Name: Roselia Noela (Goes by Lilian Carme) Age: 21 Country/City of Origin: Stonecrest A village to the north famous for its trade in ore and crafted tools. It has a mining industry that while cannot match others in volume does so in quality. While there are a few farms and those that run them, the primary source of income for all who live within Stonecrest come from the mines. Blacksmiths from this village are said to be legendary in skill. A great forest separates Stonecrest from the next populated area, it is called the Granuailan Acres. This forest is said to contained the spirits of the dead and demons that escaped from the underworld. Many take this superstition very seriously. The only path through the woods is large and winding, it is said it was blessed by priests of an ancient religion and consecrated with holy water and prayer so the demons of the woods could not set foot on it. It is not the quickest route through the woods but no one dares stray from its path. Status: Free Man... Fugitive Personality: Lilian is closed off and rather snide, she makes light of even the most dangerous or serious of situations. This is not always to her credit as many people consider themselves above her and do not take kindly to what they perceive as insulting. Underneath this harsh exterior is someone kind and compassionate but she does not let it show much. She does not think highly of slavers who mistreat there slaves. She is very capable of putting on other personalities she thinks will garner the best reception from her hosts. The only time any can hear her true personality and feelings are in her music. Appearance: Lilian is tall for a woman standing at 5'11". She is skinny but strong from so much time spent on the road. She's pale but not for lack of sun exposure, her skin merely refuses to soak any of it in. She can run very fast and is a fair hand in a fight as any would have to be travelling on the road most of there lives. Her hair is light blonde and people in her village often said she was the image of an angel when her back was to the sunlight. She uses a special type of ground herb mixed with water to dye her hair brown to avoid being recognized. The dye is permanent but oil soluble. Reason for attending the party: Lilian Carme is a skilled minstrel and while the name is not known far and wide it is recognizable. She is skilled on the fiddle and has an excellent singing voice. She was hired to perform the music for Octave's party. Anything Else: Roselia Noela is wanted for heresy, murder and assault. She has been on the run for six years and has become sort of a figure in the dark, a story that parents use to scare there children into behaving. After her original crimes many people in the underworld would pin there own crimes on this mythic figure. Her wanted poster was sketched when she was fifteen and though bore a resemblance to her the people of Stonecrest are not known for there ability to draw. Others have been drawn up of what people believe she looks like now but they do not bear much resemblance to Lilian Carme. Roselia Noela is a name even the hermits recognize.