[center][b][i] Haruhi Suzumori and Takeshi Shun - New Comrades Plot: Takeshi finds Haruhi training and shows her a few moves and the two find they have a few things in common. A collaboration between Chromehound and Shadowcatcher Part 1 of 2[/i][/b][/center] [hider=Haru x Take Training 1] It was yet another night, like every other in the Hidden Mist. It was dark and light at the same time, and this was the best time for Haruhi to come and train. Earlier that day, she left from her home with Mika and went info searching. When she woke, her sensei was gone so she left a note telling where she'd be, along with some homemade bento for her. After grabbing a quick bite at an early opening shop, she went to the "library" of sorts that was near the center of town and for the entire day, read books and scrolls regarding the topic: Chakra Control. Training had become her new obsession. Books had become her lovers, and anger had become her fuel. She was angry at herself all the time. Just waking up and being Haruhi Suzumori left a bad taste in her mouth. She was so angry, and so determined to right the wrong her father had bestowed upon their name. She needed to train every day. The urge began to consume her, and any time she was alone, doing nothing, she'd practice sit-ups, push-ups, and squats. She could no longer sit down for long periods of time...all because of her fear. Her fear of not being able to protect all those people she loved. In order to ensure she took the time to work on her taijutsu, she began reading up on different ways to inhance it. She had stumbled across a scroll that talked about using one's own chakra to tremendously strengthen their moves. By building up their chakra and then releasing it at the right time, one could potentially break boulders, make craters in the ground, and shatter bone with one punch. Having her heart set on that, Haruhi returned to practicing her chakra moulding and control. She would often do unconventional things such as do a moulding session in the center of town, training her focus. Or she would climb to the highest branch of the higest tree and stand upside down until she was exausted, and continue even past that point. Sometimes, it seemed lonely and unnatural for her, but often times Mika would join her and simply watch, saying nothing. All of the time spent until the moon rose and then set had been worth it. ...or at least she would find out now. This night, instead of taking her anger out on the trees of the training grounds, Haruhi took her training a bit farther out of the Villiage. She needed a place to go where she could scream in peace if she needed to. Fortunately, near the route she took on her first mission with her teammates, there was an empty area that had a cliff towering over it. She'd often see shinobi here doing cliff climbing exercises with their senseis and she would wait until it was quiet. She wanted it all to herself. Haruhi slowly unwound the bandages covering her knuckles. Stretching out her fingers, she noted it was a tad sore, but leaps and bounds better than it had before. She reached into her hip pouch and retrived her gloves. She looked at them, remembering the last time she had come here, trying to practice her technique. She messed up her hands really bad that time. Upon going to the item shop to get ointment and bandages, the kind shopkeeper advised her to buy some gloves, so she did. She got her hands onto an overpriced pair of black gloves that went up her forearm, about an inch down from her elbow. Though her thumb and fingers were exposed, they did their job and covered her knuckles, offering a bit of protection from the unyielding rock edges of the cliff. After she put them on, she began to redirect her chakra to her hands. She instantly felt them warming up, never finding out why it always ended up feeling different in her hands. Her feet never got hot when she walked on water or stood upside down in a tree. For the life of her, Haru was stumped as to why her hands had to be different. Ignoring the warmth she went over in her head what she had to do. Her mistakes were always about timing. She struggled with releasing her chakra at the right moment, and tonight, that was her main focus. She stepped closer to the cliff wall and raised her fist. She sent it flying out as hard as she could and winced when it hit. A moment later she saw a blue wisp of chakra. Off again. Shaking her hand out, she raised both fists and started punching the wall repeatedly, alternating hands. A good ten hits in, she started getting a rythem and her punches started to make small craters in the wall. A smile came to her face then and she decided to change it up. She tried doing random hits with either hand to see if she could keep up, but it didn't go as good. After doing two hundred punches she stepped away, her breathing a bit heavier, and she looked at what she did. There was a nice size hole in the wall, but something inside her was not satisfied. She clenched her left fist and started directing her chakra to it. Jumping back a few feet, she kicked off and ran up to the rocky wall and punched it, hard as she could. She had a good amount of time to get it just right, and she was determined to do it right this time. [b]"Chaaaaa!"[/b] she yelled as her fist connected with the wall with a loud boom. Bits of stone flew out in all directions and with a sigh, she moved her hand. She heard a rumble and looked up just in time to avoid a large boulder hitting her. Hands on her knees, panting, she said aloud to herself, [b]"Shit... that was close. How badass is that?"[/b] Haru grinned and shook out her hand. Her spirits had returned and she was ready to try again, but this time, she would put more chakra into it. Haruhi made a fist and started building up her chakra in her hands. She thought then about how many people she had to prove wrong, how many things she had to prove, one of which being she didn't need that stupid beast's power. She had gotten by on her own strength and she would continue to do so. All those people who ever told her she was weak...she had to prove them wrong. Haruhi was afraid that if she didn't, there might be a day when she believed what everyone was saying. Anger started boiling in her veins as she thought about what had recently happened to her. She felt betrayed by her villiage in a way she couldn't explain. Running towards the cliff, Haruhi pictured it as a wall that was keeping her trapped here, like it was an obstacle holding her back. [b]"I'm not going to let anything get im my way! Chaaa!"[/b] As she moved her fist towards the wall, her fingers spread apart slightly and inside, a ball of lighting chakra could be seen. As though leaking through the spaces between her fingers, the sparks flew out and coated her hand in a blue mass of lighting. By the time her hand had reached the wall, she no longer could see it as it was covered in her lightning chakra to her wrist. Haruhi's eyes widened as she saw the change in her hand. With no time to react, her move hit the cliff with enough force to rumble the cliff and send her flying back a bit, falling on her back. Sitting up she looked at her hand that had returned to normal. [i]What....the hell was that?[/i] she thought. She had sighed then. [i]Ugh so many things have changed since that stupid...[/i] She heard another rumbling and looked up to see a mountain of rocks about to fall on her head. With a small squeal, she raised her arms to protect herself. Suddenly a blur could be seen as a figure practically materialized in front of Haruhi. The man had his back turned to her and raised his hands towards the plummeting debris. Letting out a stream of chakra from his hands, the falling rocks were thrown to the side as if they had collided with an invisible barrier. As the danger subsided, the man lowered his hands. Turning slowly to face the girl, Takeshi smiled.[b]"You do like getting yourself into trouble don't you?"[/b] He said in an amused tone. Reaching out a hand to help her to his feet, Takeshi added. [b]"It is nice to see you again, Haruhi-san."