[center][b][i]First Impressions are Everything... Reyna Meets the Sanbi!!! A collab between Fieryfly and ChromeHound Summary: Right after the Sanbi is sealed inside Reyna, she finds herself awake in a dark place. That is where she meets the creature of her nightmares...[/i][/b][/center] [hider=Nightmares...] Groaning, Reyna slowly opened her eyes. Her whole body felt like it was on fire, but that feeling slowly dulled and left her feeling numb all over. Raising her hands to her belly, she at first thought she'd feel something different, only to realize that the seal wasn't really a physical object. Looking around, Reyna was puzzled. She couldn't see any sign of Asami anywhere, nor did this room look familiar. Getting up from the hard floor, Reyna felt a cold chill seep throgh her. Shivering, she wrapped her arms around herself and looked around. [b]"He--hello? Is anyone here?"[/b] But the room lay silent before her. There was no one talking, no one moving, not even the faintest wisper of the wind could be heard. It was like the whole room was breathing in and holding its breath waiting for something to happen. Yet nothing happened. And nothing continued to happen for a moment. When Reyna's eyes would adjust to the dark she would perhaps notice a shape on the opposite side of the room. Then suddenly a booming voice exchoed through the room. [b]"INTRODUCE YOURSELF!"[/b] It shouted .The words bouncing off the walls. Jumping in fright, Reyna let out a high pitched squeal. Whipping around she tried to find the source of the sound, to no avail. [i]Wait... was that...[/i] Squinting her eyes, Reyna thought she could see something, something big. Looking around for a way out, she let out a brief whimper, realizing that she was sealed in here. The only way she could go was forwards. [b]"Re--Reyna... Reyna Azuma."[/b] She barely managed to squeak out, still shivering in fright. With that reply another silence fell over the room. Slowly it would start to light up a bit so that Reyna would be capable of seeing better. She would find Isobu laying on the ground, mostly hidden in his shell, the three tails tucked close to his body, clearly not amused by either the girl or her words. Then he sighed. [b]"What kind of introduction is that? Is that how you are presenting yourself?!"[/b] He called to the girl even though they were close enough that just talking would have been fine. [b]"Do you know the importance of an introduction?!"[/b] Upon seeing the massive creature, Reyna let out another involuntary squeak. A small part of her wanted to step closer, to see more of the strange beast, but fear held her back against the wall. [b]"I--no..."[/b] She let out, her voice trembling. [b]"Who are you?"[/b] The beast chose to ignore her for a moment. [b]"The importance of an introduction is that you can only do it once. First impressions, girl! They are important, once you got them they can never change."[/b] His head emerged further from the shell and he shook it lightly. His eyes peered at Reyna. [b]"They are set in stone! That is why you want to show exactly what you want to show. And right now I see a trembling girl who can't talk straight. Do you understand that you can never again change this impression of you?!"[/b] Isobu's feet had emerged from the shell as well and slowly he rose, his tails rising with him. [b]"Who am I?"[/b] He continued, towering over the girl. [b]"I am Isobu! The Three-Tails! The Sanbi!"[/b] He roared before suddenly cooling down slightly. [b]"See? That is how you do it. Making an impression."[/b] [i]So this is the beast inside me...[/i] Reyna thought to herself, the fear briefly replaced with curiosity and then... anger. Stepping forwards, her eyes darkened and her Lightning Aura began kicking up around her. [b]"Introductions don't tell you who someone really is you know!"[/b] Reyna spoke, her voice trembling a little less than when they had started. [b]"Impressions are just a way for arrogant people to pretend that they know something about somebody else without every actually trying!"[/b] She was surprised at the anger in her words, she didn't usually act like this. The beast seemed rather confused for a moment. [b]"Introducing and knowing someone are two vastly different things, stammering girl! That is as obvious as that one and two makes three. Knowing someone is something that takes years to perfect, that is when a bond of friendship, trust and loyalty is really formed. Or one of hatred is really settled. Yet an introduction is over in mere seconds, fleeting away from you as we speak."[/b] The beast lay down again, clearly no longer interested. He had hoped for more. Hoped for better. This was certainly not the first host he had had, but lately they were all so so dull. So so incomprehensable. The room seemed to darken with his mood, but his red eyes were still visable. [b]"Now leave, angry stammering girl."[/b] Her lightning aura flared up briefly, a testament to her feelings. [b]"Well what did you expect? How did you expect me to react when you start shouting at me out of nowhere?"[/b] Reyna's eyes were narrow slits now and she balled her hands into fists. Then... then she realized she was yelling at a very large, and very dangerous creature... Her lightning aura fading slightly, the fear began to creep back in. [b]"And... and besides... I don't exactly know how to get out of here..."[/b] [b]"I expected a stammering girl, but I was hoping that for once my expectations would be wrong."[/b] The beast said. If he even took note of the lightning he didn't bother with it. It wasn't like the girl could do [i]anything[/i] to threaten him. He also didn't care what kind of ability she possessed might it be lightning, fire or wind. They were all inferior and ineffective anyway. [b]"I like to set high expectations for they keep me company and give me something to do. As for getting out how about you remove that?"[/b] His eyes shot to the seal on the wall between them. [b]"Will be very easy then."[/b] Reyna almost took a step forwards... Almost. [b]"You must truly think of me as stupid."[/b] Her eyes had caught sight of the seal, and only then did she realize that the massive beast was stuck behind a large gate of sorts. [b]"And who ever said I wanted to keep you company anyways?! I didn't ask for you to be stuck in here with me! Matter of fact, I liked it much better when I was alone."