[center][b][i]A nightmare, Becoming real. A collab between Shadowcatcher and Alice. Summary : Summoned in front of her monster, Haruhi faces off against what has been sealed inside of her. Only to face against a monster that isn't only ''monsterous'' in terms of power.[/center][/b][/i] [hider=A bad dream] Haruhi lay down on her bed, comforted by the warmth of her blankets, and the caress of the wind on her face from her open window. Her eyes were closed and sleep was upon her as she thought about how good her day had been. Her and Mika had shared breakfast, which was a rare treat, and spent most of the day apart. Mika doing her own thing, and Haruhi training like usual. When the two had returned home, they shared small talk and and a light dinner before the two headed off to bed. Though nothing too exciting happened on this day, nothing horrible happened as well, so in Haru's mind, the day had gone by nicely. Though the time had come for the genin to get her much needed rest, and no matter how hard she tried to stay conscious, her body would not allow it, and soon she had fallen into a deep sleep. [center][i]Full of ambitions aren't you?''[/i][/center] Instead of any normal dream or nightmare, Haruhi would hear the booming voice inside her head. Brought to a rather dark and ominous hall, she would wake up in a room that was barely lighten up by some torches. A rather gigantic gate, made of sturdy looking iron bars, seemed to be the only noticeable thing around. The other way was nothing but shrouded in darkness. [i]''Haruhi was the name, hmmm? Well, Haruhi-san, how do you like my..''[/i] The whisper in her head paused. [i]''My own little place, inside of you?''[/i] Haruhi's eyes had widened when she heard the now familiar voice of the beast that was sealed inside her. [i]What... why am I having such a dream like this?[/i] she wondered as she looked around. She was sure this was a dream but... this seemed a bit different. Haruhi felt like she was actually there physically, not just imagining things in her mind. [b]"I had hoped you'd stay quiet so I can pretend you not here, taking up space."[/b] she said bitterly, though she was still convinced she was not actually speaking to it. If this was a dream, Haruhi was totally prepared to give the thing a piece of her mind. And if it wasn't... well, she hoped that gate was [i]really[/i] strong. [b]''My, my Haruhi-san. You're implying you would ignore me?''[/b] A voice said, not any more present in the mind of the girl. Some gust would past the girl. Slowly two eyes, high above, behind the bars, would glare down at Haruhi. A slow rising of pressure would be present in the room as the voice spoke again. [b]''I wouldn't mind to stay quiet if you would also return a favor back. I assume you want me away like I want to be away from you?''[/b] With a light gasp, Haruhi took a few steps back and stumbled a bit, falling onto her bottom. Her eyes glanced up and into the ones glaring down at her, and then she said out loud, [b]"I'm not dreaming am I?"[/b] before a shiver would go down her spine. Why now when she was at peace would this thing try to disturb her. [b]"Of... of course I want you away. But, i'm stuck with you because Hayashi-sensei said that if I get you taken out then i'll die..."[/b] She paused and sat, crossing her legs, figuring the thing wouldn't do anything funny from behind that gate. [i]How in the world do I get out of here....?[/i] she thought as she was still feeling a bit afraid. [b]''Oh, no no. Haruhi-san, you're not dreaming at all.''[/b] The voice said. Then it produced a sound that resembled a vague kind of laugh. But it was just a bit weird, compared to how a human laughed. [b]''But you don't need to pull me out, Haruhi-san. See that white piece of paper? All you need to do is to remove it. Then we are both free.''[/b] The voice informed Haruhi. Then a moment later, it sighed. [b]''Of course you're not believing me, are you Haruhi-san? May I ask you what wrong I have done to you?''[/b] Haru's eyes had drifted down to the white tag when the beast had mentioned it, and she frowned. So it was that easy, right? When the beast continued to speak, her eyes went back up to it, and she crossed her arms when she questioned what wrong she did to Haruhi. [b]"Well if you want me to spell it out for you, I will. First of all, just the fact of having a giant creepy monster that is super dangerous and destroy's things taking up space in my belly is not a very good feeling. Second, your voice is really creepy and I don't appreciate you taking me off track when I'm trying to train. Third, apparently now since your here, I'm supposed to make sure I stay '"in control" or whatever because I could potentially hurt a lot of people, including the ones I care about."[/b] she paused to take a breath. [b]"And lastly, you pulled me out of my sleep."[/b] she said with a pout, turning her head to the side. Sure it was really immature of her to do, but she didn't care. She had been wronged and now this thing was going to hear about it. The eyes became slits as the girl spoke back. [b]''That is just uncalled, Haruhi-san. Here I am, talking with nothing more than respect and a polite voice. Then you just call me names and acusse me of doing things that I haven't done.''