[center][b][i]A lesson to be more silent. Haruhi's real training starts now. A collab between Shadowcatcher and Alice. summary : After the failed attempt of Team 14 training together, Mika decides to train Haruhi one on one. The training will however be different than the ones before.[/center][/b][/i] [hider=Silence] Walkin away from the previous training field, Mika glanced at her student. She had heard the words of Chou, saying that Haruhi was nothing more than a tool. Not saying anything for a while, Mika then opened her mouth. [b]''In the past the ANBU that were led by the Fourth Mizukage were taught that they were nothing but weapons for the Mizukage. To fight and die for the one who holds the seat of the Mizukage.''[/b] Mika said, slowly glancing at the clouds. [b]''Sometimes I had wondered if that was true. Like if a human can truly become a weapon of war and murder.''[/b] It was when Haruhi noticed her sensei had reappeared onto the field that she stopped jogging and went to stand by the woman. She had said nothing as she approached, assuming that she had heard what her teammate Chou had said, and sure enough, Mika had started to speak about what she had heard. When she had stopped speaking and turned her gaze towards the clouds, Haruhi crossed her arms. [b]"I don't think it is possible, no matter how much you try and force someone. People are not tools. They can make their own choices and maybe they just decided to accept the idea of being used."[/b] she said in a tone that was bitter. As if she would ever let someone use her as some kind of tool. [b]"I say that whatever I do to help out this villiage is my own choice. Following orders does not make someone a tool."[/b] she stopped speaking then and looked away, pouting. Mika smiled a bit. [b]''Oh?''[/b] She said with a curious tone in her voice, but it was a moment silent before she spoke again. [b]''That is how you see it. Doesn't make the current Mizukage see you as a vessel for her own gain. Remember it well. People who act nice, but seem to ask for nothing, will one day collect something.''[/b] Mika patted Haruhi's shoulder. [b]''Come, I am going to show you a cool trick. Know what happens when you use a smoke bomb and piggy ride together?''[/b] Mika asked, pulling out two smoke bombs from her pouch. At the sound of a piggyback ride, Haruhi's pout faded and a smile formed. [b]"Nooo, what do you get?"[/b] she asked excitedly before running behind her sensei and climbing onto her back. Dropping the two smoke bombs, Mika would keep one hand free to perform the required handsignals for the Body Flicker technique. With Haruhi on her back, Mika waited for the smoke. Then she performed the technique. Due the speed of the technique, it would make her look like she suddenly teleported. Arriving at a trainingfield, Mika looked over her shoulder. [b]''Okay. That was step one. Now lets go. Stay close to me.''[/b] Offering Haruhi to get off her back, Mika wanted to keep up the pace. As if she didn't know that there would be ANBU watching Haruhi. Haruhi was dazed for a moment after Mika came to a stop in a different part of the training fields. Somehow, she thought the combination would be a bit cooler than leaving her dizzy all of a sudden. Frowning then slipping off her sensei's back, Haruhi shook her head. [b]"Yeah... sensei im going to have to train you in things that are 'cool', cuz you seem to not get it."[/b] When she was ordered to stay close, she nodded and waited for Mika to lead the way. Leading the way, Mika shrugged. [b]''I figured it would be cool. It is after all just an opinion.''[/b] Was Mika's reply. She seemed to be looking for something. Continue to walk around, she then seemed to have found what she had been looking for. As they walked into a park, Mika kept looking around. [b]''What do you know about how an assassin works?''[/b] Mika asked, still letting her eyes wander around. Haruhi followed her sensei, looking around as well but more out of boredom and innocent curiosity. When she was asked a question, she continued to look at random things as she answered. [b]"Hmmm, assassins are like those kind of shinobi who strike silently and deadly.... like farts."[/b] she added with a light giggle. [b]"Um, I mean. You were an assassin right? Thats why your so..."[/b] she hesitated. [b]"Cool."[/b] she offered in place of the word 'bitter' she was going to say at first. She had to give it to her sensei, she had come a long way from when they had first met. Unfortunately though, 'bitter' still applied. Glancing over her shoulder for a moment, Mika sighed. [b]''Were? Am.''[/b] She said, correcting her student. [b]''Most shinobi are more soldiers, but there are indeed several who are truly capable of moving without making a sound. Those who strike without alarming most of their opponents and kill them before they have a chance to put up a struggle. That is the main difference between an assassin and a regular shinobi.''[/b] Mika explained. [b]''Today I am going to teach you some basics of what is called Silent Killing. One of the skills that an assassin should have.''[/b] Walking further into the park, Mika took a sudden turn right as she kept on walking. Normally Haru would have squealed in excitement about learning a few new techniques, but something about the Silent Killing technique left a bad taste in her mouth. It was not like she would turn down the offer though. She just hoped this would be one of those skills she never had to use. Killing was not something Haruhi was sure she could do yet... but maybe she was getting a little ahead of herslef. She hadent noticed for a moment when Mika took a sudden turn, and when she did, she jumped slightly and quickly followd after her, hoping it wasent noticed. [b]"This is going to qualify as 'cool' in your book, right?"[/b] she asked, slightly worried. [b]''No.''[/b] Mika shortly answered with a neutral tone. [b]''This is going to qualify as what is needed.''[/b] Pushing aside a branch, she noticed finally what she had been looking for. A cave entrance. Heading towards it, Mika didn't made any effort to make any kind of light while it was clear that it was kind of dark in the cave. [b]''First lesson is going to be simple. You must rely on everything but your eyes.''