[center][b][i]The Fight in the Dark, ([url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/15895/posts/ic?page=35#post-1920237]Previous post[/url] A collab between Little Alice, Chromehound and Gerontis.[/b] Summary : Making their way to the surface, together with Leo, Team 2 tries to avoid getting crushed and dragged into the dark as their unkown enemy keeps trying to drag them into a cruel death.[/center][/i] [hider=In the Dark] With Team 2 on the run, their pursuer roared again. Trying to exit the previous room into the hall, the staircase that the three people were climbing would tremble again. Something covered the light below, meaning that what ever was there tried to reach into the space with the staircase. Kiyomi was worrying about the threat. At least Leo was trying to rush towards the surface and she was close on his tail. Only Hayate was some distance behind them. Turning around, she noticed that she couldn't see what was happening down. [b]''Hayate, come on!''[/b] She called out, deciding to try to buy him some time. Weaving several handsignals in rapid sucession, Kiyomi took a deep breath in before unleashing a big, blazing fireball towards their chaser. Realizing that he had fallen behind, Hayate lowered the weight of the metal on his wrists and ankles, giving him a fresh burst of speed. Lunging up the stairs as fast as he could, Hayate didn't need to turn around to know just how close that thing was. Willing himself to move faster, Hayate began closing the gap between him and his teammates. The fireball lighten up the area. But for some omninous reason it seemed to hit what seemed to made out of a pure nightsky without any stars. The whole staircase as ground started to tremble again, which made it look like the fireball had at least harmed the being. Then it unleashed a roar, which started to cause cracks to appear at the entrance, that once led to the room where Kiyomi and Hayate had met Change. Then within seconds rock and debris was flying around as something forced its way through. [b]''Mine.....MINE!''[/b] An eerie voice shouted as several big rocks were thrown up the staircase. For a moment, Kiyomi looked surprised as she noticed that the fireball had hit what seemed to be nothing but pure darkness. [b]''Sensei!''[/b] Leo's voice sounded. Flinching, Kiyomi was blown back as a rock passed her. In time, Leo had managed to tackle her in order to prevent she would get slammed or crushed by the thrown rock. [b]''What the... Damnit.''[/b] She cursed loudly, getting up. Leo looked worried, but Kiyomi pushed him. [b]''We need to get out of here! Keep on running!''[/b] She ordered them, starting to run up the staircase as well. Cursing to himself as he was forced to drop onto the stairs, Hayate watched several large pieces of debris fly over top of him. Glancing up he saw another piece almost strike his teammates. [b]"Kiyomi!"[/b] He shouted, rage filling him as he thought she'd been hit. Raising to his feet, Hayate was about to turn and face the giant creature when he heard Kiyomi's voice. Looking back up the stairs, he saw that she was alright and relief flooded through him. Forcing himself back up the stairs, Hayate had an idea. Reaching out with one hand, he held onto the railing as he ran. Flowing his chakra into the metal, he began to feel it scratching away at what was left of his reserves, but he pushed that aside. Tendrils, made of the darkness, creeped up the staircase. It seemed to have little trouble of traveling over the walls and staircase as it was trying to approach and reach for Hayate. [b]''Mine... You belong to me.''[/b] The voice sounded shaken and angry as it started to shout the words towards the team. Slowly there would be some sort of silhouette visible, but the darkness would prevent much detail on what was chasing them or controlling the dark tendrils. While Leo and Kiyomi ran up, she got a bad feeling about this. Not that she had been feeling alright all the while they were chased. Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed that Hayate was too far behind and if it wouldn't be possible to keep their chaser away with regular techniques, she would have to try something risky. Far riskier than what she had done before. Weaving the Tiger handsignal, she focused on moulding chakra. Red chakra was starting to form a cloack around Kiyomi as she bite her lower lip. [b]''Huh?''[/b] Leo was surprised as he noticed something wrapping itself around his waist. Shocked, his face turned pale as he realized what that was. [b]''Stay calm. I am still in control.''[/b] Kiyomi muttered. While she ran, she started to focus on the second tail. It was quite painful as she knew that it wasn't as easy as it would seem like. Yet, slowly a second tail was being formed. [b]''Hayate, try to grab it.''[/b] Kiyomi instructed as the second chakra made tail started to go in Hayate's direction. Muttering under his breath as he heard the strange creature speak once again, Hayate caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. A dark tendril was making its way towards him, closing in quickly. Hayate heard Kiyomi call out from across the way, and as he looked up he noticed the chakra cloak. Leaping onto the railing, Hayate paused for a single moment. Lifting his hand from the metal, his plan was almost complete. Gathering chakra below his feet, Hayate pushed off from the metal railing with all his might, hoping his leap would carry him far enough. Reaching his coat, Hayate pulled out a single kunai, charging it to become unstable. Turning as he sailed through the air, Hayate whipped the kunai towards the staircase below him. As the kunai struck the stairs, it set off a large explosion, causing him to be thrown back with even more force. It was too late for him to be able to turn himself, so Hayate had to hope that his trajectory would carry him