[/b] The eyes seemed to lower as the face of the Five Tails came into the light. [b]''Have I killed or destroyed anything that is precious to you?~''[/b] Was the question of the Five Tails. [b]''I think not. Both this, Mika and Takeshi are still alive. Worse! I didn't even fight anywhere near you humans. You came to that island to attack me. Now, Haruhi-san. Who is the super dangerous thing that destroys, such as my freedom?''[/b] Haru had leaned away on instinct when the face of the beast came into view. Though as she spoke, Haruhi realized that it was a bit mean of her to accuse things of the beast when she was not directly affected by it. [b]"Well... no. I guess you didn't destroy anything precious to me... but I doubt I can still trust you. I'm sure there was a good reason for why the others had to catch you."[/b] she said, though truly, Haruhi was not sure. [b]"In any case, I didn't ask for this either."[/b] she said, still trying to hold her ground. Tailed Beasts were dangerous, she was sure of it. The beast laughed. Raising her head up, it kept looking down on Haruhi. The laugh wasn't really a pleasant or genuine one. [b]''A good reason? Haruhi-san, is there any good reason to attack and seal me inside of you, just because I am a Tailed Beast? Is it any fair that your leaders deemed it wise or good to seal me, while I wasn't even near your previous village?''[/b] The questions had a hint of sarcasm, but they sounded genuine. [b]''You might not have asked for this, but your leaders have. They knew that I was far from your village, minding my own. Yet, you and they came to me. You,''[/b] The tone became more angry. [b]''Attacked and sealed me. Now, Haruhi-san. Who can't trust who, I ask you?''[/b] Haruhi narrowed her eyes at the thing when it accused her of being a part of the reason why the beast had been captured. [b]"I was only following orders. I didn't even get the right mission, I was lied to! And it was likely your past actions that got us both into this mess. Of course if a villiage saw a ticking time bomb so close to home, they'd want to move it."[/b] she retorted back. Though after a few moments, she sighed. This game of accusations was getting on her nerves. [b]"Why am I even here?"[/b] she asked in her normal voice after a few moments, no longer sounding afraid or accusing, just tierd of the crap. The beast sighed as Haruhi told what her reason and answer was. [b]''Haruhi-san, how can you give that as answer back?''[/b] It was nothing but an irritated mumble, but the girl would hear the booming words perfectly. [b]''You now even call me a timebomb! How rude can you even become in one talk, Haruhi-san?''[/b] Scoffing, she then decided it would be time to answer the girl's question. [b]''But you apparently don't wish to acknowledge the wrong doings of your kind. The reason why I brought you here was to request friendly to pull that tag off. I hate to use force as I am not like my siblings. My pride goes above to show off physical prowess unless I am forced to.''[/b] [i]Oh please, I understand very well. As if I asked for this.[/i] she thought in her head as the beast talked. When she was asked about the tag again, Haru lifted her head and looked at it. [b]"That one, right?"[/b] she asked before moving from her sitting position and standing on her feet. She took a few steps forward then paused. [b]"What happens if I take it off?"[/b] she decided to ask, though she was not entirely sure it would tell the truth. [b]''Then we are both freed of this burden.''[/b] The beast replied. [b]''If you doubt me lying, then I think you should research about my kin more, Haruhi-san. I am not capable of spinning a lie. You can ask and I can only tell you the truth.''[/b] The beast further said, lowering herself again to make herself visible towards the girl. The gigantic five tails calmly swept around as the two big eyes stared at Haruhi. She would bite her lower lip in thought as she pondered over the beasts words. It was true Haru knew nothing about them... so it was possible it couldn't lie. She began to walk forward again until she was about a meter from the gate, and she looked up at the white tag. Such a small thing was what kept her from being alone inside her mind...? Though she wanted to take the tag off, a part of her wanting to believe the beast, she thought that maybe it was not the best idea to do it. [b]"I can't. Not here and not now. I'm in the villiage now and I could be putting those I care about in danger. Though I want to... I think it will only bring me trouble for now. And probably you for that matter."[/b] she scratched the back of her head and a small smile formed on her face. [b]"I think you would not likely fit in my room. Your too big." she said with a light giggle. Not showing an emotion or any other reflect on what she felt by Haruhi's decision, the Five tails simply raised herself up. [b]''If that is your decision, Haruhi-san, I can't do anything about it. After all, I, the mighty evil destroyer will just be imprisoned for apparently no good right inside of you.''