[/b] The voice of Mika started to echo in the cave as she kept walking. Though she also couldn't see that well in the dark, she kept a close watch with her other senses on where Haruhi was. Haruhi had hesitated when they got to the entrance of some creepy cave. Not being so fond of the dark, she had actually stayed behind for some time until she was just starting to lose Mika in the darkness. Biting her lip and then running in behind the woman, it was quite scary to suddenly have the sense she used most slowly start to fade away. [b]"Simple...?"[/b] she paused as her voice echoed. [b]"It is not simple if im trying not to pee my pants."[/b] she whined as she started to walk a bit faster. [b][i]Where in the world did Hayashi-sensei go?[/i][/b] she wondered as she tried to stay calm. Suddenly she would feel a tap at the side of her head. A soft and gently tap. [b]''You're dead. Try again.''[/b] Mika's voice was nothing but a quick whisper. The tap had came from the right side, but there was nothing there anymore. Stealthy sneaking away to a new position, Mika observered Haruhi's reactions and movements. [b]''Keep using your senses that are present. That you can still use.''[/b] At the tap to her head, Haru turned, expecting something there, but found nothing, and the darkness didn't magically go away either. Taking a few steps in the opposite direction, she closed her eyes and tried to focus. [b][i]If I keep my eyes closed, I wont be expecting to see anything and I wont get scared.[/i][/b] she thought to herself. She reached into her kunai holster and pulled one out, frowning and then listening while slowly taking a few steps backwards. A breeze entered the cave and Mika was slowly moving to a new position. Not anymore on the floor, but moving to the ceiling. In her right hand she had picked up several rocks. Throwing one further in the cave, hoping to lure her student further in the cave to keep her moving away from the light, the training had started. Of course Mika understood that it was maybe a bit harsh. But it wasn't nowhere to the training she had to endure to learn the valuable skill. Readying her second rock, to throw at the left shoulder blade of her student, Mika waited for a moment. Haruhi had heard the sound of the rock and thought for a moment. Knowing her sensei, this was some kind of test to see if she would fall for it. It was a long shot that Mika had actually made the sound on accident, and if she had, she would hae already changed positions. Instead of moving towards the sound, she backed up more and continued to listen, moving to the opposite side she had heard it. Mika halted her throw. Almost had she thrown the rock, until she had noticed Haruhi moved backwards. For a moment Mika wondered why Haruhi had missed the hint of keep on moving. Remembering a previous training, she almost had sighed out loud. Using her senses to aim and pin point where Haruhi was, the rock was thrown towards the girl. Aimed at the left shoulder blade, Mika started to sneak further in the cave. She had heard the faintest of sounds coming at her left side, but instead of moving, she continued to listen until a rock painfully hit her. She shrieked and threw a kunai in that direction before running forward, not knowing she was going deeper into the cave. How in the hell was she supposed to do this without her eyes? After a moment she came to a halt and knelt down on one knee as she continued to listen. That was not going to happen again. Noticing that her student had stopped moving, Mika started to pay more attention. She was like expecting panicking a bit. Not however as much as Mika had really anticipated. [i]Time to try it again.[/i] Aiming away from Haruhi, Mika threw a stone more at the left of her student. It caused a thud sound just two meters away from Haruhi. Patiently, Mika would wait to see what the reaction would be from her student. Upon hearing another sound that echoed through the cave, Haruhi decided to follow it. It was close to her, that much she could tell. So, mustering up her fear, she squeezed her eyes tighter shut and followed the noise. After a few steps, her foot tapped against something, and when she knelt to pick it up, it felt like some sort of rock. That had gotten her thinking... Was Hayashi-sensei throwing the rocks.. or dropping them. [i][b]Is she above me???[/b][/i] Haruhi wondered as she clenched the rock in her fist. Sneaking further away, Mika had noticed that Haruhi wasn't panicking around. Or at least seemed to be more cautious. That was at least a start. Knowing she had only two more rocks left and still some distance, Mika dropped a rock as she kept sneaking further into the cave. Already she was considering to use a more harsh way to pressure Haruhi into relying into her other senses, but decided it was maybe better not to. There was no telling what she could stir inside of Haruhi. She did flinch slightly when another rock was dropped and again she followed the sound, wondering how this was all supposed to play out. She was starting to feel a little uneasy as she wondered why she could hear nothing up until the sound of the rocks were thrown. Maybe she was not focusing on the right thing? Maybe she shouldn't be focusing on hearing and some other sense. Haruhi didn't know really. What she did know was that after some time she was most certainly going to get the crap scared out of her if she didn't find her sensei soon. [i]You're a little creature that is easy to scare, aren't you?~''[/i] A strange voice said. There would be a slow kind of eerie feeling boiling up in Haruhi. [i]Tell me, do you always get scared in situations like these?~''[/i] The voice asked. Mika looked in the direction of Haruhi. She frowned. Where was her student? Thought she could pin point her location through smell, she was wondering why she wasn't moving. Haruhi had froze for a moment as an eerie voice spoke as if it was inside her head. That... was definately [i]not[/i] her sensei. Her eyes opened out of instinct and she turned around, seeing only darkness still. [b]"Who is there?"[/b] she asked aloud, her voice starting to shake as an odd feeling started to come over her. Was her sensei not the only one in the cave with her now? [i]Just a curious somebody. One that is getting bored of this trivial training. Want to know how you get strong in a much faster way?~''[/i] The voice kept talking in a friendly, but yet eerie tone. Like the words were daggers aimed already at Haruhi's throat. Mika heard clearly what Haruhi asked, but it took a moment before she had a hunch. [b]''Not now!''