close enough to Kiyomi for her to catch him. The explosion caused the tendrils to come to a halt. There was a frustrated roar unleashed as the staircase made a cracking sound. The part that wasn't blown up started to tremble as some of the foundation had been damaged due the blast. That was the cause that the lower part started to lower and fall into the darkness. However, the tendrils were soon moving toward the three again after the light of the explosion had faded away. The tail seemed to have something of a hand as it caught Hayate. Though Kiyomi was sprinting as fast as she could, she felt the gust of the explosion. Slammed against the wall, she lost some momentum due the powerful gust. Gritting her teeth, she focused however on the one goal she had in mind. To get away. Leo trembled as he kept staring at the red chakra that held him firmly at his waist. [b]''Hayate?''[/b] Leo called out, wondering how he was doing. Running up the staircase again, Kiyomi paid no attention to her students, that were slowly held more closely as she started to approach the top of the staircase. Once nearby, she focused on one last action. The two tails of chakra suddenly made a movement. She threw literally both Leo as Hayate up towards the hole that once had been closed. Sliding and turning around, she glared at the tendrils as the red chakra started to fade away. Breathing heavily, she felt the straining effect of using the Bijuu chakra in such a quantity. Pulling out a flash tag as a desperate action, she threw it towards the approaching tendrils, hoping it would buy some time for them. [b]"I'm fine..."[/b] Hayate mumbled, feeling the strain of exhaustion. His chakra was almost completely spent, and he was glad that he was being carried. Remembering what it was that was holding him, Hayate briefly wondered if he should feel disturbed, but instead found himself too relieved to think anything else. The feeling of being thrown shocked Hayate back to reality. As he neared the hole that they had entered from, Hayate threw out his hands, stopping his momentum. He wasn't about to leave yet... Not without Kiyomi. Looking up, he called out to Leo. [b]"Leo-san. Go and get Kenta. We may need his help to get out of here."[/b] Turning his attention back down to where Kiyomi still was, Hayate hesitated for a moment before allowing himself to drop down to the ground beside her. [i]I'm going to regret this later...[/i] He thought to himself. The flashbang caused the tendrils to be driven back as the ground trembled again. Probably due the earlier destruction that Kiyomi and Hayate had done with destroying the supporting pillars. But as the flash faded away, the tendrils started to approach both Hayate as Kiyomi. It would look like the night itself was coming to get them. The voice spoke again, this time less threatening and more content with the current situation. [b]''No way to escape...''[/b] Several tendrils started to approach the two at high speed. [b]''It is over.''[/b] [b]''No way.''[/b] Leo's voice sounded as he planted his hands at the ground. While he had dropped himself at the ground, four kunai had impaled the ground between him and the tendrils. [b]''Not going to leave you both alone with this.''[/b] He said with an angry tone. The tags that were wrapped around the kunai lighten up as they exploded. Right at that moment Leo infused his chakra into the ground, focusing on crystallizing the vast material they were standing on. The result was that he was able to manipulate the direction of the blast towards the darkness as well making the steel parts become crystallized. Hopefully they would hold up the strange chaser for a bit longer. Turning towards Kiyomi and Hayate, Leo rushed to help them. Surprised by Leo's move, Kiyomi didn't waste any time. [b]''Help this fool as we need to go outside.''[/b] She instructed, pulling out another blinding tag while helping Leo to support Hayate. [b]''We are nearly there.''[/b] She muttered. [b]''We are going to make it, sensei.''[/b] Leo said, grinning. Though he looked still pale. A slight grin filled his face as Leo dropped down beside them. They really were a stubborn team... Fighting the urge to push Leo off of him when he came to support him, Hayate realized that it would be faster this way. [b]"Thank you Leo-san."[/b] He said, his voice quiet. They reached the bottom of the ladder that lead up to the surface, and Hayate hesitated. [b]"If I seal this off, that thing won't be able to come after us."[/b] He suggested, looking to Kiyomi and awaiting her answer. They didn't have much time, so either way he knew they'd need to go fast. [b]''No...''[/b] The voice mumbled. The troublesome young Hasewaga brat managed to slow down the darkness. Then it unleashed a deafening roar as there were some sounds heard. Sounds of metal being crushed and bended. [b]''You will die! Here!''[/b] Though it moved slower, more tendrils were starting to approach the three, likely trying to catch and drag them in the dark pit that was chasing them. [b]''Fuck off.''[/b] Kiyomi sneered. Both to the menacing voice as to Hayate. [b]''If you do that, know what happens? Dumb idiot.''[/b] She sneered again. But how else would they try to escape what was chasing them? She could try to use some technique, but she couldn't use something big as she had burnt through some chakra in a fast time. While her reserve was still fairly large, it was more the strain that would be the problem. And if she would become too strained, it would be over. [b]''Leo, once we are at the top. Try to seal it off.''[/b] Kiyomi ordered, which caused Leo to look surprised. He nodded, though he seemed to grow paler. [b]''Understood. Take care of Hayate, sensei!''