Hikari raised an eyebrow at the, "Don't give me that," comment....But he figured her Zanpakuto Spirit had said something, he knew Ken did that a few times too. Or atleast he used to, he was pretty silent now which reminded him he needed to check up on him when he had free time. He looked down at the fabrics and shrugged, "Does new fabric matter? Can't you just cut the shoulders and call it a day?" he asked with actual curiosity. When he didn't get any reply he looked over at her, seeing her pretty much frozen. Was she that into the fabric? He waved a hand in front of her and still didn't get anything. Was it because of the Shunko over Yuurei Shiki thing? He backed away and sighed. He looked over seeing two kids, a boy and a girl, gazing up at him and Haruka. "Whoa, Shinigami! And one is a Lieutenant!" The boy said with a grin as Hikari bent down to their level, the boy poked his Lieutenant badge before a woman with long red hair came over pulling them both back. "Sorry to disturb you Lieutenant, we'll be leaving you two to your business." "Oh no, it's fine," Hikari said as he stood up with a smile, "We're just here enjoying ourselves like the rest of you, I thought it'd be a good way to spend our break." Hikari knew not many Shinigami interacted with normal souls so he was sure the woman thought he was investigating or something, even with his conformation that they were just on break. "I see," the woman said, "Is...Your partner alright?" "Oh yeah! She's just, uh, really into the fabric!" Hikari said with a grin as he rubbed the back of his head. The woman stared at him a bit before nodding and taking the children's hands and starting to walk off. The boy and girl looked back at them waving, at the same time calling out to him, "We're going to be the strongest Shinigami and surpass you Lieutenant!" Hikari laughed and waved, "I look forward to seeing that! You two train hard everyday and eat healthy! Also listen to your mother!" they gave each other a grin before Hikari turned to look back at Haruka to make sure she was ok.