[/b] She muttered, rushing over the ceiling to get a position above her student. It was with that creepy tone that Haruhi felt the shivers start in her spine and crawl up to stand the hairs on her neck. What in the world was going on... and should she even trust this person? [b]"No.... leave me alone."[/b] she said in a scared voice as she closed her eyes again and covered her ears. Maybe this was Mika playing a trick on her! Some kind of genjutsu! [i][b]That must be it![/b][/i] she thought with a little bit of hope. [b]"Sensei! I don't want to do this anymore! You're scaring me..."[/b] she said the last part quietly, not sure if Mika was even around to hear her. [i]Don't be scared... I am just he-''[/i] Before the voice could further continue, Haruhi would feel two hands at her head. Dropping from the ceiling behind Haruhi, Mika had her eyes narrowed. Realizing what was going on, she would need to keep Haruhi calm and focused. [b]''Listen. Stay calm and ignore it. It will go away over some time. Just keep focusing on me. Got it?''[/b] Gently she lowered her hands at the shoulders of her student. [b]''I will not let anything bad happen. Just keep focusing on my voice. Ignore everything else. Just my voice.''[/b]The voice of her sensei was comforting enough, but then she started to think. If it was not some sort of genjutsu, that meant she was actually hearing some kind of voice in her head. She turned around and hugged her sensei tightly as she tried to calm herself down. [b]"I can stay calm... I can stay calm."[/b] she muttered into Mika's vest. She stayed like that, eyes closed shut as she waited for the voice and the feeling to pass, hoping it would soon. Letting the girl hug her, Mika felt her guilt slowly coming up again. [b]''It is going to be fine.''[/b] Mika said. Waiting several moments, she then would push Haruhi slowly back. [b]''One moment.''[/b] Mika mumbled. Searching her pouch, she would search for a match to light on. After ligthing on the match, Mika was able to flash a warm smile in the direction of her protégé. [b]''See? I am here. Now, what went wrong?''[/b] The girl took a deep breath as she let go of her sensei. The sudden light made her squint ever so slightly, but upon seeing the smile of her sensei, pretty much all of her fears dissolved. She bit her lip and rubbed the back of her head nervously. [b]"Um... I suppose I panicked and I haden't even realized it. It was so sudden and I didn't really know what to do."[/b] she frowned then. [b]"I was actually really scared for a moment there..."[/b] [i]You're not going to tell her that you hear voices in your head? Come on or are you scared, again?~[/i] The voice asked, suddenly back. It was more amused as Haruhi didn't reveal that little fact yet. [b]''It is okay to be scared. But I can't teach you else how to become better or even the basics of Silent Killing if you won't give it a try. Lets try it again, okay?''[/b] Mika asked, slowly removing her free hand from Haruhi's shoulder as she dropped the lucifer. With the light going out, it seemed Mika had vanished as well. [center][i]''Indeed, lets try again. Just give in to it. I know you want to become stronger, so why not in a faster way?~''[/i][/center] The moment the voice started to speak again, she got another shiver down her spine. She had thought it went away...that she was dreaming up crazy things... The only sign she showed that she had heard the voice was letting out a shaky breath she didn't know she had been holding. The words of Mika weren't even heard, and then the darkness was around her again. Immediately, she closed her eyes and covered her ears, but instead of screaming like she had wanted to, she could only listen to the voice that was speaking to her. [b]"I will... become stronger?"[/b] she asked out loud in response to the voice. Though it could have been mistaken as an answer to Mika's question as well. [b]"You... you wont hurt me, right?"[/b] was the second thought she had that escaped her lips. [b]''Haruhi. Ignore that.''[/b] Mika's stern voice suddenly sounded. She was close by. [i]''Who knows. I can't trust you. And I am sure you won't trust me. You shinobi are a nuisance to me. But we could strike a de-''[/i] Suddenly Haruhi would feel a whack against the back of her head. [b]''I said focus. Don't start to lower your guard or pay attention to something that isn't related to the training.''[/b] Mika said. [b]"Ow!"[/b] she would say as she rubbed the back of her head. [b]"I... okay, i'll focus."[/b] she mumbled before patting her face a few times. [b][i]Gotta focus. Focus Haru.[/i][/b] she told herself. She pushed all of her thoughts regarding the voice in her head, and started to focus on the training. She thought to turn around but assumed Mika would already have moved from that position, so instead she took a kunai from her holster and slowly would begin to walk forward again as she listened. Moving away again from her student, Mika was growing worried. She wasn't sure what to suspect, but she was starting to belief that that 'thing' inside Haruhi was becoming active. Off all the times it could bother her student, why now during training? Dropping the last rock, Mika would move towards one of the side walls. Though not picking up any new rocks, it meant that Haruhi had to walk around a corner. And once around that corner, she would see a faint light at the end of the hall. Haruhi paused for a moment after the rock was thrown, waiting for the sound of the voice that stayed quiet. Biting her lip and shrugging it off, she would begin to follow the sound of the rock instead. She walked into wall that curved into a corner and she peeked around it, her eyes opening and falling onto the soft glow that was in the distance. Though she hesitated a moment, her curiosity got the better of her and she moved towards it. Still waiting in the dark, Mika would follow the movement of her student. Though she couldn't see her student with her eyes, Mika kept looking worried. Her hope that the Beast would stay dormant for a long time was gone now. The only way to keep it under control was to use her chakra suppression technique. Hopefully that would allow Haruhi to keep focus on what would be more important for now. Moving slowly towards the exit of the dark hall, Haruhi would hear the voice again. [i]''So you're going to ignore me? That isn't very polite. Or is that you don't know any manners?