[hider=Hide] Name: Hide Recewl Age: 25 Position: Member Job: Doorman at a bar called 'Delicate Ferocity' Appearance: 6'4" , 215lbs [url=http://s3.favim.com/orig/39/beard-boy-cigarette-guy-ink-Favim.com-327936.jpg]Human[/url] [url=https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379779692/395901.jpg]Wolf[/url] History: Hide has been with the pack since he was very small, maybe four or five years old. They were never quite sure what happened to the time prior, or who his parents were. All anyone could figure out was that someone had tried to remove one of his ears for one reason or another. He was very apprehensive of everyone, wolf and human alike, for a very long time. It wasn't until he was in his early teens that he began to be less frightful of everyone and began to live more happily. He escaped the fire by the skin of his teeth, having nearly suffocated while escaping. Had it not been by the help of an older wolf that had perished in the fire, he would not have made it out alive. Personality: Hide is someone people easily see as a friendly and welcoming face, if not someone who is just a bit too bouncy for his own good. He makes the best out of a bad situation and its not entirely uncommon for him to laugh at bad news, it is hard to tell when he is actually hurt or worried because of this. Most negative emotions do not seem to bother him, especially when coming from other people. If anything, he is very empathetic and attempts to help those in distress when the need arises. Though like anyone who is a huge emotional sponge, this can leave him to be very apathetic, sometimes even belligerent. Anger is a very rare thing to witness in Hide and is generally very dangerous. Goal in Life: He really does not appear to have any end goal in life, as long as he can be around those he cares for and can see the night sky, he is content. Other: Though Hide is not very aggressive, he does have quite a few scars. The most visible one is the missing the top part of his right ear, the others are all minor enough to be passed off as small scrapes or scratches. But they are great in number, especially around his neck, shoulders, and arms. It is hard to see them while he is a wolf, as his fur is quite thick. Somehow the tribal tattoo on the back of his right arm has avoided attaining any damage in the years he has had it. [/hider] On a note, I am probably going to edit this later after I get some sleep. But this is the gist of it.