Owner: LowKey123
Name: Ace Wilder
Age: About 15.
From: Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!, is the official name of the game.
Powers: Apparently, he has great agility and reflexes, due to the great amount of time he spends training. He also is a great dodger, and he can recognize an enemy's patterns quite easily, so he can defeat them quickly. When surrounded by huge amounts of enemies, he can get in "the zone" and becomes stronger, but only by a very small amount. You can tell that he is in "the zone" when an orange glow follows him.
Weaknesses: He seems to be self-centered and full of too much pride, which caused him to take on the Wilder Clan tournament by himself, since his brother, Rex, hired participants to ensure he wins, so he can split the pot. His punches also don't hit that hard, but he makes up for it with the speed he throws them at.
There we go. Good enough, Elf?