[b]Name:[/b] Sierra Tikaani [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Position:[/b] Currently a ‘Lone Wolf’ [s](slaps knee)[/s] [b]Job:[/b] None [b]Appearance:[/b] Sierra is not a tall girl, standing at about 5’4, with half Inuit features. This influence is mostly visible in the shape of her (brown) eyes, nose and her skin tone. The shape of her face also hints at Inuit, but it’s a bit more angular and a bit thinner. Her skin is smooth and clear, save for scars. She’s sturdily built and slimly muscular, the way most werewolves are (due to the high amount of activity in their culture), maybe a bit more. Her hair is black with a few bright streaks of green and yellow on the tips, cut above the ears (shorter on the sides and longer on top, sideswept). She has a variety of piercings, including a thin wire ring on her left eyebrow, a small stud in her nose (right side) and a thin wire ring on the right side of her bottom lip. She has a generally ‘punk’ style, to be described in more detail IC. (Sorry guys, no face claim :/) [b]Wolf form:[/b] [hider=Wolf form][img]http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/801667/801667,1309309678,11/stock-photo-dark-grey-wolf-in-winter-80256526.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]History:[/b] Most to be revealed IC. [b]Personality:[/b] Sierra's outward appearance and pack of origin make her seem a bit intimidating and standoffish. Other than that, you'll just have to wait..... [b]Goal in Life:[/b] Sierra wants to someday make a living on the internet. [b]Other:[/b] Sierra has numerous small scars. They appear around her neck and collarbone (make more sense in her wolf form, as that’s when they were inflicted), along with a tear in her left ear (more prominent in her wolf form). These scars (save for the torn ear) are more visible in human form, and almost not visible at all in wolf firm, as they are hidden by he thickness of her surrounding fur. Right now, in her wolf form her fur is a bit scragglier than most, due to her previous and current lifestyle. This can be remedied. However, when completely healthy, her fur is very thick. AND FINALLY she’s a bit scrawnier now than normal due to the fact that she is currently homeless. Just to make it clear, Sierra isn’t from the pack that this RP centers around, but will meet them within the first few posts. Hoping to stir up some initial distrust, but that can be talked about later ^_^ ALSO I’ll probably edit this a bit between now and whenever since I’m very tired and indecisive right now.