~''[/i] [b]"I am just following orders."[/b] she mumbled to the voice out loud. By this point the voice did not scare her, more irritated her because she wanted to know where it was coming from. Maybe it was a person playing a trick on her since Hayashi-sensei seemed to hear it as well. Haruhi didn't know for sure, but she was wanting a few answers. With a sigh she would continue and the light would get brighter and cause her to squint. Was this the exit of the cave? With Haruhi moving into the next part of the cave, the light came from several holes at the ceiling. Dropping to the ground, Mika walked to next to her student. [b]''Who are you talking to?''[/b] She asked as she threw a frown at Haruhi. Though she had her suspicion, Mika wanted to be sure about it. [i]''Are you going to sell me out?~''[/i] The voice asked, sounding amused and a bit more threatening in some kind of way. Haruhi would feel like a cold breeze passed her, but there was no wind in the cave. She was slightly surprised at Mika's sudden appearance next to her, and when she asked who she was speaking to, and the voice had a change of tone, lump in her throat formed as she bit her lip. [b]"I... I am not entirely sure. There is something in here with us, can't you hear it?"[/b] she asked, her voice coming out in a bit of a whisper. A part of her was a bit afraid now. What if the voice actually belonged to someone wh could hurt them. If Mika couldn't even hear the voice, how would she protect herself if it was some kind of creepy assassin? She silently hoped it was all in her head, and there was no danger in ratting the voice out. Mika first threw a glance at the spacious cave room they were in. There were several pillars that offered support to the ceiling. Then she sighed. [b]''No. There is something within you. Remember the last mission?''[/b] Mika asked, but she had a good idea that Haruhi wouldn't remember it that well. Which wasn't her fault. Mika wouldn't like to remember such an event too. [b]''How does this voice sounds?''[/b] The last mission? It was true that when she tried to think back to it, she remembered none of it really after taking a boat on some very still waters. There was something inside her? [b]"Something like.... like what? Is it gonna kil me?"[/b] she said in a worried tone. Trying once again to think back, she couldn't really remember anything significant. Looking to her sensei she asked her, [b]"Did... something bad happen to me?"[/b] Realizing that there wasn't a way to say it in a comforting way or that it would help to hide it for Haruhi, she pointed to Haruhi's stomach. [b]''The secret mission ended up with you becoming the host of the Five Tails. You're a jinchuriki.''[/b] Lowering her arm, Mika continued. [b]''That voice is most likely what is being sealed inside you. I am not surprised that you can't remember it. It was quite frightening. Probably your subconscious is trying to keep that memory supressed.''[/b] Mika tried to explain. She wasn't sure how it would hit Haruhi, but decided to say one line that would be comforting, at least she hoped. [b]''Though I will keep you safe with my sealing ninjutsu. Just try to not panic or do anything rash. Okay?''[/b] [b]"The... I... that thing?"[/b] Haru stuttered as an image flashed into her head of a monsterous beast, and she felt a familiar rush of paralyzing fear. [b]"That thing is inside me?"[/b] she asked, placing a hand on her belly. Suddenly her mind was filled with images of that day, and she remembered everything that had happened. She took a step back and ran a hand through her hair. [b]"I'm supposed to live with this thing inside me, messing with my head for the rest of my life!?"[/b] she shook her head. [b]"No way. I want it out. Now."[/b] Another whack landed home at the back of Haruhi's head. This time even harder. [b]''Control yourself.''[/b] Mika said calmly. [b]''Yes, that gigantic creature is now sealed inside you. But if you remove it, you'll die. So lets keep it there for now.''[/b] The jounin sighed, considering what she could say to keep Haruhi calm. Or at least trying to keep her from screaming or panicking. [b]''Besides, it is the will of the Mizukage. She wanted to do this... That is also why I came home like that, the night before.''[/b] The last sentence was spoken with a less stern and strong voice, The left hand of Mika trembled as she was growing slowly angry over the fact that her struggle had resulting in only failure. With a frown, Haru rubbed the back of her head that hurt from the whack. Pouting at her sensei, she listened to her words and while she was feeling sad, she was not going to break down. At least not yet. Crossing her arms, she thought for a moment. [b]"How in the world would the Mizukage think of putting a beast inside a nobody like me? And why inside of a person in the first place? What am I supposed to do now, just ignore it? That thing is really creepy!"[/b] she stomped her foot as her voice raised for a second at her last sentence. Just when she thought things could not get tougher for her, she had been thrown some suckerpunch that she couldn't get away from. [b]''You do know that if it can talk, it probably can also hear what you're saying, right?''[/b] Mika said, trying to keep focused on the current subject. But her knowledge on Bijuu was limited. She had never encountered either a jinchuriki or a Bijuu. Now she had dealt with one and also had to take care of a jinchuriki. [b]''The reason why however you got chosen is due me. I am with my abilities capable of keeping you under control. At least, preventing in most situations you from rampaging around.''[/b] Mika bluntly stated. She was aware that it could hurt the feelings of her protégé, but holding back now wasn't an option. It would likely backfire if she would do that. Placing a hand on Haruhi's head, Mika decided something. [b]''Lets continue training another time. I will learn you next time how to use the basics of Silent Killing.''[/b] Gently ruffling through the blond hair of her student, Mika continued about the previous subject. [b]''A Bijuu is seen and thought of as a weapon of mass destruction. Even a single one of them could destroy our village. Since a long time shinobi have sealed Bijuu into people in both turning them into weapons as to protect their village. It is easier to control a beast once it is contained within a person than when they are outside of a container.''