[center][b][i]Preparing team 14? A success or... A collab between [s]Viking[/s] Nim, Shadowy and Aliceee. Summary : After Haruhi has become a Jinchuriki, Mika decides that the team needs some training. With one team member less, Mika decides to see if she can get some information out of Chou's odd behavior as well trying to see if she can get both Haruhi and Chou cooperating. However, it will have a rather unexpected turn of events...[/center][/i][/b] [hider=The start of it.] Mika was waiting on the trainingsfield. It was quite early, around 10 o clock. Leaning against the bark of a tree, Mika was looking quite calm. Though she was pondering, there was no sign of her thoughts or emotions. Having her eyes closed and her arms crossed out front of her chest, Mika kept thinking on what she had to do. It was all clear to her, but likely not to others. Deciding that she wouldn't be able to win this conflict that easily on her own, she had to make sure that her position was more secured. Once the foothold was made and solid, she could think about an offensive move. Arriving at the training field, Chou looked around for a moment. She had quickly spotted her sensei, but she also tried seeing if there was anything she needed to be wary of. After a moment of standing at the entrance, she decided the area is somewhat safe to access and slowly made her way towards her sensei. Upon standing in front of Mika, she bowed and then raised her head, which would reveal to Mika that her kekkei genkai is active, but for what reason it was unknown. [b]''You know that if you touch me, you're dead?''[/b] Mika began, slowly opening her eyes. She looked at Chou with a bland look, but her tone was clear enough. [b]''I have noticed something strange about you. You are somewhat acting clumsly at times or trying to come in physical contact with all kind of people. Last time, you bumped against the Mizukage while there was no actual reason for it. Not to forget, that eye.''[/b] Mika paused. [b]''I imagine that there is something to it, isn't there?''[/b] Mika questioned. Deactivating her kekkei genkai, Chou did not respond and merely took a step back. She turned to look at the training field entrance and her eye twitched a bit, already knowing what is about to happen in a few moments. She truly disliked how Haruhi kept treating her as a 'friend', while she thought doing so only made her weak and useless. Of course, now that she was a jinchuuriki, she was less useless, but still useless, in the young girl's eyes, anyways. She slightly bent down to ensure that the moment Haruhi tried putting a hand on her, she will be capable of escaping with ease. Haruhi arrived a little later than the others, for no other reason but that she had stopped to buy the three some lunch to eat during their training. This would be the first time in a... actually, had the three ever gone through a successful training together? Haruhi wasn't sure, but she had a good feeling about this one. When she spotted the two a few meters away, she smiled and jogged over to them. [b]"Hey Minori-chan, Hayashi-sensei!"[/b] she said excitedly. [b]"I brought us some food in case we get tired while training."[/b] Mika's glance turned into a glare as she kept staring at Chou. The eye turned normal, making Mika narrowing her eyes. But she didn't continue with Haruhi arriving. There was no need to even watch out for Haruhi as she, like almost every time, announced her arrival. [b]''You're late. Twenty push ups.''[/b] Mika coldly said back as greeting. Her attention went back to Chou. It was a shame that she couldn't question Chou longer, but decided that it would be enough if Chou knew that Mika was aware that there was something very supiscious about her. [b]''You.''[/b] She addressed Chou. [b]''I want you to run five laps.''[/b] With that said, Mika still leaned against the tree, but would keep watch of her students, likely trying to see if neither of them were slacking off. Upon hearing Haruhi brought them lunch, Chou's eye twitched again. Why would she even bother do such a thing, it was not like she was ever going to eat anything brought to her by others. Looking at their sensei as she gave them instructions, she closed her eyelids and rolled her eyes before opening them and then beginning to do the laps around the training field. Its not that she had a problem with doing the laps, but it was more in the direction of disliking such simple things. Nodding at Mika's instructions, Haruhi placed the package of food next to her sensei before taking a few steps away, and getting down on her hands and knees. As she started doing her push-ups, she noted it was still a bit of a challenge, but not as hard as it was before. [i]I will need to keep training my arms more.