Kai had stayed up all night, not feeling tired in the slightest. This caused him to pace around thinking, lie down thinking….And, well, there weren't many others things he could do besides those two things. Most of the time he’d recite poetry in his head, or whistle a small tune, but he was growing bored of that. He also knew what would happen if he whistled while everyone was sleep which was something he didn't want to deal with, so whistling was already out of the question. He decided to lie down on his bed again tucking his arms behind his head; he closed his eyes and listened. Not long after he heard a bit of ruckus which caused him to smirk and slowly stand up, “Oooh, a riot~?” Kai walked to his door which soon swung open revealing two rather heavy built guards, he guessed that’s where all their food was going. Looking past them he saw that others were being taken out of their cells too which sparked his interest. He walked out peacefully before being cuffed and led off. On his way he smirked as he caught a glimpse of some girl giving a fight, she was crazy…Crazy stupid to think she could really beat that guard, he was led away before he could see more but already labeled that girl as idiotic. Being strapped to his seat Kai was calm, seeming as if nothing weird was happening. Looking around he saw people muttering angrily, others looking confused as to what was happening. He looked around more before spotting the girl who he saw fighting…She didn't look [I]too[/I] beat up. He listened to people talk about what was going on while he just shrugged and spoke, “I for one am excited to see what’s going to happen. It’s like a good book, hell; maybe this is our dramatic execution. The invisible man in the sky knows we all deserve it.” He gave a chuckle as his attempt to scare a few people worked obvious by the look they gave him. But that could have been due to what he said, or the obvious creepy nature he put off, either way it went he found it entertaining. And either way this went they couldn't change it therefore should be making the best out of what they could.