[/b] Stopping, Mika would wait to see if Haruhi would understand what she had told her so far. The frown on Haruhi's face had stayed in place until a hand was placed on her head. Her eyes went back to her sensei as she spoke, and as Mika continued on, a feeling of dread would slowly creep upon the girl. [b]"So... you are saying that if I dont stay in control then... I could hurt everyone...? And that..."[/b] she sighed. Suddenly she started to think what Chou had said was right. Was she now just some tool or weapon for the Mizukage? That was kind of harsh considering Haru thought the lady was rather nice. Then she thought for a moment, rubbing the side of her head. [b]"I am supposed to be some sort of weapon used to protect the villiage... but at the same time if i am not kept under control, I can be dangerous? That right?"[/b] The frown turned into a pout. [b]"And the voice was saying it could make me stronger. Is that the point? To make me strong? As if I needed some stupid beast to make [i]me[/i] a better shinobi."[/b] she said not really upset about apparently being a tool, but that her pride was hurting at the moment. The amount of questions almost made Mika scowl, but she kept up a calm expression. Removing her hand from Haruhi's head, she lowered herself slowly. [b]''Haruhi, one question at a time.''[/b] Mika said. She briefly rubbed the spot between her eyes, trying to figure out what she could tell the girl and how. [b]''I am not an expert on this. I haven't ever expected that I would even have to deal with a jinchuriki, let alone with a Bijuu. This is also very new to me.''[/b] Mika told her. [b]''Your first question isn't just about you. Everybody can be harmful. Imagine for example if I would not be able to see the difference between ally and enemy, that would be no different than you wouldn't be able to. Besides,''[/b] Slowly Mika gently poked Haruhi's stomach with her index finger. [b]''I think there is a difference when you would do it or when you're not able to stop it. There is a big difference in those two.''[/b] With that having answered, Mika was already thinking ahead on how she could explain the other things. Most of the questions was just what she could provide an answer for. Still, it was more on how she would say it that could make a difference. While Mika was quickly thinking about it, Haruhi would hear a voice. A clearly irritated and angry one. [i]''Call me such again and I will let you experience true horror. Starting with forcing you to strangle this woman. Then we will see who is stupid.~''[/i] Just when the voice had spoken the threat, Mika started to answer one of Haruhi's questions. [b]''Jinchuriki's are actually like that. They are seen as weapons, even more than regular shinobi and ANBU of a village. But ones that are much riskier due their Tailed Beasts. Hmm, do you still have the Bingo book with you?''[/b] Mika asked, realizing she could show Haruhi something. The words of Mika were a bit of a comfort to the girl. When she explained it in that way, it made her feel a bit less like a monster. She was housing one... that did not mean it was to become her. As if right on que, the Beast had a nasty remark to say in a threatening voice. Haruhi bit back a smart remark she had wanted to say to the beast out loud, and wondered if the thing could hear her thoughts. If it could, it would have been met with a series of the word stupid and a mocking tone saying 'who is trapped inside who?'. She tried to keep her expression the same, and when Mika asked about the Bingo Book, Haruhi blinked and reached into her hip pouch. [b]"Yeah, I still have it."[/b] she said as she pulled the book out and held it out to her sensei. [b]"I keep it as a reminder to keep working hard, though I have only looked over my dad's and your pages.."[/b] Taking the book, Mika started to search for something. [b]''I bet you know that there are several of these beasts. If I am correct, there are nine of them.''[/b] Mika turned the book around. It was on a page that would show a girl that was a bit older than Haruhi. She had a friendly smile and orange hair. [b]''This girl is from the Cloud. She is renowned to be the jinchuriki of the Eight Tails. Known as the Savior of Kumogakure.''[/b] Mika said, waiting a second before she would turn the book around and starting to search for another page. [b]''This one is around your age. Host of the Nibi.''[/b] Turning the book around, it showed a more calm looking individual with also orange colored hair. [b]''Both of them are regarded as high renowned and deadly kunoichi. Not just because they are jinchuriki, but because both have been reported to have shown control over Bijuu chakra. Thus over their beast. If that is true or not is something I can't be sure about. But here, read a bit about them.''[/b] Mika said, holding the open book towards her student. While Haruhi hopefully would read about these two known jinchuriki, she could try to think and try to remember more what she knew about Bijuu and jinchuriki. Haruhi was surprised to hear that there were two other 'jinchuriki' around her age that were suposedly renowned and respected in their villiages. Taking the book back, Haruhi would lower down through her knees and sit on the ground to read over the information provided on the two girls she had been shown. The first girl she read about was named Midori, who was way pretty. It said she had learned to control the chakra of the... Hachibi? And the other one was Kiyomi who had a long list of achievements below her name. It was oddly inspiring, seeing these girls being able to have something like that happen to them, and still end up being respecte by their villiages. [b]"Sensei... do you think I can be like these girls if I keep working hard?"[/b] she asked, looking up at the woman when she was done reading. The thought of somehow being able to tame a big scary monster seemed a bit impossible. Haruhi frowned slightly then. [b][i]Especially with the weird attitude this one seems to have.[/i][/b] she thought. [b]''Yes.''[/b] Mika said after a moment. [b]''I doubt that these two did this all on their own. But I think that if you keep working hard that you will be able to achieve the same. It will take time and a lot of effort. As I won't let you try to chase any of the Swordsmen for example or try to mess with the Five Tails until I think you're ready.''