[/b] Slowly the beast turned around as it walked away into the darkness of her side. [b]''May my silence bring you better fortune than what your kind has done to me, for just what I am.''[/b] A frown made its way back onto her face as the beast turned and seemed to fade into the darkness. A part of her was feeling guilty now, knowing that some of the things the beast had said could very well likely be true. And... other than taking up space in her belly, the thing had not done anything wrong to Haru on a personal level. Haruhi let out a sigh, not liking all the conflicting thoughts running around in her head. [b]"Look... um, beast thingy... I'm sorry about the whole thing, okay? I know it doesn't fix anything for you, but I'm really not in a position to decide whether or not I can let you go. If I had a choice in the matter, you and I wouldn't even be talking right now."[/b] she paused and bit her lip. [b]"I don't know what I can do for you..."[/b] she started and then gave up, turning away from the large gates. [b]''It is a start, Haruhi-san.~''[/b] The voice boomed from the darkness of the other side of the gate. [b]''Though I would be more pleased if you would deem yourself willing to call me Gobi or at least more... respectful than monster thingy.''[/b] The two eyes lighted up from the darkness, staring again at the young girl. The polite, yet booming voice spoke again. [b]''What you can do for me is however showing first respect and perhaps heed more to my words. I have little else to do these days and I suspect that I won't have much to do until I am set free.''[/b] Haruhi looked over her shoulder as the beast began to speak again, and turned when it told Haru to call it "Gobi." She listened to Gobi speak, and as it carried on, a scowl would form on her face. [b]"Oh, fine. Jeez, why is everyone so demanding these days. I'll be more respectful and listen to you [i]if[/i] you dont creep into my head when im trying to focus... unless you have something helpful to add. And...."[/b] she paused as she tried to think of her own demands, but came up with only one more that would bother her. [b]"Oh. No more stealing my sleep either."[/b] she said with a cross of her arms. [b]"You get to just sit back and relax while i do all the work so... yeah. Those are my terms."[/b] she said. The eyes became narrowed slits as Haruhi made her terms. Shinobi, they were all the same. No, not only shinobi. Humans. Always striving to become stronger, making terms while they were ignorant to what the consequence of such things would be. [b]''I would like to attend you, Haruhi-san, that isn't only your work that will cause the fruits of your succession. Might I interest you with explaining shortly that it is my chakra in your system?''[/b] The beast began, hoping it would trigger Haruhi's curiosity. Or fear. [b]''It won't benefit your reserve, but the seal allows my chakra to deconstruct and construct your body. Of course, in a scale that you won't be bothered or ever notice this progress. But must I explain what that means for me in the long term?~''[/b] Though the beast didn't agree to Haru's terms per se, Gobi didn't refuse them either, and that was enough for Haruhi to know her mind would be free of distractions for the most part. When it continued on talking about the affect it would have on her body, Haruhi's interest did spike as predicted. The girl's eyes would light up at the thought of some cool perks coming along with having the thing, and so she wanted Gobi to carry on and tell her. Sitting down once again and crossing her legs, Haru looked up at the beast. [b]"Well, considering you didn't come with an instruction manual, yes I'd like you to explain it to me."[/b] she would say with an excited tone in her voice. [b]''Hahaha, I am sure you would like to hear about that. But,''[/b] The eyes turned to give away that the Gobi was being amused with the current situation. [b]''I fear that I am growing tired. Perhaps at a later date, when I have made my terms?~''[/b] With that said, the beast laughed shortly, making it evident that it wouldn't just bow and accept the terms made by Haruhi. The girl would let out a groan and fall backwards onto her back. [b]"Aww come on! Seriously? Tired of doing what? Now that you got me all interested for nothing you want to take some kind of nap? ...How cruel."[/b] she would mumble the last part under her breath in order to avoid the Gobi going on again about the cruelty of humans. [i]It totally did that on purpose...[/i] she thought as the beast laughed, clearly enjoying toying with Haruhi's curiosity. How the beast had come to already know one of her weaknesses was beside her, and for a moment, she debated whether to attempt some kind of deal to get the thing to talk. [b]''I am sorry, Haruhi-san, but wasn't one of your terms not to disturb you during your sleep? I have my needs as sleep too. I though you would respect that, as you demanded that from me.