[center][b]Removing A Risk Meisa takes care of Kuni's new seal[/b] [i]A collab between Lesli and Mr Nim[/i][/center] [hider=Removing a Risk] Kuni was heading towards the training field, humming a bit as she went along, when suddenly a jounin landed in front of her [b]"Yoshikuni Sadako, you need to come with me. If you won't come willingly, then I cleared to bring you by force. Please come peacefully."[/b] The Ame jounin said, making the young girl somewhat surprised [b]"What is it? I'll be late to my team meeting."[/b] She asked, but the jounin didn't reply, merely beginning to lead her in a different direction. The young girl hoped that she won't need to get any other beasts in her or that she won't be suddenly informed that her seal will kill her, and that it will be something simple. She hoped the team meeting will enable Son to see how most human interactions are, and getting sidetracked wasn't part of her plan. After arriving near the Amekage's office, the jounin went and stood in front of Kuni, but with his back to her [b]"This is the Yonbi's Jinchuuriki, Meisa-sama. Do you wish for me to leave you alone with her now?"[/b] He asked someone that Kuni tried to see, but the man blocked her view of the person he was talking to. Walking outside the building, Meisa had noticed the jounin that had been sent. At the same time, one of the ANBU that was with her, came walking around the corner. But he kept his distance as the two Ame nin approached Meisa. [b]''Ah. No, I am grateful for you bringing me the Jinchuriki of the Yonbi. You may go now.''[/b] Meisa told the Ame jounin. Looking at Kuni, Meisa rose her eyebrows. This was the troublemaker that also had the beast sealed in her? [b]''My name is Meisa Ichi.''[/b] She told Kuni, stretching out her right hand towards Kuni, smiling after her words. [b]''I was the one who required you to come with me. Would you please walk with me?''[/b] She asked, planning to not go back into the building behind her. No, there was another place that she deemed more fitting. Smiling at the rather nice looking woman, Kuni shook Meisa's scretched out hand after she introduced herself [b]"Sure, I don't mind. But I hope this won't take too long, I'm supposed to be meeting my sensei and new teammate."[/b] She said and then slightly shook her head [b]"Sorry, I was a bit rude right now. My name is Yoshikuni Sadako, but call me Kuni. Everyone calls me Kuni."[/b] She said and begun to walk with Meisa, wondering where was the woman planning on her taking her too and hoping it won't be too far away from the training fields. Walking, Meisa paid some attention to the girl. She smiled at the girl, though she was paying attention to something else. [b]''I am not planning to make this last long as I also need to go home soon. Think we can be done very soon if you keep doing what is required off you.''[/b] Meisa told her. Truth be told, Meisa was searching for any similiar traits with the Nibi's host. If there was some kind of common traits between stable jinchuriki's, then it would ease the process of finding better hosts. Instead of just putting the beasts in young people. [b]''I heard what happened though. How are you feeling about the event?''[/b] Meisa asked, sounding like she was a bit worried. Nodding at what Meisa said, Kuni didn't think of any reason that she would disobey anything that the woman would tell her to do. She seemed like someone nice and after she asked her about how she felt about the sealing, it seemed like the woman was also worrying about a complete stranger, which only made Meisa appear better in Kuni's eyes [b]"Well, it came as quite the surprise. There was supposed to be this little event when suddenly Son Goku attacked the village due to being led here by other shinobi, according to what he told me. So the Amekage, Hoshi and Eiji-sensei came up with a plan to stop it, but they needed to use someone as a place to seal Son Goku in. So they chose me. It felt extremely odd, to have someone as strong as the Yonbi sealed in me, but at the same time, it nice knowing that no matter where I go now, there is always someone that accompanies me. Plus he is interesting. He has seen a lot of things."[/b] She said, not really minding how much details she was giving out on Son Goku. She figured that other than his name, the things she said were details that could be learned from anyone who helped protect the village. Not really interested in the story that Kuni told her, she found one detail interesting. Though she wasn't sure how much faith or trust she could place in a Tailed Beast, it was interesting that it claimed others led him to the Rain. Could it be that it were the same people that were behind the kidnapping of the previous host of the Kyuubi? If that was so, maybe she should think of something about it. Throwing an occcasional ''oh'' and ''Really?'' into, to make it look like she was curious, Meisa and Kuni walked towardwards a rather sturdy looking building. [b]''You sound like you have already talked to him. Must be very exciting, no?''[/b] Meisa asked as they would enter the building. [b]"Its very interesting, thats for sure. And I've talked to him twice. I even managed to make him be curious a bit about me, even though I was just being me. I want to show him that not all shinobi's are power hungry, and only want more and more power. I want to show him that there are still plenty of shinobi's that still care about more than power."[/b] Kuni said as they entered the building. She looked around for a moment, wondering a bit what they were going to do here before looking down at her stomach and putting her hand on her belly [b]"I should probably show him Eiji and Sachi, or Zakito, Aiko, Kei and Akimoto. Those four are very close. They would probably be the best example for a family that puts something way above power."[/b] She said in a slightly weaker voice, more talking to Son Goku rather than Meisa. Thus she knew some others? The fact she named Zakito and Aiko made Meisa raise her eyebrows. [b]''To be honest, you're not going anywhere.''