[/b] Haruhi's eyes widened as a figure came to her aide fast. Looking around as the rocks fell to her sides, she was utterly terrified until the figure turned and she saw the familiar smile of the man she was introduced to recently. [b]"I dont ask for trouble... it just finds me."[/b] she said rolling her eyes and taking his offered hand. [b]"It's nice to see you too. ....How did you find me? When i'm Jounin, will i get the awesome teleport-to-a-genin-in-need jutsu, or is that just you and Hayashi-sensei?"[/b] she asked, dusting herself off. She remembered the first day she met her teammates, Rai-kun had tried to kill her and Mika had jumped in just in time. [i]Yeah that is [b]totally[/b] a Jounin skill.[/i] she thought. [b]"I've actually been watching you train for a little while now."[/b] He said, the smile still on his face. [b]"Mika informed me that you are looking to build your ninjutsu skills, and seeing as your nature is lightning, I figured I might be of some assistance."[/b] Takeshi paused, cocking his head to the side slightly as he looked at Haruhi. [b]"If I didn't know better, I would have thought you were trying a form of chakra enhanced strength on this mountain here."[/b] It had indeed appeared as if she was trying to teach herself that technique, and Takeshi wanted to see what she would say. Haru sighed and said, [b]"Yeah i was trying something new thats all. My strength is like, nonexistent so i felt like i needed something to help enhance it, you know? I'm just not built to be strong physically."[/b] she took her gloves off then. [b]"I appreciate you offering to help me. I'll take all the help i can get. But its not just ninjutsu im trying to improve, its everything. I feel restless, like i cant stop training. I dont know whats wrong with me."[/b] Haruhi turned away from him then and looked down. That last part was not entirely true. Haruhi knew what was wrong with her...she was afraid. Some kind of unknown fear consumed her and compelled her to get up and keep trying to get stronger. [i]Is there even a point to all this? No matter how much an ant might want to become something more...in the end it will just be an...ant. Nothing more, right?[/i] she spoke in her head. Sighing sadly to himself as the girl turned away, Takeshi closed his eyes. He understood the girl's desire to become stronger, and he could also understand her frustration. He'd been very much the same when he was a genin. Opening his eyes, Takeshi looked at Haruhi once again. [b]"There is nothing wrong with you Haruhi-san. And the moment that you realize that is the first moment that you become truly strong."[/b] Bending down, Takeshi picked up a large chunk of rock that had fallen as a result of Haruhi's attack on the wall. Tossing it in the air like it were a simple pebble, he spoke. [b]"You showed a lot of potential. Especially for someone who has not been trained in the technique. But the technique isn't all about raw power, its true strength lies in its finesse."[/b] As Takeshi spoke this last part, he allowed the rock to land in his palm. Quickly raising his other hand, he flicked the rock with one finger. The gesture was casual, but the results were shocking. Small pieces went flying as the rock exploded outwards from Takeshi's hand. It sailed through the air with great speed, quickly becoming a speck in the distance. Haruhi turned back to the man and listened as he spoke. His words made sence...sort of. He was speaking in wise guy talk so she didnt really take it to heart. Then he sent a rock, that would likely be too heavy for her to even carry, and sent it flying with a simple flick of his finger. Haru stared at him wide eyed for a moment before she voiced her thoughts. [b]"How can you say theres nothing wrong with me when I'm making mistakes at every turn?"[/b] she asked him. [b]"You're starting to sound like my dad. He'd tell me as long as i kept dreaming, i'd be able to get what i want. But...i was way younger then, and it usually was in regards to birthday gifts. Seems to me your saying the same thing. Believe in myself and i'll be strong? How can a childhood belief be relevant here and now. After he died i dreamed about being the strongest shinobi ever and, i still do but...."[/b] she picked up a big rock and tried to immitate what he had done. She flicked it and squealed as it hurt her finger. Sighing she gave him a look that said "See, i told you." [b]"Dont you ever doubt yourself?"[/b] she asked, continuing from her last words. [b]"There is absolutely nothing wrong with making mistakes. If you never make mistakes, how are you ever supposed to learn?"[/b]Takeshi asked, his head cocked to the side once more. [b]"Dreams are important Haruhi-san, but dreams can only get you so far. If you work for them however, they can become reality."[/b] Takeshi couldn't help but let out a small laugh as she attempted to flick the rock. When she asked him if he ever doubted himself he grew a little more serious. [b]"Doubt is something that we, as shinobi, can not afford... But yes, to answer you honestly Haruhi-san, I doubt myself all the time. But I have learned over time to use those doubts as motivation to succeed, rather than to fail."[/b] He locked eyes with the young girl. Wondering what she would say. [b]"Well i suppose this all means im holding myself back, right? ..."[/b] There was a long silence as she thought, saying nothing. After thinking for a few moments she said [b]"Dont let Hayashi sinsei hear you say making mistakes is alright. She's always said do it right or die, you know...and i guess i sort of got pulled into that belief."[/b] with a shake of her head, she smiled. [b]"I'm sorry, this is so unlike me. My confidence has gone down a bit recently, but i absolutely agree with you."[/b] She looked at the rock in her hand. So what if she couldn't flick it today...maybe if she kept trying, she's figure it out eventually. [b]"Okay, you want to help me with my ninjutsu so i'll start calling you sensei too. My doubts are that i wont be able to protect my family and the ones i care about. My dream is to be a strong enough shinobi so that i can protect this villiage from anything. As long as one day, i can become someone that people can look to for help and protection, i'll keep training until i can't anymore. That will be my motivation to stay strong."[/b] Haruhi made a fist with her free hand showing the resolve of her new found determination. She could do this, she was a Suzumori, and if nothing else, that meant she didn't know how to give up on anything...least of all, her dreams. [i]And i will do it, without a doubt.[/i] [i]That's the spirit.[/i] Takeshi thought, smiling back at the girl. [b]"Let me worry about Mika. She's got a... slightly different view of the world. But, she does have her reasons."[/b] Staring at Haruhi for a moment, Takeshi was curious. [b]"Do you think Mika has changed more than just your beliefs? Would you consider yourself a different person now?"[/b] He was curious as to what her response would be, as he knew that Mika Hayashi could definitely make people change. Haruhi didnt even have to think about her answer. [b]"Yes of course, i feel very different. Hayashi sensei has taught me so many things i didnt know before. She maybe didn't do it in the nicest of ways, but i was able to see the lessons in everything. And at first i didn't want to believe her...some of the things she told me ended up being true and i was hurt..."[/b] she sighed and rubbed her arms. [b]"I left home, and she took me in without a second thought. She was there when i needed her, even though i was being a burden. I'd be a liar if i said it didn't change me. Before my ninja way was just about myself...now its about one day taking care of everyone who ever took care of me."[/b] With a smile Haruhi did a few hops. [b]"Oh but, i did get her to laugh, and smile...and cry, though im not too happy about the crying part. We even had sleepovers and she told me a story about you...it was average. But it was great cuz i got her off just living on noodles and i was thinking i might start wearing my hair in a ponytail like her...or maybe i'll wait 'til im a chuunin, hm... i dunno....