[center][b]Tora Hatake Kirigakure Jounin[/b][/center] Looking at her students, Tora smiled as she saw the three slowly explaining their roles in the mission. She was slightly annoyed that Naoto didn't seem to properly explain her role, but she figured she could find out if everything was fine with her later on. Before she could speak up, a woman in the regular Kirigakure shinobi attiture landed in front of her and the students, and Tora moved to greet the woman with a handshake before looking at her team [b]"Everyone, meet Origami Tsubaki. She is going to assist us with the mission. I want one of you to explain the plan to her while I will scout the area around out, to ensure the area is safe and that the target is indeed where he is supposed to be."[/b] She said, giving a nod to the white haired woman before vanishing from sight. Origami looked at the three young students [b]"Hello. I'm Origami Tsubaki, Kirigakure's analyst expert. I'll be escorting you in this mission, as the target may hold very fragile information that I will need to ensure doesn't get out."[/b] She said before taking out three pieces of paper and beginning to fold them as she looked at the team [b]"Please describe the mission to me."[/b] She said, and all three of them would notice her voice lacked any kind of emotion in it.