[/b] Leo mumbled. He turned around, throwing several explosive tags in hope to drive the tendrils away from them. Meanwhile, he was worrying if his skill with Crystal Release would be sufficient enough to close the hole and save them. But did he had any other choice? Shaking his head, Hayate ignored the comment. Moving over to the ladder, Hayate began to climb, speaking out over his shoulder, he called out to Leo. [b]"You can do it Leo-san. Have faith in yourself."[/b] Continuing his climb before Kiyomi could zap him with lightning or do anything else to motivate him to move faster, Hayate pulled himself up to the top. Scrambling over the edge, Hayate leaned back to the hole, offering his hand to help Kiyomi up. Taking his hand, Kiyomi managed to get up. Meanwhile, Leo was able to drive the shadows back as he quickly followed them. The voice kept threatening them. [b]''Close that damn hole.''[/b] Though Kiyomi ordered it, Leo was already busy. Weaving handsignals, he placed both hands down at the ground. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he focused as good as he could on his task. A thick layer of crystal was being formed in order to close the opening. [b]''Come on, lets get moving.''[/b] Kiyomi ordered, offering help to Hayate, as she wanted to exit the bunker. The trembling was either in indication of their previous work, destroying the supporting pillars, or that the unknown chaser was trying to breach through Leo's crystal. Leaning against Kiyomi for support, Hayate began hurrying towards the exit. The ground trembling around them was cause for concern and he had no intention of being inside when things went downhill. Glancing over his shoulder, Hayate was relieved to see Leo following close behind. It took some time, but eventually they came unharmed out of the bunker. [b]''Leo, close that damn entrance.''[/b] Kiyomi instructed, to which Leo nodded. He looked a bit tired, but he was right now the one she had to rely on. Looking around, she couldn't either see Kenta or anybody of Team 7. [b]''Something is off.''[/b] She mumbled, a bit wary. Glancing at Hayate, she looked more worried. [b]''Think we will need to regroup somewhere safer. Seeing your condition... how are you feeling?''[/b] Taking a moment to catch his breath, Hayate managed to stand back to his full height. [b]"I am sorry Kiyomi. I spent more chakra than I had originally intended."[/b] Pausing for a moment he considered her question carefully. Physically he was quite tired as a result of the constant fighting and running they had been forced into. Despite the amount of chakra he had used, Hayate still had enough left for an emergency if it came down to it. Looking back to Kiyomi, he said, [b]"I am still able to fight, if that is what you are asking? Though I would not be able to hold my own for an extended period of time. How are you feeling though Kiyomi-sama? You--"[/b] He hesitated, not wanting to bring up her usage of the bijuu's chakra for fear that he would upset her. Instead he simply gave her a questioning look, hoping that she would understand what he was asking. Kiyomi frowned as she shook her head. [b]''Don't worry. I have more than half of what I can use. Though, I suppose that I can't use much more chakra taxing moves. Else I will suffer chakra burning.''[/b] An explosion sounded as Leo came walking back. Rubble and debris covered the entrance of the bunker. Dusting his clothes off, Leo nodded. [b]''Taken care off, sensei.''[/b] Flashing a smile towards Leo, Kiyomi was however still worried. No word or sight of either Kenta or Team 7? [b]''Leo, where was Kenta-san when you left your position?''[/b] The question made Leo look around briefly. [b]''Here, sensei. Am sure of it.''[/b] Biting her lower lip, Kiyomi tried to figure out what could have happened. [b]''Seeing the condition we are in, we are going to fall back. Ken-senpai will likely try to create a chance for him and his team to also draw back until they can react. That,''[/b] She glanced at Hayate. [b]''We're not all in the condition to fight.''[/b] Softly she squeezed him by his shoulder as she wrapped her arm around him to keep supporting him. [b]''Leo, can you please be on front? We will move a short distance to reconsider our approach on how to finish this mission.''[/b] Nodding, Leo already moved forwards. Looking down when Kiyomi commented that he wasn't truly in a fighting condition, Hayate felt like a disappointment. Allowing Kiyomi to help support him, he placed one arm around her as well and leaned a little closer. Perhaps a tad unnecessary as he was capable of walking, but it at least helped him to feel a little better being so close. Glancing at her as they followed Leo, Hayate whispered, [b]"Sorry I let you down Kiyomi-chan."[/b] With Leo in front, they started to move away from the bunker. Kiyomi was already planning ahead of what their options were. Her most favored one was to rest out and then head back. Though she wasn't sure about the genins of Team 7, Kiyomi was sure that Kensuke wouldn't go down easily. He was too good for that. Or maybe that was just her idle hope? Being snapped out of her thoughts, she briefly eyed Hayate. [b]''You did well.''[/b] Glancing at the back of Leo, she noticed that he was trying to keep himself big too. Though happy with her students, Kiyomi hoped that they both wouldn't try to keep acting tough. Though it was appreciated. Nodding, the words were a slight help, though Hayate still felt he had failed. If it hadn't have been for Leo's intervention... He wasn't sure they would have even made it out. Hayate had always thought of himself and Kiyomi as indestructible when they were together, but this mission had made him realize that there was so much more he needed to learn. Making a silent vow to himself, Hayate never wanted to let her or the team down again. His thoughts on the future, Hayate briefly thought back to Team 7 and Kensuke, hoping that they were faring okay against the horrors of the bunker... [/hider]