[/b] As usual, she ended up straying from the topic at hand and started rambling. That was one of Mika's pet peeves, but it wasent so easy for her to stop such a habit. She had about the same attention span as a rabbit. [i]Heh,[/i] Takeshi thought, [i]looks like Mika's got herself a fan.[/i] Waiting patiently for the girl to finish, Takeshi simply stood with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. [b]"Sounds like you have both had quite an impact on each other."[/b] He looked at Haruhi curiously. Not many people were able to get any emotions out of Mika except for anger and disappointment. Takeshi was certain he could count on one hand the amount of people that could actually call Mika a friend. The fact that this girl was able to have such an impact on Mika impressed him. Takeshi had noticed that Mika had been different lately, and now he knew why. [b]"Mika has a reputation for being brutally honest Haruhi, but, despite what she may have you believe, she is not always right."[/b] Uncrossing his arms, Takeshi began to stretch lazily. [b]"So, why don't you show me what you can do first? And then I can see about helping you out."[/b] [b]"Weeeell, i dunno how i feel about beating up an old guy."[/b] Haru said jokingly. [b]"But its not in my nature to turn down a good match. Just uh...not the face alright? I use this to get what i want."[/b] she said with a smile while poking her cheeks. Afterwards, Haruhi decided to put back on her gloves. [b]"What would you like me to show you, my ninjutsu or taijutsu?"[/b] she asked him taking a few steps away from where he stood. Haruhi was slightly intimidated by him, but was still confident in her skills. She felt immensely privaliged to have had Mika as a sensei. [i]Hayashi sensei has taught me alot. I'm not as weak as i used to be...well, i'll just give it my best.[/i] Crossing his arms once again, Takeshi stared at the girl, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. [b]"Old?"[/b] He asked, pretending to be hurt. Truth of the matter was that Takeshi was actually quite happy. Happy that Haruhi seemed to still have a cheery playful side considering everything that Mika had probably put her through. Happy that she seemed eager to learn, and for the right reasons. And he was happy that she was not too cocky or over-confident. In fact, she seemed to have just the right amount of confidence. His mouth raised slightly in one corner, forming a small smile. [b]"Well, why don't you come at me with whatever you think you are best at first, and then we can go from there? Don't tell me what you choose though. Surprise me."[/b] He kept his eyebrow raised, waiting to see what the girl would do. Haruhi hesitated. [i]My best huh...? I cant do that yet, its gotten longer and I haven't even tested it out since...ah the hell with it.[/i] Haruhi jumped back, putting more distance between the two, then reached into her hip pouch and took out a small scroll. [b]"This right here is one of my prized posessions. My father had it made for me when i was little....knowing one day i'd be able to use it well, and cut my enemies down to size. I call it Tetsu Ryu. ...it was Jinko Hai before but i changed it cuz it sounds cooler."[/b] she unrolled the scroll and knelt, placing it on the ground and making a release seal with her hands. [b]"I spent hours putting it completely together, and even longer trying to perfect how to use it. I'll say i'm pretty excited to test it out on an opponent."[/b] She smiled excitedly before releasing the seal and a puff of smoke was seen. The sound of metal scraping against metal was echoed through the area as Haruhi unwound the long metal whip. Its structure composed of hundreds of small shark tooth like razors that were connected together and hinged in place. Haruhi smiled as she noted it was lighter than she remembered it being. [i]Ha! This is proof, i've gotten stronger. Okay, lets do this. Concentrate...[/i] Slowly from her left hand, Haruhi's blue lightning chakra started to coat the length of the whip, small sparks surrounding her hand to the final tip. For a moment she thought to glance around to see if there were trees to get in her way, but figured they'd just be cut like last time. [b]"Okay, lets see if i can do this, and if you can dodge my attacks."[/b] Haruhi dashed towards him then, the metal parts of the whip slid across eachother with an annoyingly loud sound. [b]"Chaaa!"[/b] Using her chakra to give her feet a burst of speed, she jumped and brought her hand in a wide arc across her body. The whip flew towards him, slicing the air with its speed. Instead of dodging, Takeshi simply watched Haruhi leap into the air, swinging the whip towards him. [i]Hmm. Interesting weapon.[/i] He thought. At the last moment, before the whip would hit him, Takeshi spun his body rapidly, releasing chakra from all over his body. The chakra built up a revolving barrier that protected him from getting hit. It would also cause anything attacking him to be repulsed backwards with quite some force. The evidence of this could be seen as Haruhi's bladed whip crashed into the barrier and was sent flying backwards. Takeshi hadn't used as much speed, nor as much chakra as he could have, not wanting to send the whip backwards with so much force that it could injure the girl. Instead it would launch backwards, still towards Haruhi, but at a slow enough pace that she could most likely dodge in time... As long as she was fast enough. Takeshi had faith that she would be get out of the way, she had trained under Mika Hayashi after all. Slowing his spin to a halt, Takeshi stood facing Haruhi, waiting to see what happened. Haruhi was surprised when her attack was deflected and returned back towards her. [i]What!? He deflected it so easily! Okay i'll try a different approach.[/i] As the whip moved towards her, Haru flicked her wrist of the hand that gripped the handle and suddenly, all the pieces seperated and rained down towards the ground. As she landed she ran back towards him and started picking up the pieces and hurling them at him as fast and as hard as she could. Her aim had been kind of questionable until her training with Mika. That along with the training she did alone had made her aim alot better than before. It was far from perfect, and she would practice as long as it took until it was. [i]Lets see if he can dodge all of this.[/i] Watching as Haruhi separated the whip into many tiny blades, Takeshi had an idea as to what she was planning. He was glad to see that she had only been temporarily fazed by his blocking of her first attack. It was a testament to her training. Takeshi watched as she ran towards him, hurling the pieces of the bladed whip. Sighing to himself, he began spinning again. Projecting chakra from all over his body, Takeshi once again erected a barrier. As he spun, he could see the projectiles rebounding off of the chakra shield. Takeshi continued spinning until he could no longer see any blades flying his way. Slowing himself to a halt once again, Takeshi stood prepared, just in case Haruhi had any tricks up her sleeve. He would stand, his head cocked slightly to the side, staring at her. A few of the blades came flying back at her and she dodged them. As she moved, one flew past her elbow and sliced a little of her hair off at the end. Temporarily halting her attack, Haru gasped and went to look at it. [i]Oh no...it took years to grow this out.[/i] she started to freak out internally but once she saw it was small, she sighed in relif. Looking back towards Takeshi, Haruhi felt a bit stumped. He had some weird skill that made some kind of force field around him. Her attacks so far hadn't even gotten close. Not yet feeling defeated, she summoned two clones who ran at him. They each drew kunai that were coated in her chakra, and Haru became highly aware she was starting to run on empty. She knelt and began weaving her handsigns. Luckily when he deflected her moves, he sent some of the metal pieces flying yards away. If her jutsu would reach that far, it would work. As her clones went to hopefully distract him for a moment, Haru held the last seal, building up what chakra she had left into her hands. Thinking back to her training with Mika, she remembered that they were in a situation quite like this. [i]I dont know if he's even in Mika's league. At least i've been able to touch her, this guy seems crazy strong....