Nyima smiled slightly when he made comment to her threat, "Just ensuring I don't get messed with." She grinned when he gave in and nearly spat out the word fine. After a moment She looked at him and spoke softly, "Thank you..." He only nodded as they continued to matsen's house. After he asked him he could help she then said, "Fine... but we just trai-... Whatever, I've been wandering with Rayn most of the morning," she noticed the twitch at the corner of Matsen's mouth and smiled slightly, "We need you to tail that Airbender I was telling you about. The one with the blue hair that got away." Matsen shook his head, "I'm sorry, Nyima... I have to work." Nyima's eyebrows rose, "Mat, you work for your mom. I'm sure she'd be fine with you taking sometime off." He shook his head, "She's gotten sick... She should be fine but... She's old and I don't want to risk anything. Besides, the shop needs to open and, without you anymore, I'm the only one to do that... Sorry... But there's that new guy, I hear he's pretty good... Um... Han." Han.... The mix martial artist champion for the last six years. Pretty good? He's the greatest fighter in the city... He looked at Nymia as she said "I've heard of him... Do you have any idea where he might be?" "The guy likes his muscles... I'd check the gym," Matsen said with a shrug. Nyima nodded and took Rayn's hand pulling him away from the door, "Thanks Matsen." "Ya... Uh... See ya, Nyima!" He called after the fleeting duo. Nyima dragged Rayn through the crowd. Surprised she was stilling doing this all the way to the gym where she finally let go of his hand. She then walked up to Han asking his name. There he was, Han Li, the greatest fighter in the city. He raised an eyebrow as soon as he spoke. He stopped unwrapping his wraps on his hands and looked up at Nyima. He narrows his eyes. "Northern tribe right ? I'm from the the southern water tribe." He smiled at her and winked. Rayn rolled his eyes. Great just what he figured would happen guy is a 'ladies man'. "Northern tribe always turns out the best looking Women. Anywhere." He stood up and threw his towel over chair. " Obviously you know me, What can I do for you Miss?" He took her hand and kissed it her knuckles gently. He looked over at Rayn and had a smirked at him. At which he folded his arms and Glared. After a moment he glanced at Nyima and said " We are here for business... Not pleasure." He moved over to them and said simply and gruff. " This is not a good idea. It'll be better for us to follow than him. They will recognize him in an instant... " he paused as he walked away. Thinking. "You defiantly know how to make nonsense interesting. What do you want?" Han asked "What if he joins them? Two ways of tailing someone.... Not being seen and the only one they see..." Talking to himself slightly. He looks at Nyima. "We need him to join the avatar group.... And make it look like he really is committed... We are gonna plant a mole." He looks at Han and says." How would you like to fight 20 to 1 odds"