Name: Callie "Cal" Evans Age: In human years, seventeen. Position: Member, pretty much the little sister to the rest of the pack. Job: Cal was a high school student, until she was expelled for fighting with another student. During this fight Cal almost shifted forms, she finds this really embarrassing and thinks she let down the other members of the pack due to her fiery nature. Appearance: [hider=Picture][img][/img][/hider] Short brown hair (Although she often wears beanies), freckles and green eyes. She is rather lanky and on the taller side at 5'6. [hider= Wolf Picture][img][/img][/hider] History: I want to save most of this for the IC, but at this point the rest of the pack knows a bit about her backstory. They ended up finding her several years ago in the woods, dangerously enraged and hungry. Being part of a pack dynamic has helped her tame her violent tendencies. It is also known that watching the house burn down was extremely traumatic for Cal. Personality: She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature shows in her constant smiling and playing around. She is extremely loyal to whoever leads her, often carrying out tasks without second thought. And while all of this is rather fine, she can get extremely violent and rebellious when times call for it. Her boyish tendencies also often get her in trouble. Goal in Life: Cal really wants to graduate college. Other: Cal doesn't like full moons and being forced to change forms, she often panics before full moons. She also has many scars from her time without a pack, many of which leave her without patches of hair when she is a wolf.