[/i] Blinking, she realized she was doing it again, doubting herself. With a shake of her head, she dispelled those thoughts. If she could get her super-awesome-silent-killing sensei with this, she had a chance of getting him as well. Smiling sllightly, Takeshi noted that the girl was quick to react and adapt to the situation. As Haruhi sent two of her shadow clones towards him, Takeshi saw that she was preparing something and using the clones as a distrction. [i]Hmm.[/i] He thought. Takeshi waited for her two clones to get a little closer before very quickly weaving the handseals for Chidori Current. As the lightning lashed out around him, he directed several bolts towards the clones. It would be interesting to see whether or not the clones would be able to dodge the attack. Takeshi also channelled some of the lightning through the ground, sending it towards the real Haruhi. It wasn't enough to seriously damage her in any way, but all he was wanting to do was see how she handled the distraction. Haruhi noticed he was sending something her way, but she couldn't stop now. She hadn't built up the chakra she needed yet. Both of her clones moved to protect her as they made a handseal, and as a result had poofed away after being hit. They were not very sturdy to say the least and Haru frowned but stayed focus. She still had them. Both clones turned into wooden logs then came at him from either side. [b]"Now would be a good time to attack Haru!"[/b] her clones said in sync. [b]"Well shut up. It wont help if you give it away idiots!"[/b] Cursing under her breath she placed both hands on the grass. [b]"Lightning Style: Ground Shock Jutsu!"[/b] Haru said as she sent a burst of chakra flying at him. The ground cracked a bit and sparks flew out as it moved towards him. She doubted it would do much damage if it even hit, but waited to see what would happen. How would he dodge her jutsu and her two clones at the same time? But he didn't dodge. Takeshi smiled as he watched the earth splitting in front of him. It was an interesting technique that was for sure. Beginning to reverse his chakra flow, Takeshi quickly prepared for the lightning to rip through the earth towards him. As the lightning was just about to strike him, Takeshi used his technique Absorption Seal to simply absorb the attack. The lightning struck him but instead of doing any damage, it was converted into pure chakra. Feeling the chakra inside him, Takeshi threw his hands out to the sides, aiming towards the two clones. He released a vicious burst of pure chakra towards them. The chakra he had released was the same he had absorbed from Haruhi's attack, and his attack happened immediately after her attack had hit him. If the clones managed to dodge his sudden attack, Takeshi was prepared for another move. He had to say though, he was impressed that she had managed to keep her clones and her technique coordinated even amidst the chaos. [i]Mika was right about this girl.[/i] Haruhi's clones were hit by the unexpected move and both poofed away and Haruhi's jaw dropped. She stayed where she was, one knee on the ground, her arm resting on the other. She thought for a moment, debating wether she had anything else and if she had the chakra to pull it off. Raising an eyebrow, she said [b]"You just ate my strongest jutsu. I have nothing. But i do have something to say."[/b] she stood in wobbly legs and smiled. [b]"That was totally awesome!!"[/b] she said running over to him excitedly. [b]"I have like....sooo many questions!"[/b] Standing back to his full height. Takeshi watched as Haruhi spoke. He couldn't help but smile at the girl's enthusiasm. [b]"You did well Haruhi. Not many at your rank would be capable of the level of coordination that you showed."[/b] Takeshi was a little curious as to what the girl wanted to ask. He had his suspicions that it was probably related to his techniques, and so he waited for Haruhi to ask. Takeshi kept his arms crossed, a look of amusement on his face. Haruhi looked a bit confused then rolled her eyes smiling. [b]"Thank you for saying that, I practice alot so im happy someone noticed. I guess i was just expecting you to have a list of things i did wrong. But, anyway. Man you were so cool! You spun around like wooosh!"[/b] she did a spin we she made the noise. [b]"Then you didnt even get nervous for a second. Like you barely moved and i was all like hyaa! And then you like absorbed my move like a total beast and it was so cool!"[/b] she did a little hop then. She seemed to be fangirling more than asking questions. When she was done, she put her hands on her knees and bent over to catch her breath. A few moments passed and she spoke quietly then. [b]"I feel wierd all of a sudden."[/b] Moving swiftly to the girl's side, he placed a hand on her shoulder. [b]"Are you alright Haruhi-san? You should take it easy for a bit."[/b] Takeshi's voice was full of concern, and he wondered if the girl had injured herself in some way. If so, he was thankful that he was a skilled medical nin, if it came down to it he would be able to heal her at the very least. Haruhi's words from before had made him chuckle. It appeared that his techniques had indeed impressed the girl. Speaking softly, Takeshi said, [b]"It is not my place to simply state the things you did wrong. It is my job to help you correct those things and to train you to become stronger. You did very well Haruhi. Take comfort in that and know that I will be happy to help you strengthen your techniques."[/b] Haruhi said nothing for a long moment. She was getting that feeling again, the one that reminded her she was no longer alone in her body. It was a slow creeping feeling, it happened when her body's chakra reserve got low and it was like...trying to find that other source of energy locked away inside her. Not wanting to worry Takeshi, she stood up straight and ran a hand through her hair. [b]"I'm sorry. I used too much chakra so i'm feeling a bit weak is all. I'll be less careless next time."[/b] she bluffed easily. It was not entirely a lie though, she [i]did[/i] feel a bit weaker. [b]"Thank you again for decideding to dedicate some of your time to me. I wont dissapoint you, and i'll give you nothing less than my best."[/b] She looked around then went to her wepons scroll and made a seal, smoke filled the area, then the little pieces of her wepon were gone, having returned back to the scroll. She put it back in her pouch then. [b]"Oh, and if i may make a request. After trainings, we should get something to eat after. I'd like to learn more about you and be your friend as well. What do you say to that?"[/b] Nodding, Takeshi took his hand away after Haruhi stood. He had a strange look in his eyes. It was... almost a look of sadness. Turning his head to the side he waited a moment before speaking. [b]"I know you won't Haruhi-san."[/b] Takeshi turned back to face the girl. [b]"I suppose we could do that. Food is always good after training."[/b] His voice grew a little more serious as he locked eyes with Haruhi. [b]"Haruhi-san, I want you to promise me something. I want you to promise to be honest with me, and in return I will always be honest with you. Does that sound fair?"[/b] Haruhi's eyes widened slightly before her green orbs fell from his. [b]"Yes...yes it does sound fair. I'm sorry. I've never been a very good liar."[/b] She hugged herself before walking back over to him. [b]"Its not you...i just, i've been trying to lie to myself about it since..."[/b] With a shaky sigh, she pressed her palms to her eyes. She didn't want to think back to it, she wanted to forget. All this time she had just been trying to forget. [b]"Now you've done it sensei."