[/i] she reminded herself in her head as she counted the number she did out loud. It had taken her some time to get to fifteen, and it was around then that she envied Chou for getting the easier laps around the field. Haru always preferred running over strength training. She just didn't have the muscle. With her students now busy with training, Mika was already considering if the training she had in mind would work with the two of them. Haruhi would likely start to become excited and Chou would just do what would be ordered, though not probably showing some emotion. Waiting patiently, she kept however a closer eye on Chou. On how the girl ran and moved. It was vital to memorize how she moved around to decipher if she would fake an accident later or not. Chou ran at a good pace, and didn't seem to have any kind of trouble. She didn't show any signs of running in a particular manner, almost as if she was trying to blend in as much as possible. After finishing her rounds, she went and stood in front of her sensei once more, waiting for the next instruction, and wondering if this will be a boring training session. After Haruhi got to her twentieth push-up, she sighed and collapsed onto the grass, laying there for a long moment. It was when she heard the footsteps of her teammate approaching that she sat up and looked at the two of them. [b]"Sooo, what kind of totally hard but super awesome training do you have planned for us today sensei?"[/b] she asked curiously, still not wanting to stand up yet. [b]''You two are going to sit in front of each other. Then tell each other about what your goals are.''[/b] Mika said. The tone was neutral, but she looked with a stern gaze at the two. [b]''I can't take you anymore on missions if you both can't cooperate when I am unable to guard your backs.''[/b] She further explained. However, there was also something else to it. Pushing herself off the bark of the tree, she walked a few passes forward. [b]''I will just be here and then maybe ask some questions. Well, what are you two waiting for? An invitation from the Mizukage?''[/b] Mika asked after a second. This time Chou's eye didn't twitch, but her right hand suddenly locked itself in a fist. Taking a deep breath, she went and sat in front of Haruhi and stared at her in silence for about a minute, not caring if Mika will hate her more for taking her fancy time. She opened her mouth, but at first, no words came out. She then closed her mouth and closed both her eyes [b]"I..."[/b] She started to speak, but a moment later suddenly spat out a bit of blood at Haruhi. She had bitten her own tongue to avoid speaking. When Chou had come to sit in front of her, Haru held up the two finger 'peace' sign and said [b]"Hai!"[/b] in her most adorable voice. She crossed her legs and watched her teammate ponder for a while, and while in her mind she was thinking Chou didn't want to speak to her, she kept a smile on her face. When she finally uttered a word, Haru's ears did a little twitch, but that was all she had said. It was when Haru's gaze went to their sensei for a moment that she felt something wet on her face. Her eyes closed and she reached up with her hand to wipe it away and when she saw that it was spit mixed with blood, her eyes narrowed and she glared at Chou. [b]"Did you seriously... just spit on me!?"[/b] she yelled and her arm shot towards the other girl as she reached out to slap her. Frowning, Mika watched the two. She was a bit surprised, but she didn't seem to intervene at all. All she did was just watching at the two. Then it went fast. Pulling out a shuriken, she didn't even had to aim for a second. The hand moved in a fluid movement to throw the shuriken between the two, a clear signal that both shouldn't get started now. [b]''Next one will be in the side. The one after will be in the back. Likely just below the kidney location. Or maybe I will have some fun to make it connect with the spine.''[/b] Mika calmly said, already pulling out another shuriken. [b]''Talk. Nothing else.''[/b] Upon seeing Haruhi's reaction, Chou didn't seem to move when the shuriken suddenly came between the two, and she took a glance at their sensei, who did so to stop any kind of fight Haruhi was about to begin before it started. Turning to look at her teammate again, she opened her mouth to show her tongue was bleeding, as an explanation as to why she spat out. After closing her mouth, she opened it a bit, as if she was going to try and speak once more, but this time she turned her sitting position to face to the side and then threw up on the ground. It would appear as if she had extreme difficulty with complying to the order given by their sensei. With a light squeal, Haruhi withdrew her hand when a shuriken nearly sliced her fingertips. She frowned and looked at Mika when she spoke to them and then crossed her arms. Chou was being mean about it, not like it was Haruhi's fault. With the frown still on her face, Haru had looked back at her teammate who appeared ready to talk, when suddenly she turned and threw up to the side. Haru's frown faded as she did not see this as an act of defiance, but as Chou suddenly becoming really sick. She got on her knees and crawled over, placing a hand on Chou's shoulder. [b]"Minori-chan! Are you okay?"