As Ryozo had battered away the Hollows again and again now panting a bit, with some wounds that he had suffered. He had a gash on his left shoulder and a cut on his forehead as well. He witnessed the blue orbs firing off into the sky destroying the flying hollows, yet was that one of his teammates skills? Not that it mattered, he didn't have to keep fending off Hollows. Thats when he felt the ground rumble quite fiercely near him. When he turned his head and looked, he was staring at the giant creature itself. A hollow was one thing, a Gillian however is another thing. And while he still had a trick it would only slow it down. [i]I have to keep it away from the city at any cost.... So I guess I should use it.[/i] "Those that embraced." Ryozo muttered as he let go of the black coffin in which it opened on its own, and what poured at were hundreds of what looked like dead warriors from the past, they all rushed at the Gillian and instead of attacking it, started to climb it from every angle. While Megumi was watching this sight, she hadn't seen any signs of a byakurai, but she could still feel Ryozo spiritual energy, so she at least knew he was alive. "That idiot, he really is just biding its time for us."