[/b] she said pouting. She felt a flood of tears was approaching, and she turned away from him. Here she was about to drown in self pity, just because she didn't want to tell him her secret. [i]I bet he already probably knows. Its fine no need to get....emotional.[/i] She sniffed as a few tears slipped past her lids. Reaching out, Takeshi placed his hand gently on her shoulder. [b]"It's alright Haruhi-san. I... I already know."[/b] He was stuck in a bit of an awkward spot now. A part of him wanted to embrace the girl to comfort her, but she wasn't his student, not entirely, and he felt that it would be out of place for him to do so. Pausing, he tried to find the right words to say. He couldn't imagine what she was going through right now, and Takeshi had no desire to bring her any more pain. [b]"How are you feeling?"[/b] It was a stupid question he knew, but it was all he could think of at the moment. Haruhi turned to look at Takeshi before hugging him tightly and started to cry. [b]"Im not feeling good at all... I feel horrible and i'm afraid all the time. I'm worried i might...i dunno, hurt someone."[/b] Haru's shoulders shook slightly and she hoped she was not making him uncomfortable, but hugs always made things better. [i]He knows and he still is not...afraid of me?[/i] She tried to get herself under control after a few minutes. [b]"But...i'll get through this. I have to. I just..."[/b] her voice cracked slightly and she paused. [b]"Now i just have to work twice as hard...if i want this villiage to trust me, now i have to prove im not some monster, on top of proving i can be strong too.[/b] As the girl grabbed him in a hug, Takeshi's eyes widened in surprise for a moment, before hugging her back. [b]"As long as you have Mika or myself, we will never let you hurt anyone Haruhi."[/b] He held her tightly, saying nothing for awhile. [b]"You are not a monster, you are the furthest thing from it... You are strong Haruhi. I am sorry that you have been given this burden."[/b] Unable to think of anything else to say, Takeshi simply held her, waiting for her emotions to subside. He did not blame her for being upset, not at all. A very large part of him hated what had been done to Haruhi, but he could sadly do nothing to correct it. All he could do now was be there to help her learn to control it. Something that he knew Mika would also take care of. Haru took comfort in his words, and slowly she started to calm down. She finally reached a point where she felt okay enough to peel herself off of him. There was a small wet spot on his jacket and she smiled before actually laughing lightly. [b]"I'm sorry. Hopefully thats just tears."[/b] she touched her nose and mouth. They were dry so she figured it was probably mostly tears. Wiping her eyes, she said softly. [b]"I cant thank you enough Takeshi sensei. When i need it, i know you and Mika will be there for me. I promise i'll be there when you need me too, even if you dont want me to be."[/b] She turned a bit red, all this stuff she was saying seemed mushy. With a deep breath she decided to change the subject. [b]"Well, how about that after training meal? Its late but i know a few places that stay open late."[/b] Smiling as Haruhi pulled away from the hug, Takeshi looked down at the wet spot on his jacket and chuckled. Looking back up at the girl, he listened to her speak. Haruhi was definitely a unique one. Nodding his head, Takeshi was glad that her spirits seemed to be raised, however slightly. As she changed the subject and mentioned food, Takeshi's smile grew a little. [b]"A meal sounds good Haruhi. You choose but it will be my treat. And I won't take no for an answer."[/b] [b]"What, you thought I was going to pay for it? In. Your. Dreams."[/b] She said jokingly and started walking. [b]"Okay lets go! I know a great place that sells really great Bento late at night. They make it fresh so everything is warm when it comes to the table. I usually dont have it for dinner, but let me tell you what. Its soooo good."[/b] she emphasized the 'soooo' with a twirl. When he fell into step next to her she stayed quiet for a moment. She looked at him and an eyebrow raised. She looked away but still said nothing. She did it again, a few more times before sighing. Crossing her arms she decided to just ask. [b]"Remember when you told me you were gonna be honest? You cant take that back, okay?"[/b] she paused. Laughing as they walked along, Takeshi was a bit surprised by her sudden happy shift. Not that it bothered him at all, in fact he was quite pleased by it. Walking beside the girl, Takeshi noticed her staring at him strangely. He kept his thoughts to himself, trying to refrain from smiling at the girl's peculiar attitude. When she finally confronted him he paused. Nodding his head when she told him that he had to stay honest, Takeshi wondered what she was going to ask. [b]"Are you and Hayashi sensei um...like...."[/b] she tapped her index fingers together. [b]"You gotta tell me. Are you and Mika dating?"[/b] His eyes widened in shock as she asked the question, a question he hadn't expected at all. Blushing a little, he turned his head, looking away for a moment. [b]"Uh... what uh, what makes you ask that Haruhi?"[/b] He asked, hoping that she might get too embarrassed to continue asking. Haruhi noticed his red face even in the dim light of the moon, and it caused her to blush too. It was a little weird to ask, but she was curious. [b]"Well cuz, you know...you guys are friends and all. I think your one of the few people she actually doesn't hate...."[/b] she paused and held her hands behind her back. [b]"I mean, she told me she loved me and we've only been friends a short while. I guess im just thinking maybe she loves you too."[/b] she stopped talking and looked up at the sky. [b]"I almost wish i had friends when i was little. ...someone to love me like my family, but i suppose its alright now. I never got a chance to form bonds until i met my teammates. Granted they both want me dead i think, i know with time, those two will be my close friends like you and Mika are. Then, i wont feel all alone anymore."[/b] Though her words seemed sad, she wore a genuine smile. [i]I have so much to look forward to...so much to be grateful for...I cant be sad about silly things anymore.[/i] She looked to Takeshi. [b]"You dont have to answer my question, it was silly. Someone can love without dating, right?"[/b] [b]"I...uh..."[/b] he began, [b]"It's a little complicated Haruhi..."[/b] He finally said. The question had thrown him that was for sure, but he had said that he would be one hundred percent honest with her and that's what he was trying to do. Sighing, Takeshi was lost in thought for a moment. He had seriously think about what Haruhi had said for a moment. For a kid, she was fairly wise. [b]"I'm sorry Haruhi. That's probably not the answer you were looking for. I care for Mika-chan... a lot... and I'm not really sure how she feels about me. But... we have been friends for a long long time now. I... it's just not something we've ever felt the need to talk about, and as you've probably noticed, Mika isn't really the type who wants to talk about her feelings."[/b] He turned back to Haruhi and sighed again, a sad look in his eyes. Flashing her a fake smile he hoped it would be enough. Haruhi had looked at him when he spoke, and when he gave a smile, she noticed it didn't reach his eyes. Frowning she said nothing. [i]Hm...i bet he loves her. It would be best if i stayed out of this... But who ever said i make the best decisions?[/i] Turning to him. [b]"Okay Takeshi sensei here's what i'll do. If you try your hardest at teaching me how to be awesome like you, then i'll help you win over Mika's heart. I know she has one, its just a little broken. I broke one of my mom's precious vases, one she got from my dad on her birthday once i think...and anyway, it was shattered into many pieces but instead of getting mad at me, she sat there for hours and put it back together with glue. When i asked her why she wasted her time she told me that if you put enough love and effort into fixing something broken, when you finish it will come out looking even more beautiful than before."