~''[/b] The beast replied, speaking with a more friendly voice than before. [b]''Besides, don't forget that it is [i]mine chakra[/i]. It isn't really a pleasant experience to feel your chakra being forced to mould the body of your prison to something else.''[/b] Gobi said, this time with a less friendly tone. She was however getting a bit tired. Humans. Haruhi had given herself a light facepalm when she remembered that she [i]had[/i] in fact told the beast not to disturb her sleep. At the moment she was regretting it, but figured there was likely no way to change the Gobi's mind. Sitting upright once more, she pointed up towards the glowing eyes that looked down at her. [b]"This conversation is so not over. Don't think you've won here."[/b] she said, trying to sound serious, but the more playful side of her tone had come out instead. [b]"Also... How do you feel about me calling you Gobi-nee san? Or is that "disrespectful" of some sort?"[/b] she asked before stretching and standing up. Though she had planned to refer to the beast as such from now on, Haru was wanting to know what it would say to it. Thinking about it, Gobi had her own opinion on the matter. Her desire of being free was bigger than to be treated with respect and such by this mere human. But she knew better than to wish for freedom in a situation like this. [b]''Win? I doubt that there is somebody capable of winning anything here. Except for maybe winning some rest, which would be me. As I am the one that is after all doing nothing, Haruhi-san.~''[/b] The beast first said before reacting to what Haruhi had named her. [b]''I find it more fitting than monster or anything related to that, Haruhi-san.~''[/b] She was more than pleased when the beast agreed to her name, and Haruhi couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. [b]"Aww see. I guess my visit... or rather kidnapping, ended up with some kind of resolution. For the record, I dont hate you like I did... eh... how many minutes have passed?"[/b] she suddenly wondered. It didn't feel like too long, but Haruhi wasn't sure if the time here was the same as... in her bedroom? [b]"Am I still going to have time to sleep?"[/b] she asked, wondering if Gobi had stolen all of her sleep time without her noticing. Slowly coming back in view, the beast shook her head. [b]''Of that I am not sure. I don't live with time like you humans do. What you call a day, I would refer to as a blink of the eye, Haruhi-san. These splinters of time have become dull and boring for me. Besides, being contained doesn't allow me to notice that much.''[/b] After the answer, the beast raised her eyebrows. [b]''Though I figure that you should sleep if you want to wake up in time, Haruhi-san. Weren't you suppose to wake up early tomorrow?~''[/b] [b]"Oh shoot, that's right!"[/b] Haruhi said looking around her. [b]"Is there some kind of door in here or something? How do I go back to my actual body?"[/b] she said, patting her arms for unneeded emphasis. [b]''Come closer, Haruhi-san.''[/b] One of the tails of the Gobi was raised as she sounded more friendly. If there was something she found fun in this type of situation, it would be the next. [b]''I have on question before you go, Haruhi-san. Are you afraid of small spaces?~''[/b] Haru would take the few steps forward until she was standing directly in front of the gates. When Gobi had asked her a question, she thought about it for a moment. [b]"To be honest, I'm afraid of a lot of things. I don't particularly like small spaces, but I guess I can tolerate it so long as its not dark. I hate the dark."[/b] she said with a frown at the end. And then she wondered... [b]"Why do you ask?"[/b] With Haruhi moving closer, the beast lowered herself as a grin would be displayed. The raised tail would smash down on Haruhi, sending her away. Though it saddened the beast that she couldn't win her freedom with the action, it would suffice. [b]''Cause of that.~''[/b] Gobi mused to herself as she moved her tail back. It was a bit annoying to move it back through the bars, but it was worth it. Humans. Haru's eyes had widened in fear when she noticed the tail of the beast coming towards her. She crouched and covered her head in an attempt to protect herself as she yelled [b]"Gobi-nee san wait, you're gonna kill me! I'm breakable! NOOOOOOO!!!"[/b] After staying in a huddled position for a while and not feeling any pain, she decided to peek an eye open before looking up. She had expected to see Gobi's eyes staring down at her followed by a laugh, but instead, she saw the ceiling of her room back in her sensei's house. She let out a breath that she had been holding and focused on getting her heart to stop racing. [b]"That was... the meanest thing you've done to me all day Gobi-nee."[/b] she whined out loud before smothering her face in a pillow. She had seriously been scared for her life... What a traumatizing way to say goodbye to someone. [center][i]Compared to what you humans do to my kin? It is nothing at all.[/center] [/hider]