you, sensei,"[/b] he said with a sincere tone. [b]''And thank you, Katsu. You're free to leave.''[/b] She told him as she picked up the diary, shoving the wrapped rag on the table as she opened it. While her eyes looked at the content of the book, she spoke to him. [b]''I will soon reward you for your service today. For now, take some rest. Or spend time with your... friend.''[/b] She said the word with a genuinely happy tone. [i]Huh...[/i] Katsu got up and bowed slightly. [b]"Good day, sensei,"[/b] he said, spinning on his heel and facing the path to the doors, marching with a steady step. [i]I think I'll rest for today. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea...[/i] With a sigh, he opened the door and disappeared behind it with the fading light as the doors shut once more. Reading the book, the white smoke traveled slowly towards the seat that Katsu had sit on. Once the doors had been closed, the smoke started to take shape. Of a man. [b]''And?''[/b] Aiko asked, still reading the book while asking the man the question. [b]''They did the job like they said. I was several times wondering if it wouldn't be better to send my own people after Arata. But they killed him. Even burned his body.''[/b] The man said with a polite voice. Aiko looked up, to the door. She had a rather cold look. [b]''Good. Make sure that there won't be any trace leading towards them or us. The name Arata should be nothing more than a whisper in the wind.''[/b] Continue to read her book, the man nodded before he started to shift back into white smoke. [center][b]''Also, Teng, make sure that somebody is trailing the two. I want to keep hearing how they are doing after this... job. As well to inform me about Arata's... companion and friend whereabouts.''[/b] [i]Yes, Lady Aiko-sama.~[/i][/center] [/hider]