[/b] she threw her hands in the air. [b]"Thats just like Mika. But if we do it together, me and you can fix everything. I just know it. And even if we never do, its still worth trying. She's important to me and i know you feel the same. We could totally do this!"[/b] she finished excitedly. She reached out and poked his arm. [b]"Say yes. Dont be a scaredy-cat."[/b] she joked. [b]"Heh."[b] Was all Takeshi said for a moment. Looking down he wasn't sure what to say. She's too wise for her age. He thought to himself glumly. Not seeing a way out of this Takeshi turned to Haruhi. [b]"You're not gonna let me get out of this one are you huh?"[/b] The girl had an interesting way of looking at things that was for sure. Takeshi wasn't sure if everything would work out the way that Haruhi thought it would, but he found himself drawn into her enthusiasm. [b]"I'm afraid I can't make you any promises regarding that second part Haruhi-san, but I will promise to train you to the best of my ability. Is that good enough for you?"[/b] He asked, staring at her with one eyebrow raised inquisitively. After pondering for a moment she nodded. [b]"I suppose i'll take that."[/b] she said deciding to drop it. Haru didn't want to get him all uncomfortable over something silly. She thought about something she could do to maybe cheer him up. [b]"Want to have a race?"[/b] Glad that she had decided to drop the subject, Takeshi's face lost its blush. Turning an inquisitive eyebrow towards the girl again, he wondered if she had been serious about racing. [b]"I'm not so sure that a race would be a great idea.." He began. "But... I suppose if you are really wanting to we could. Just know that I won't take it easy on you."[/i] Takeshi grinned slightly, waiting to see how the girl would react. Haruhi raised her brow. [b]"Yeah why not? What is the worse that could happen?[/b] she thought for a moment. [b]"Well, the bento shop is called Miyagi Kurai, its in the center of the village. Big red sign with white words, you wont miss it. Rules sre, you have to stick to the streets, no rooftop jumping. And if you win, i'll pay for the meal, if i win, you have to give me a piggyback ride home. Deal?"[/b] she smiled. [b]"Looks like I'll be eating cheap..."[/b] He lamented sadly. Takeshi grinned however, and looked at the girl with his head cocked to the side. [b]"Looks like you should start running. I'll give you a headstart."[/b] Winking at Haruhi he crossed his arms and began counting. [b]"30...29..."[/b] Haruhi thought he was joking for a moment. When he got to 20 she finally realized she should probably get going. With a little gasp, she dashed off, running as fast as she could. When she hit the streets of the village, she was happy to notice there were few people out tonight. Many of those who were had magaged to move out of her way before she called out for them to. Her heart seemed to pound in time with the sound of her shoes hitting the pavement. [b]"...2...1"[/b] Takeshi sighed as he finished. Stretching out his limbs he yawned to himself. "Well... I think she's had long enough."[/b] Takeshi grinned and then disappeared in a blur. A girl could be seen sprinting through the street towards a small restaurant with a big red sign in front. Resting against the building, Takeshi yawned again. Stepping out towards the girl he smiled. [b]"Well, that wasn't too bad for your first time."[/b] He cocked his head to the side, a playful grin on his face. As Haru approached the restaurant, she saw Takeshi and almost fell over. Putting her hands on her knees, she breathed heavily. [i]Theres no way this guy is even real.[/i] she thought as her heart slowed. Standing straight, she pointed an accusing finger. [b]"You so cheated. Not cool sensei."[/b] she said crossing her arms. Though she just led him inside, knowing she probably had asked for that. The place was mostly empty and it smelled great. Haruhi instantly forgot about her loss and ran to take a seat at an open table. Takeshi simply cocked his head, an amused look on his face. Watching as Haruhi walked past him into the restaurant, he wondered if she actually thought he would cheat. Takeshi followed the girl into the restaurant and over to the table she had chosen. Sitting down across from her, Takeshi rested his elbows onto the table and clasped his hands together. [b]"So, Haruhi. Do you actually think I cheated in our race?"[/b] He asked, an amused look still on his face. Haruhi rested her chin on the table and looked quite upset. In a defeated voice she said, [b]"No. I bet i lost fair and square."[/b] she looked at him and pouted even more. He was looking at her as if something was funny. [i]Hmph, stupid Jounin super powers. I'm gonna beat him one of these days.[/i] she thought, adding another thing to her long list of possibly inachieveable goals. [b]"I bet you have a bunch of clones walking around and doing your tasks for you."[/b] she said sitting up and grabbing a menu. She blocked her view of him with it and said [b]"I'm not speaking to you for 30 seconds."[/b] She scanned the menu and saw they had a special. Two bentos, dessert and drinks for a good price. Putting it down, she showed him, pointing to it. [b]"Oh we should get this one. Its not even that expensive. And we get to pick a dessert. I say we get dangoes. And i love a good cup of green tea every chance i get."[/b] Only about 15 seconds had passed before she spoke to him again. She'd already forgotten about it, having been distracted by food. Deciding not to mention the fact that it hadn't been thirty seconds yet, Takeshi let out a soft chuckle. [b]"I guess I will follow your lead on this one."[/b] He said, staring at the menu for a moment. Setting it aside he looked up at Haruhi, growing a little more serious. [b]"I am actually not the hugest fan of using clones myself to be honest. Too much chakra cost for something that is usually only used as a distraction. But... I digress. Some people use them quite well."[/b] Leaning forward a little bit, Takeshi spoke, [b]"You've probably noticed that Mika is a master of stealth and silent killing. She does it very well. Much better than myself I must admit. But, much like stealth tactics are her domain, mine is speed. Which is why I found it a little amusing that you wanted to race. So, do not feel bad for losing Haruhi-san. I have been training myself to be faster for many, many years."[/b] Leaning back, he offered her a reassuring smile. Haruhi was about to say something when a worker came by and asked what they wanted. She showed the woman who then walked away. A moment passed then Haruhi looked back at Takeshi. [b]"Now that you've confirmed it, everything makes a bit more sense. I dont feel bad about losing, i just have something else to add to the list of cool things i do in my life. And, do you think that maybe i should focus on one thing and get really good at it? Just like you and Mika have done?"[/b] she asked him curiously. Haruhi absently combed her hair with her fingers. She wondered if she had to pick one thing to focus on, what would it be? Haru had originally thought training to be well rounded in everything was the best way to go, however... this seemed like an interesting alternative. Takeshi pondered her question for quite some time. Everybody took to training a little differently, and specializing in one particular thing wasn't always the best option for some people. Takeshi had had to train many different things in order to get to the level he was at now, but he had definitely focused on speed when he was starting out. Looking back at Haruhi he tried to think of the best thing to say. [b]"I think that it honestly comes down to what you think Haruhi-san. Even if you just start your training by focusing on one particular skill set, or one thing that you want to become the best at, at least then you will have a foundation to build upon with all of your other skills. That being said, I know a lot of shinobi who want to train to be very good at many different things instead of focusing. Each shinobi is different Haruhi, and I think only you can make that decision. But, if you'd like, when we train next, we can see what you are more skilled at, and then decide if it's something you want to focus on?"