[/b] Mika told Haruhi. She flashed a smile. [b]''But if you keep working hard and put your back to it, I reckon that you'll get there. Maybe even further than these two or any before.''[/b] The woman said, raising herself from her previous stance. Casting a glance in the direction from where they had came from, Mika continued. [b]''Of course there are probably some obstacles. For example, the Mizukage is somebody who I see as a threat. She will act nice, but to her you're a special number. Just a person that is being used to either learn how to control your beast or become a container for the beast.''[/b] Turning her head back, she looked at her student. [b]''Nothing more than a make-shift bomb to be used if the Mizukage sees it fit.''[/b] Haruhi didn't like the sound of being compared to a bomb. And if it was true that the Mizukage had no other purposes for her, maybe that was a good thing. Maybe now she would be able to focus on her goal of becoming stronger without having random decisions made for her. Sighing, Haruhi stood and stretched before giving a small smile. [b]"I dont mind having a few obstacles I guess... but I hope that you're right and I'll be able to achieve more than anyone. You said it, now you gotta help me make sure that happens."[/b] Though her voice carried an upbeat tone, she was feeling a bit down on herself, feeling a bit used in an unfair way. But, maybe one day she would get the chance to talk to the Mizukage herself about these things. As if she would let anybody control her like that... [b]''If that is what you want.''[/b] Mika responded. In truth, Mika wasn't that optimistic. There were a lot of obstacles. [b]''But for now try to keep it on a low and don't try to act on your own. Remember, you have a duty now to the whole village. That and it won't be healthy to let it be known that you're aware of how things are.''[/b] She said, hoping that Haruhi would take it very seriously. But now that the Tailed Beast inside Haruhi was being active or at least bothering Haruhi, they would need something else to train. [b]"Yeah, yeah I got it."[/b] the girl mumbled when Mika told her to stay low for a while. She had said it as if Haruhi was often being noticed by people. ...Which was not the case. And Haruhi had always felt she had a duty to the villiage. Though it seemed now that duty was a bit more than it was before. Not really wanting to stay on this topic, she gently tapped Mika in the arm with her fist. [b]"But hey, sensei. All you've done so far is creep me out. I wanna start learning some really cool stuff like... like... Oh! Like how to poof like you did!"[/b] she waved her arms and made a poofing sound with her mouth then smiled. [b]"Or how you sneak up behind me all scary and quiet like and whisper menacingly 'Dead.'"[/b] she wiggled her fingers then and smiled. [b]"Teach me that. Teach me that."[/b] she said excitedly. Mika sighed, but she then had a smile adoring her thin lips. [b]''That is what I was trying to learn you. That sneaking around is what we call Silent Killing. It is a fighting style that is loved among those who we classify as Shinobi Killers. Dedicated shinobi who are able to hunt down others without using anything like sensory techniques or jutsu. It is simply a kind of way to locate and hunt down your foe. Often without them noticing you.''[/b] Mika explained. [b]''But what poof do you mean though?''[/b] [b]"Hmmm it sounds cool and all but if you dont... actually. Nevermind."[/b] she started and then stopped with a shake of her head. She was going to ask how people were supposed to know who you were if you snuck up on them, but then realized that was the whole point. Haruhi didn't know if that would work so well for her. She wanted to be a kind of shinobi that when someone spoke their name, it sent shivers in their spine. But how was anyone supposed to know who you were if you ended up killing them anyway. [b][i]Ugh what am I thinking? Maybe I overthought this just a little. Hm... what is she talking about now?[/i][/b] she thought as her sensei asked her a question. [b]"What...? Oh! The poof! Remember earlier when I was on your back and you were like woosh! And then I felt dizzy and we were in a totally different place? That kind of poof."[/b] she said looking at her sensei rather excitedly. [b]''The Body Flicker Technique? That is just a dull technique. Not a technique I think you need to learn any time soon.''[/b] Mika replied. [i]Cause I won't like it that you will be chasing me all through Kirigakure, that is why.[/i] Mika thought to herself. [b]''There is however another trick I can teach you.''[/b] Mika said. Looking around, she pointed at the pilars that supported the ceiling of the cave. [b]''See those? Watch.''[/b] Mika said as she pulled out a kunai. Attaching some wire to it, she started to make the kunai spin around while only using the wire. Then she quickly jerked the wire as moving with her body, causing the kunai to fly towards a pillar. At the last moment, her hands made a short movement with the wire, causing the kunai to shift and move around the pillar. Causing the wire to spin around it. [b]''It is a simple trick, but one that allows me to use this as anchor now. All it takes is accuracy and creativity. Cause I could use it on a target as well.''[/b] Haruhi had watched with a curious glint in her eye as Mika showed her the trick. This was the first time she had seen someone use a kind of wire, but had heard that users of ninja tools often used them in their techniques. When the wire wrapped around the pillar, her eyes widened. [b]"Yeah, that is totally cool. I wanna try it but I dont have wire."[/b] she said, looking to Mika assuming she would share some. Though it she had made it look rather simple, Haruhi knew better than to think it was as easy as it looked. There had to be some kind of trick to doing it right.. Reaching the wire towards Haruhi, Mika nodded. [b]''Just need to get it loose and then try it yourself. Just mind your aiming. Try to be careful and easy with the pulls. If you pull it too hard, it will cause the kunai to go in a wrong direction. But if you pull too lightly, it just causes to move a tiny bit. Thus no effect.''