[/b] she asked, sounding worried. Now puking? Mika slowly raised her free hand, placing it against her face. Her team wasn't even near the level or state to be ready for even a D ranked mission in such a state. Slowly lowering her hand, she looked at the two. One was being naive and cheerful to the point it was just like some infection. The other was the opposite and now trying to cause either a scene or being unable to understand what the meaning of this training was. Thinking about it, maybe she would need to postpone her plans. It became painfully clear that for now both of the girls weren't ready to learn even something new yet. The moment Haruhi touched her shoulder, Chou stopped throwing up and instantly turned around, trying to grab her teammate's arm and force her into the ground. If there was one thing she didn't stand a bit, was being touched. By anyone, which was a bit of an irony, due to the fact she needed to touch others in order to gain their signature for her kekkei genkai. After a moment she let Haruhi's arm go and moved back from her [b]"Don't... Touch....Me...."[/b] She finally spoke, though it was clear it wasn't anything even remotely related to the task. She then stuck out her bleeding tongue and wiped the blood on her right palm, waiting to see what will her teammate her sensei do next. Surprised by the sudden, painful grip that Chou had on her arm, Haruhi tried to pull away, only to be forcefully slammed onto the ground. For a moment, she had a fearful look in her eyes as Chou ordered her not to touch her in a tone that was far from friendly. When she was let go, she sat up and instead of feeling angry, she felt sad. [b]"Minori-chan... Why are you always so mean to me? I didn't do anything wrong to you. Would it really kill you to try to get to know me before you label me as some kind of nuisance?"[/b] she asked quietly. Haruhi had never really been hated by anyone, and so this feeling of hate she was getting from her teammate was upsetting her more than Chou could know. Turning around, Mika started to walk away. She didn't even say anything as she was just star-struck by how her students were behaving. One was being naive and the other was just odd, that there were no words to describe it. Rubbing her eyes, Mika pondered about it after a few meters. But she didn't turn around or say anything at all. This was pointless and she wouldn't waste time at this. There were more fruitful things she could do than just babysit two girls that weren't ready for any training. Walking away from the two and heading to the exit of the field, Mika's lips were curled down. Noticing their sensei was walking away, Chou stood up and then looked at her teammate, who had just asked her what seemed to her like a really odd question to her [b]"We are all tools for the village. We do not need to be friendly or know each other."[/b] She told Haruhi in the same tone as before before beginning to walk away from her, but instead of heading towards the exit, she made a jump to a tree branch nearby and begin heading away, seemingly wanting to take a path that will ensure she will not encounter her sensei. Haruhi saw that Mika had decided to leave, but it was not her who Haruhi was focused on. When Chou answered her question, it came as a surprise to her. Tools? Haru was not a tool. Anything she would ever do to help the villiage would be a choice...aside from things that were force upon her she supposed. When her temmate began to leave, she took a few steps, wanting to follow her and argue her point... but she stopped, knowing it would be useless. Instead, she sat down on the ground and put her chin on her knees. [b]"I'm not a tool."[/b] she mumbled. [b]"Tools dont have hearts or feelings. I have a heart and I have feelings...."[/b] with a frown, Haruhi just sat there wondering what she was going to do next, and who the hell was going to eat lunch with her since she was now alone. Try as she did to hold back the tears that welled in her eyes, a few slipped over and down her cheeks. [b]''How long do I have to wait?''[/b] Mika asked. She raised her eyebrows at Haruhi. Though she had walked towards the exit, she had just waited. Like she would leave Haruhi all by herself. Not with that Chou-figure. She had even heard what Chou said, but decided to not try to undo the words of the other genin. Maybe it would serve as a good lesson for Haruhi. Haruhi had stayed still and silent for a bit, but after a while, decided that a good training day such as this was not going to go to waste. Maybe she didn't get a chance to train with Hayashi-sensei and Chou, but she was sure she would get another chance some other time. She stood on shaky legs and stretched a bit before wiping her eyes and started to do some laps around the field. While she ran, she thought of a kind of training plan. She had to get back on track with her training. No matter what happened, she couldn't just let things get in the way of her getting stronger. So, Haruhi pushed this incident aside and buried it deep, where she was determined to keep it hidden. [/hider]