[/b] Haruhi gave a nod to that. It sounded like a good idea to be assessed and see what she had a higher talent for. She figured it would definately not be her taijutsu, but was unsure of what her best skill would be. [b]"I suppose my only concern is my impatience. I've become a bit more wound up and desperate to grow stronger than i was before....actually i can't really put my finger what changed me. But i might get frustrated if i dont feel i'm getting something right away."[/b] she looked at her hands in her lap and rubbed the red spots on her knuckles. [b]"I understand that the best thing i can do right now is take my time and do my best at training, but i'll be honest...i'm just terrified that while im taking my time training that im going to lose someone close to me. If i had to lose someone else that i cared about..."[/b] She sighed and picked at a bit of peeling skin on her hand. [i]I would go crazy with anger at myself.[/i] Haru looked back up at him. [b]"I dont really like it when people die, and Mika's been warning me to get used to it, but really...does anyone ever get used to it?"[/b] Looking away, Takeshi's face grew serious. An expression of sorrow filled his face and it took him a moment before he could respond. [b]"No... You never get used to it, you just... learn to push it out of your thoughts."[/b] Turning back to Haruhi, Takeshi looked her in the eye. [b]"Nobody gets used to it Haruhi-san, not even Mika, however much she pretends to."[/b] He looked away again, lost in thought. [b]"We can work on your patience, it is something that comes with time. As for being worried about losing someone, I promise that neither Mika or myself will let that happen."[/b] Haruhi listened to him seriously, noting that she liked that he didn't try to hide his emotions from her. Even though the discussion was serious, she smiled at him when he was done. [b]"I trust you. And thank you. My list of people i cant live without is very short but i'll tell you. Right off the bat is my mom. She thinks she can handle herself, but really she's quite frail. Its hard for her to pick up a frying pan and use that as a wepon, but anyway...i know she will be safe with my dad watching over her. My teammates Minori and Michio-kun. They're the same way, and they are very talented but...i dont want anything to happen to them either. There's you, because really your the only one in my immediate circle of people who [i]actually[/i] doesn't feel pain from smiling. I wouldn't want to lose you thats for sure."[/b] She paused and thought for a moment. [b]"Hayashi sensei is like my big sister i never had who's jealous i got the looks."[/b] she laughed lightly at that. [b]"Please dont tell her i said that. I think we've gotten so close that we have this connection where we know what the other is thinking and its totally great."[/b] she was going to say something else but hesitated. [i]Hm...i'm not breaking my promise unless he asks so, i guess i can leave that part out. He'll probably think its crazy anyway.[/i] Haruhi swung her feet back and forth as she pondered over telling him her long term goal. Smiling as Haruhi spoke about him being a part of her inner circle, Takeshi turned back to face her. He was just in time to see the hesitation on her face. Looking at her for a moment more, Takeshi wondered if it would be right to ask what she had on her mind. [b]"What is it Haruhi-san?"[/b] He finally asked. Holding in a sigh, she cursed at hersef in her head for being an open book. [b]"I have this idea. Its a crazy, stupid, life changing, possibly get killed for it, tension between villiage causing idea. Mika supports me, but i think its only because she craves danger. Anyway. I'll tell you....because i think you could help me. But you cannot tell another living soul. Deal?"[/b] she told him, opening the menu and sticking her head down. She held one side and told him to hold the other side and do the same. [b]"I want to make a statement. Something that will let all the other villiages know that Hidden Mist shinobi are the best in the world."[/b] she paused dramatically and lowered her voice to a whisper. [b]"I'm gonna take on the former Hokage."[/b] Had he been drinking, Takeshi was fairly certain he would have spat it out at that moment. Biting back a shocked laugh, he stared at the girl in front of him for a moment. He couldn't believe it but... but she was serious. Takeshi took a long moment, not wanting to say anything right away. Finally, after he had settled enough, he spoke. [b]"May I ask you what makes you want to take on Zakito Hon?"[/b] Takeshi's voice was quiet, and he managed to hide all trace of the shock he was still feeling. Instead, he sounded curious, and strangely calm. Haruhi knew he was probably thinking she was brain dead but she had a reason. [b]"Dont freak. Just hear me out."[/b] Reaching back into her hip pouch, Haru retrieved the small bingo book she'd recieved from Mika. Turning to page 54, she looked at the page for a long moment before sighing and pushing it towards him. [b]"Thats my father. Shougo Suzumori. Zakito Hon killed him."[/b] she paused after she said it, letting him look at the page and read what was there. She had now since come to terms with it after spending many nights huddled in Mika's bed crying quietly beside her, though having to say it was upsetting to say the least. [b]"Now im not trying to get revenge, im not that low. I want to have a fair fight when im stronger so all the villiages know that even a Hokage tough shinobi cant just kill who they so please without thinking twice. Normally i would have let my sorrow consume me but...Mika helped me through it."[/b] she paused again. [b]"Yeah...she's the reason. She asked me once what i would do if i saw a friend in that book. If i would hunt them down or protect them...i didn't know the answer then. But..."[/b] Haruhi reached out and turned the page back four, to page 50. Mika's face was there on that page. [b]"Suddenly i found myself having a friend in that book. And then I knew the answer. I dont care what she's done. How many people she's slaughtered or for what reasons, thats not my buisness. But i will protect her with my life. She's my best friend and i wont let anyone, Hokage or not, take her from me."[/b] She looked determined and worried at once as she continued. [b]"Takeshi sensei...she's four pages ahead of my father. Zakito had to have seen it. Thats why im so desperate to get stronger. I cant lose someone close to me, at least unless i know i did all i could to protect them."[/b] she finished and stared past him for a moment, in thought. Then she moved her green eyes to his. [b]"You gotta help me do this sensei."[/b] A part of him wanted to interrupt the girl and tell her that she was going to need a lot of time before it would be possible for her to achieve her goal but instead Takeshi honoured her request to listen without speaking. Waiting patiently for her explanation, Takeshi wondered how she had grown so mature at such a young age. As she finished speaking, he kept his eyes locked with hers. He was lost in thought for a long moment, wondering what to do. After a pause, a sad smile slowly formed on his face. [/b]"If you have read that book Haruhi-san, then you know that I am in there as well."[/b] He looked away for a moment, before turning his gaze back to Haruhi. [b]"Tell me something Haruhi. Before I promise to help you... Do you intend to kill Zakito Hon?"[/b] Haruhi looked a bit surprised when Takeshi said he was in there as well. [i]Well now, that is even more reason to work hard. I wont let anyone hurt him either.