[/b] Mika said, just watching her student. It felt good actually, just watching how the girl would try to do the same thing. Like she was actually making something worthwhile for somebody else. Haruhi took the wire in her hands and looked at the pillar, wondering how she was going to be able to get it loose. Giving a few expiremtal tugs and watching how they affected the wire, eventually the kunai fell and she would wind up the wire until it got close. She reached down and picked up the kunai before stepping away and starting to swing it from the wire like she had seen Mika do. After building up a bit of momentum, she would let the kunai fly out towards the pillar, and when it got close she would tug on the wire with little force. Though it did not wrap around the pillar, it did cause some movement of the tool, making it land next to the pillar. With a small pout on her face, she started to pull the kunai back towards her, planning to try it again. Simply watching Haruhi trying it again made Mika stare at the pillar. Slowly she forgot where they were. With who she was. Hearing laughter and other sounds, she saw a grassfield in front of her. Slowly a small boy trying to make some tricks with a jojo. [i]''See, I can do it! See it?''[/i] The voice seemed so real, so close. Slowly closing her eyes, Mika saw the big smile. The jojo moving around at the subtle movements of the boy's hands. [i]''Like you did with the kunai and wire! Awesome, right?''[/i] Then she snapped. Shaking her head a bit, Mika moved her right hand to her eyes, rubbing them. It was getting worse. [b]''Try to hold your breath when you try to make the kunai move. Release it when you have made the move. It should help a bit.''[/b] Haruhi haden't noticed that Mika seemed to have zoned out for a moment, as she was too focused on the task at hand. When she reached to retrieve the kunai, she thought about her sensei's suggestion to hold and release her breath at certain times. It reminded her of one of their first trainings together. [b]"Just like with target practice, right?"[/b] she asked as she started to twirl the weapon using the wire. She released it again and watched as it flew towards the pillar. [b][i]Deep breath in...[/i][/b] she told herself as she tugged on the wire and watched as the kunai moved around the pillar and fall to the ground a moment later. She let out her breath and smiled. [b]"So close! Did you see that? Awesome, right?"[/b] she said, looking at her sensei. Turning a bit pale, Mika nodded. [i]''Awesome, right?''[/i] The two voices seemed to merge, speaking at the same time. [b]''Sorry, I was a bit distracted. But yes, keep going on. Try to also spread your footwork a bit. It is very important to watch how you stand and move, cause at times you need to be ready. To dodge a ranged attack of your opponent for example.''[/b] Mika said. It sounded like an automatic reply, like she was some sort of machine. Managing to regain her composure, Mika decided to keep her focus. Trying to ignore the memories. Heru glanced at Mika for a moment, one eyebrow raised. [b]"Distracted. You are starting to sound like me, sensei."[/b] she said with a light giggle afterwards. But she let it slide and went back to focusing on learning this new trick. She also had to focus on her stance. Quickly pulling the kunai back and twirling it with the wire, she widened her stance just in the slightest of ways and did a few little hops, trying to stay light on her feet. This time when she released the kunai she waited a bit longer before giving a tug to the wire, until it looked as though the kunai was going to pass it up. She took a breath in and tugged, watching with wide eyed satisfaction as the kunai twirled around the pillar twice before stopping. [b]"Woohoo! I did it! Did you see that time?"[/b] she said jumping up and down, turning to Mika, looking for praise. Mika nodded again. [b]''Very good. Think that is enough for today.''[/b] Mika said, looking around the cave one last time before turning around. She stuffed her hands away in the pockets of her pants as she wanted to start walking already into the darkness of the first part of the cave. Though she wouldn't show it, she was quite troubled by the memory that had appeared. Just before Haruhi had said the same. Haru looked at her sensei's retreating back for a moment before she ran over to quickly grab the kunai and unwrap it from around the pillar. Looking from the kunai and wire in her hands and back to her sensei, she wondered what kind of punishment she'd get for attempting this on her teacher. Biting her lip, she thought for a moment before sighing and starting to twirl the kunai with the wire. She took her same stance and focused on Mika, wondering if she would actually get her in this. [b][i]Eh... what the heck? I have nothing to lose... and maybe just a whack on the head afterwards.[/i][/b] she thought before using a bit of force to send the kunai flying out. Smirking, she resisted the urge to shout 'Think Fast!' and just watched the weapon approach the woman as she got ready to give a tug. She had heard the movements of the kunai, moving through the air towards her. Turning around, Mika's eyes were already slits as she had readied her hand to intercept the weapon, wanting to grab it by the handle and frown at her student. [i]''Awesome, right?''[/i] It happened too fast. Before her fingers could wrap around the handle, her mouth fell a bit open. All she saw was a scared little boy that looked up to her. Covered in his own blood. [i]''See? I can do it!''[/i] The sentence was said with a cheerful voice, but it had something eerie to it. Something out of place. [b]''Why?''[/b] Mika asked, like she was surprised by Haruhi's action. Even in the dim light of the cave, surprisingly Haru noticed the look on her sensei's face. She pulled on the wire with both hands, wanting to tug the woman forward a bit before she frowned. [b]"You think im too dense to notice you are acting strangely?"[/b] she asked, pretending to sound hurt before getting serious again. [b]"It's happened plenty of times for me to notice now. Before when you were 'distracted'... you are thinking of your brother again aren't you?"[/b] she said in a tone that was slightly accusing before she pouted and began to walk towards Mika. [b]"You know we're friends right? No matter how much you want to deny it. You can talk to me, you know."