[/b] Reyna's voice started to break up. Her frustration and her anger were getting the better of her, and the fact that she knew she was going to be stuck with this... this monster inside of her only brought her more sorrow. [b]"I don't [i]think[/i] of you as anything. I don't [i]know[/i] you. So for all I care you are stupid. And I am talking about my expectations girl, They keep me company. Not your kind. Your kind just puts me away."[/b] Isobu's eyes were still glowing red as he tucked his tails back closer to his shell. He looked to the seal again after Reyna's voice started to crumble. [b]"But too bad. That is the only way out. Or I could smash you out. That usually seems to work."[/b] Isobu said on the same non interested tone he had use for a while now. [b]As if I would trust you!"[/b] Reyna sneered. [b]"You have done nothing but mock me and try to scare me since I was stuck in this horrible place."[/b] Clenching her fists once again, Reyna tried to match the beast's gaze, but her strength failed her. [b]"Did you ever stop to think that my [i]kind[/i] puts you away because you are cruel and dangerous?![/b] [b]"Stuck?! You?!"[/b] The anger of the beast flared suddenly and the pressure in the room rose. [b]"If anything I am the one who is stuck. You know [i]nothing[/i], absolutely [i]nothing[/i] about being stuck."[/b] One of the tails made violent contact with the ground and it shook the very foundations of the room. [b]"And I wouldn't [i]know[/i] why your kind does what they do because they always put me [i]away![/i] Do you know how many hosts I have had? How long I have been [i]stuck?![/i]"[/b] The pressure in the room kept rising until it suddenly dropped. [b]"Get out."[/b] The beast spoke again. [b]"Now."[/b] Reyna trembled in fright as the beast began shouting. Taking a step back, she nearly fell to her bum when the creature's tails slammed into the ground. Managing to catch herself before she could fall, Reyna stared up at the fearsome beast. When the pressure in the room fell, she sank to her knees, her lightning aura fading around her. Tears welled up behind her eyes, and soon they were pouring out. Unable to stop the flow, Reyna bent forwards, cupping her head in her hands. [b]Why..."[/b] She managed to croak out in between the sobs. [b]"Why me...?"[/b] [b]"Why me indeed."[/b] The beast repeated, watching Reyna cry. Reyna the stammering, angry, crying girl. How many more adjectives would he give her before she would leave too? Probably not an awful lot. Lately it had been really bad and Isobu didn't know why. What had changed that he had started changing host so much? He almost couldn't remember being outside. The memory fading with every passing day. [b]"It's a pointless and rather useless question really."[/b] He said. [b]"I have found that the answer is 'just because it is you.' Tough luck. Your life sucks. But hey, at least I know that now which is nice and productive."[/b] Sarcasm was dripping of his words. Shaking her head, Reyna continued to cry. She hated herself for acting like a child, but everything was coming crashing down around her. [b]"No wonder they keep you locked up all the time..."[/b] She muttered through the tears. [b]"Clearly you're such wonderful company, I'm sure there are people lined up that want to meet you."[/b] She didn't care that she was being rude, didn't care that she was being cruel. She didn't care about much of anything in this moment. [b]"You're nothing but a bitter old monster..."[/b] [b]"Well at least I don't carry false believes that I am free and can do what I want."[/b] Isobu said. [b]"Something your kind seems to have excessively. I don't know what it is with you guys."[/b] It seemed the girl was now set on insulting him or being mean in general. Isobu found it hard to care. Reyna the stammering, angry, crying, rude girl. [b]"Sticks and stones."[/b] He replied when she had finished choking out her words. He shook his head slightly. [b]"You know what, I'll help you leave. Probably better for the both of us, though it would be the best if I could leave you. Would solve a lot of [i]your[/i] troubles. Come here."[/b] Looking up, Reyna's tears stopped falling. [b]"I wish you could leave..."[/b] Shaking her head once again, she reached up and wiped away the remaining tears from her face. [b]"You really don't care about anything... do you?"[/b] She made no move to get up, no move to go closer. She didn't trust the beast in the slightest, nor did she feel as scared as before. If the monster was able to harm her he would have done so by now. [b]"I wish many things, but I have basically given up hope on that one."[/b] Isobu said. It would be okay if he was stuck with interesting people. People with whom he could have conversations about matters that meant something. Philosophy, politics, ethics. But no, hosts weren't like that. They were young and inexperienced. And excited for life. [b]"And you would be surprised, but I doubt you'd care even though caring, too, seems to be harbored in the human nature. Maybe it is just caring for you own kind and tiny little creatures with pouty eyes. I don't know. Though I have a certain friend..."[/b] Silently Isobu raised one of his tails as he continued talking. [b]"... he likes tiny creatures strangely enough."[/b] With that the beast let the tail come down on Reyna, knowing that if he would hit her she would be thwarted out of the room and he would be alone again. [b]"You have friends?"[/b] She blurted out unintentionally. It was the last thing Reyna said before the tail came crashing down. Letting out a squeak of fright she tried to raise her hands to protect herself but the beast moved too quickly. Then... her whole world turned black. Well he had one friend at least. He didn't know where his other siblings were being held up, but one was close which was good because it was the one he liked. Gyuki was awfully childish sometimes though with his puppy love. Isobu stared to the empty spot where Reyna had been standing a second ago and pulled his tail back. Reyna, the stammering, angry, crying, rude and curious girl.[/hider]