[/i] She answered his last question with a shake of her head. [b]"No, that is not my intention. I'll solve nothing if i do that. Someone close to him will just kill me and then what would have been the point? I just want to fight him, fair and square and make him promise not to let anyone in his village hurt Mika...or you. I'll beat him, i know it. But...it might take a long time before i get strong enough. Thats why-"[/b] Haruhi was cut off as their food was brought to the table. She waited until the waitress walked away before she continued speaking. [b]"She was so checking you out just now... um anywayyy, thats why i need you and Mika to back me up. You guys can help me win because you two can give me something that he wont have."[/b] [i]Desperation....[/i] she thought to herself. [b]"Good."[/b] Takeshi said as she admitted that killing Zakito wasn't her goal. When the waitress dropped off their food, he was a little too distracted with everything to even notice. Blushing at Haruhi's words, Takeshi tried to hide his face by quickly taking a drink of his tea. Setting it down he managed to regain his composure. [b]"Then I will help you Haruhi-san. I can not condone a mission of vengeance, but I can understand your motivation. I will do everything in my power to help you become stronger, but you will have to put in some work as well. Which I am sure you won't have a problem with."[/b] Smiling, Takeshi took a bite of his food and looked back to Haruhi. Haruhi squealed happily and bounced in her seat. [b]"Yayyy thank you! You dont have to worry, i'll work hard, for sure!"[/b] she watched as he took a bite then looked at her food. Having an idea she looked back at him and smiled. [i]Okay, time to work my magic. I'm so not paying for this.[/i] [b]"Um, you know sensei. I feel really silly for challenging you to a race before..."[/b] she tapped her fingers and gave him her cutest pouty face. [b]"I should have known you were as awesome as Mika told me. She said you are really nice, strong, and smart, and i was just trying to make sure, so..."[/b] she smiled then. [b]"Dont you want to be the bigger person and pay for our food?"[/b] [i]Nailed it Haru. Now lets see if your adoreable charm worked.[/i] Taking another bite, Takeshi grinned. [b]"Nice try kiddo."[/b] He could see right through her attempts to charm him into paying. Smiling as he continued eating, Takeshi was going to enjoy making Haruhi think that she had to pay. [b]"How else are you going to learn not to challenge me, hmm?"[/b] Haruhi groaned and started to eat her food. She still had a few tricks up her sleeve. After about a minute of silence, Haruhi intentionally rubbed her sore knuckles together under the table. Even though it hurt only slightly, she gasped loudly and said dramatically. [b]"Owieee, my hands hurt so much! I'm going to need some more bandages, but i have to pay for the food, so i guess i wont be able to get any."[/b] she had a few tears in the corners of her eyes that showed up just in time. She looked at him with puppy eyes then and waited. [i]Hmph, this is going to work for sure.[/i] Setting down his utensils, Takeshi reached over and grabbed Haruhi's hands. [b]"Here, let me take a look."[/b] Using the healing technique, Takeshi repaired the damage to her knuckles. Withdrawing his hands, he picked his utensils back up and grinned. [b]"There. Now you don't need bandages anymore."[/b] Taking another large bite, Takeshi purposely made a lot of noise, smiling mischievously at Haruhi. This was getting fun. Haruhi pulled her hands back and looked at them. [i]Well would you look at that.[/i] She frowned as Takeshi seemed to be enjoying himself. She took a few bites of food as well then she had another idea. [i]Okay. This just got real.[/i] Setting her utensils down, Haru stayed quiet and looked at her lap. Moments later a few tears fell down her cheeks and she sniffed before raising her hands to her eyes. [b]"Takeshi sensei i thought...i thought you were supposed to be the nice one ..."[/b] she sobbed convincingly. As she fake cried, her shoulders shook a bit and she looked at him again, with a pouty face. [i]Only a soulless person can deny this one.[/i] she chanted happily in her head. Sitting back in his seat, Takeshi threw his hands behind his head and simply lounged, watching the display in front of him. When she had finished speaking, he leaned forwards, still smiling. Throwing on a voice of mock concern he said, [b]"Oh but I am nice Haruhi-san. After all, I didn't order the expensive meal did I?"[/b] Takeshi held out a napkin towards Haruhi, his head cocked to the side. [i]The girl certainly didn't give up without a fight.[/i] He thought, still smiling. Haruhi snatched the napkin away and wiped her eyes furiously. [i]Dammit! He saw through my tears. I've got nothing left.[/i] She continued to eat then, practically inhaling it as she cursed him out in her head. When she finally finished her meal she sighed and sipped the last of her tea. Despite her frustration, she was highly satisfied with her meal and no longer minding that she had to pay. She was about to speak when suddenly she belched loudly and caused a few other people to glare at her. She covered her mouth before she erupted in a light laughter. Watching as the girl resigned herself to her fate, Takeshi smiled and finished his meal. Hearing Haruhi belch, he paused, and then let out a loud laugh. Takeshi laughed for a long moment, tears reaching his eyes. Wiping them away with a napkin, he set it down and looked back at Haruhi. [b]"Alright, alright. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Tell ya what, just this once I'll let you off the hook."[/b] Takeshi winked at her and then finished his tea. Haruhi smiled and made a fist. [b]"Ha, i knew you would cave to my cuteness eventually. My record still holds true. Not even you can deny it."[/b] she said proudly, crossing her arms. It was a few moments later that Haruhi started getting that feeling. The one that told her she was wasting time and should get back to training. It was almost like a voice in her head was telling her that she needed to get of her butt and do something productive. [b]"Um, sensei. What are you going to do after this? Because, i'm feeling better now. I wanted to train some more."[/b] she informed him. Muttering under his breath to disguise his smile, Takeshi turned his head away briefly. The girl did have a way of getting people to agree with her, that was for sure. Before he had a chance to respond, the waitress came back and asked if they wanted more tea. Smiling politely to her, Takeshi asked for the bill and turned back to face Haruhi. [b]"Food truly does work wonders, doesn't it? As it just so happens, I have the rest of the evening free. So..."[/b] He leaned in a little closer, grinning. [b]"Do you still think you can beat me?"[/b] Haruhi reached out and pinched his cheek before smiling back. [b]"Yes, I still think I can beat you. Just not right now. One day we'll have a race and [i]I'm[/i] gonna win."[/b] she pushed a bit of hair out of her face. [b]"I wanna know how you deflected my moves before. It was totally cool![/b] Pulling away and laughing, Takeshi rubbed his cheek, pretending to be hurt. [b]"That technique is one that took me years of failure to master fully. I don't know if Mika has really told you anything about me, but i considered myself a failure as a ninja when iI started out. I could not master any elemental jutsu and for a long time I thought I would never go further. But, my sensei taught me patience, and he taught me to use my weaknesses as my strengths. I am not certain that I would be able to teach you that technique, but I do have a few ideas that I think would be perfect for you."[/b] Haruhi nodded as she listened to him. [i]Patience huh...i hate that word. Almost about as much as i hate the word average.[/i] she thought as he kept speaking. Her interest peaked when he said he had a few ideas for her. [b]"Well then what are we waiting for? Lets start now!"[/b] she said hopping up from her seat. [b]"C'mon leave the money on the table, lets go lets go lets go..."[/b] she chanted even after she ran out of the restaurant. She nearly bumped into a woman who knelt down to retrieve a slip of paper that had fallen. After slipping past her, she waited on the other side of the street for Takeshi. [/hider]