[/b] she offered. She felt a little bad now, knowing that her sensei's memories were probably triggered by something that Haruhi had said or done. Somehow, she felt it was her fault for being so much like Mika's brother, that her sensei had to be bothered by sad thoughts from her past. Her left hand clenced into a fist as the facial expression changed from a surprised to a cold one. [b]''Shut up....SHUT UP!''[/b] Mika suddenly shouted. She breathed heavily. [i]See?''[/i] Blinking once, she saw the boy again. He looked with her with a displeased look in his eyes. He wasn't mad at her, but disappointed. He didn't blame her, but it was so clear that he lost his respect, his love for her. [b]''Just shut up!''[/b] She shouted again. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to cast off the image. But seeing Haruhi again, Mika realized she had been shouting towards one of the two people that actually gave enough about her to confront her with the truth. [b]''It is none of your concern. Just don't talk about it.''[/b] The woman said, managing to talk in a more calm manner, though her left fist was trembling. Even as Haruhi approached her, Mika seemed to not notice she was there as she started shouting at her to shut up. With a frown, the genin stood there looking at the woman with a sad look on her face. She noticed when Mika's eyes seemed to focus on her, and she adressed Haru, telling her it was none of her concern. Letting the wire fall from her hands, Haru took the last few steps between the two, and embraced the woman, hugging her tightly around her waist. [b]"Like hell if it isin't any of my concern... I can see that your still hurting and it hurts me too. 'Cause... you know sensei... you're my best friend and, I love you."[/b] she mumbled. At this point, Haruhi was stuck. She didn't know what else she could do for Mika other than hug her. She couldn't think of any words of comfort, but she doubted it would make a difference if she did. [b]"I'm sorry."[/b] was all she could mutter. She still blamed herself for whatever kinds of memories were flashing themselves in her sensei's mind. Mika grew silent as she kept staring in front of her. The words of Haruhi had a bigger impact than one could likely imagine. With Haruhi hugging her, she slowly looked at the head of her student. Something fell on it. A single tear. Closing her eyes, the woman became silent. She had no words to say back to Haruhi. For that reason it became silent for quite some time. [b]''We should go... home.''[/b] Mika said softly. Looking away, she had managed to control herself again. Though it made her think. Wasn't she supposed to be the one to help Haruhi to stay in control instead of the other way around? Haruhi slowly peeled herself away from the woman, looking up at her and giving a small smile. [b]"Yeah, that sounds like a plan to me. I'll make you a big dinner today, and you have to eat it all. That is your punishment."[/b] she said in a playful way, slightly mocking something Mika would say. She took the hand of her sensei and squeezed it before starting to walk back the way they came, pulling Mika along with her. [b]"I'm staying with you now because I might get lost in there."[/b] she stated before taking the kunai from Mika's other hand and pausing to gather the wire that had fallen. She fell into a silence after that and began to think that what she said before was something pretty silly to say. It also made her remember that there was another person out there that she loved. One who she haden't visited in a long time. Her mother. After all that had happened since she had left home, she felt a sudden urge to want to see her again. With those thoughts in mind, she decided she would likely try to sneak away tonight while Mika slept. [b]''That is fine.''[/b] Mika simply answered back as she would flex her arm once she was free. Glancing at her own hands, she saw no blood. No dreadful red substance on them. Lowering them, she noticed that Haruhi had gathered the wire. Turing to the darkness that awaited them, Mika stretched out her hand towards Haruhi, but then changed her mind. Her hand was pulled back as she pointed with her thumb to her back. [b]''If you're planning that, we should go now then. I am not sure how long it will be daylight.''[/b] A wide grin spread across her face when Mika pointed to her back. Going behind her sensei and literally jumping on the woman, she said [b]"Run like the wind Hayashi-sensei! A feast is upon us!"[/b] Patting Mika's shoulder to signal she was ready, she rested her chin on her arm that was wrapped loosely around her sensei's neck. For a moment she wondered what had become of the lunch she had bought for them earlier, but didn't dwell on it. Maybe some lucky person or animal would stumble upon it before it spoiled from sitting outside. [b]"Ooh, shall I sing a song while we head home?"[/b] she asked. Simply walking in a normal pace, Mika entered the darkness. [b]''If you want to do that, I won't stop you.''[/b] She said. Finding her way easily through the dark first part of the cave, she was briefly thinking. In the darkness, Haruhi wouldn't see the single tear rolling over Mika's cheek. By the time that there would be light seen at the exit of the cave, Mika had the calm and neutral look back. Haruhi thought hard about some song she wanted to sing for Mika. It couldn't be one that made her sad, so she was quiet for a long time before finally thinking of one. [i]It must have been cold there in my shadow, to never have sunlight on your face. You were content to let me shine, that's your way. You always walked a step behind. So I was the one with all the glory, while you were the one with all the strength. A beautiful face without a name for so long. A beautiful smile to hide the pain. Did you ever know that you're my hero, and everything I would like to be? I can fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.[/i] A yawn had caused her to stop her singing and mumble if they were almost home. Her eyes ended up closing as she relaxed and almost began to fall asleep. Saying nothing, Mika kept walking towards their home. Though she listened to Haruhi's song, she noticed that the breathing of the girl changed. Her eyes moved to the corner, glancing at the girl who was falling asleep on her shoulder. Looking in front of her again, Mika thought of something but stayed silent during the duration of their walk. [/hider]