[quote=Zane620] As he blocked her attack, he slowly pushed against her shikai in an attempt o push her back she would assume, yet that could work in her advantage. So she eased up enough that he would be able to push her backwards, where her body began glowing a teal color. Where she slammed her shikai into the ground, which began to open the ground up towards Shoske making a large hole to what would be a large fall. [/quote] Shoske was suspicious at first when he was able to push her back, until she spun her body backwards. He expected an attack, so he raised his zanpakuto again. Instead she slammed her zanpakuto into the ground and created a fissure, catching Shoske off guard. He fell in but before shortly after he did, he stabbed his zanpakuto on the side of the walls. By pulling himself up, he propelled himself out of the fissure and up into the air, falling downwards towards Seki. As he did, he unsheathed his second blade and swung down towards her.