[/b] The door behind them was closed as they would enter the building. Two ANBU that had accompanied Meisa towards Amegakure stood guard, placing their hands at their back as they focused their attention on Kuni. [b]''I need to inspect the seal and adjust it. If you have talked to him, it only means that you're more of a risk to the Fire Union.''[/b] Meisa said, still with a polite voice. But there was some threatening undertone to her words. [b]''If you would keep following me, that would be nice.''[/b] She said, eyeing the ANBU that held a kunai at the ready. There was also one, using the Hiding in Camouflage technique, that held a senbon at the ready in case the girl would attempt anything that would seem off. Now Kuni raised an eyebrow. She never said that she would be going anywhere right now, only that she should. Was the woman not listening properly? [b]"Uhm, sure, go ahead and inspect the seal. But if by only talking to a beast that cannot even budge I'm a risk to the Fire Union, whatever that is, then that should mean a lot of others should be a risk to the Fire Union by talking to people they shouldn't be speaking to."[/b] She said as she kept following Meisa, but now walked noticiably slower than before. The fact the ANBU took out a kunai worried her slightly. Was she considered to be [b]that[/b] much of a threat? Its not like she could beat the ANBU or the woman. She had no idea what either were capable of, and she didn't wish to get injured, seeing the woman was doing things for what she considered to be was the right reason. After a moment she caught up with Meisa, and kept with the woman's pace [b]"I'd still like an explanation as to how speaking to Son makes me a risk. I mean, sure, he tried to convince me to release him, but it was such a straightfoward attempt, even a baby could've seen it. And its not like I am going to let him get out in any kind of way. He still attacked my village, even if he was led here by someone else. He needs to earn my trust. Being interesting isnt being trustworthy."[/b] She said and her face now showed a slightly grim look, as she just thought about the time she went to the Hon Estate after her father, considering him to be interesting back then. [b]''You're really naive, though I won't hold that against you. If you fail to see the risk of what it means to have a Tailed Beast inside of you for others or wish to not see it, then I fear that I might need to be more stern with you.''[/b] Meisa replied. It was really starting to become something dull that people kept trying to argue back when they weren't in the position. Maybe she should adress Zakito about that? It was next to that a bit of a nuisance that Kuni apparently held barely any knowledge of the Fire Union. Wondering if her own child would be like that, Meisa tried to focus on the task ahead. [b]''I feel no need to explain to you about this. Though I blame it on your sensei and other higher ups in Amegakure. To place a Tailed Beast in somebody who has been not a proper kunoichi is a dead shame, in my opinion. ''[/b] The friendly tone of Meisa was gone as well the smile. Walking into a sealed off room that looked blank, Meisa snapped the fingers of her right hand. The door behind them was closed and there was some sound behind it. It was sealed off by something. Several ANBU were waiting around a table, silently staring at Kuni. [b]''I take it that you won't try to resist? It might make it end sooner and without the pain and trouble.''[/b] Meisa asked, looking at Kuni. [b]"I don't see the risk only because I have just been exposed. You barely gave me a chance to see what it means to be a Jinchuuriki and already expect me to be fully knowledgeable on it? Thats like giving a math book to a kid and expecting that he will solve any problem in it just because you had placed the book in his hands. You should've given me a chance to try and understand better before doing such a thing. But seeing you claim its to get rid of a risk, I won't resist. I don't want to pose any kind of risk to Eiji-sensei or anyone else."[/b] Kuni said and let out a sigh. She wasn't liking this one bit now, but upon seeing the ANBU around the table, she understood what was the next thing they expected her to do. She went the table and sat on it, before looking at Meisa for a moment [b]"And I am a proper kunoichi. I may not have take the best of choices in the past, but I'm trying to make up for them each day."[/b] She said and then laid back on the table, raising her shirt just enough for the ANBU and Meisa to be capable of seeing it. Now she understood that Meisa was merely fooling her into thinking she was a nice person, and that all she cared about was the seal. Lots of people were exactly like Son described after all. Sighing, Meisa looked with a rather bored look at Kuni. Now she suspected why she actually didn't like to be a sensei or such. Children and young people that were like this bothered her to no end. [b]''All I can say to keep it simple is saying you're naive. Of course, this makes me look simply as the one with the stuck mind and opinion on people like you. But let me tell you something.''[/b] Taking a few steps towards Kuni, Meisa stopped two steps away from the girl. [b]''You say all those things, but have no knowledge on the bigger whole. Not that I am surprised as I happen to have seen this by more people.''[/b] She paused, before thinking back about some who weren't like that. Those who were capable of viewing some things and events differently. [b]''I believe that it is only natural that many people point a finger or craft an opinion on something they can't understand. Though now you shouldn't worry about my words. It is time for you to sleep.''[/b] Taking a step back, something would hit the back of Kuni's head. A mere club, wielded by one of the ANBU. Merely looking with a frown at the girl, the ANBU stroke again with a powerful blow with the club. Then the masked woman took a step back. [b]''At least it is true what they say.''[/b] Meisa started to smile. [b]''Some children are looking sweet when they are asleep. Or knocked out cold.''[/b] [/hider]