[i]collaboration between Igraine, idlehands, RoadRash, and ConstableWalrus[/i] Orran stepped forward; his bright woad tattoos came into view as he drew near coursing bold lines along his chest, shoulders, and face, his long hair was matted and clung to his shoulders and face as he approached. His eyes were shadowed by the hair, and his face was blank he wore no satisfaction, as he trudged up the hill; in his left hand his blade the right hand clung to hair of four severed heads at his right; he rolled his shoulders and looked up at the figures by the door they were silhouetted and he could not make out exactly who was in front of him. Orran had suspected another ambush; more men to attack the children and he pointed his blade at the group saying loudly [b]“Speak, announce yourself. Or I will be forced to take more heads than I possess already.”[/b] His grip tightened on the blade as he awaited an answer, narrowing his eyes to try to peer at the figures only able to see vague outlines, of men in front of him. He could see the shimmering of steel faintly, and clenched tightly on the hilt ready to drop the heads and fight again. Ragnar held his ground with his men, eyeing the silhouette before him. The others had mentioned the “painted man” helping them, and he growled in his throat, restraining himself from attacking out of sheer rage and instinct. [b]“If you’re a friend of Harald’s you’ve chosen as fine a night as any to die, but if you’ve taken heads as you claim, I doubt you’re with that coward,”[/b] the Thegn rumbled, slowly lowering his blade. [b]“Sheath your weapon and we’ll sheath ours, but if you come at us armed, we’ll cut you down regardless. Tonight isn’t a night for guesswork.”[/b] Orran growled out rolling his shoulders [b]“That is why I said ‘announce yourself,’ not threaten me… I will not sheathe my blade for any save the monk, or the children. Once I know they are unharmed I will gladly put away the weapon.”[/b] [b]“I cannot trust you, you are not worth trusting in the darkness, So I decline the offer, until you announce yourself, whom is with you, and where are the children. Those are my terms, either take it or be silent and move on.”[/b] Orran glared up at the silhouettes readying himself for an attack. Svala gaped at the heads gathered in the painted man’s grip, but the relief at the sight of him was near palpable. [b]“Orran wait! We’re safe, we’re fine!”[/b] she called, stepping away from her mother before the armed men to the painted man, beckoning him closer still. [b]“It’s me, it’s Svala! There’s no enemy here - this is their father, Raudr’s and Ranulf’s and little Dagny!”[/b] Orran’s blade lowered slightly as he eyed the figure carefully, he spoke loudly taking a step forward [b]“Svala, if it was anyone elses voice, I would not believe their words, that they were being held against their will and forced to lie, either by pain of torture or death.”[/b] He approached slowly, [b]“But I doubt they could take you so easily, and that makes me happy. You should be proud.”[/b] Orran stepped closer able to start seeing details of the people in front of him, armour and weapons, until he laid eyes on Svala, unharmed and he finally relaxed fully. Svala smiled brightly, even beneath the blood and the mud and, were the light just a little better? The young woman’s cheeks might be seen to blush happily with the painted man’s praise. The scarred man’s head was there in Orran’s grip, and the strangest thrill of pride ran through her as she allowed Hallerna to guide her back behind the wall of armored and armed men with Sigrid. Orran stepped closer until he could plainly see the men, and sheathed his blade in its scabbard, his blank demeanor and tattoos even more vivid and colorful as one got close; and he watched the three men closely; the blank face turning into the scowl. [b]“Where are the rest of the children? Are they alright?”[/b] He stated plainly not wanting any more run around from the men in front of him. [b]“And be upfront, we are not in a battle for words, plain answers.”[/b] Ragnar growled, shoving his blade back into the sheath. He disliked Christians and foreigners as a rule, and had spent enough time shedding blood that this one’s attitude and body adornment didn’t impress him. Nevertheless, Harald was his target. This man wasn’t on his list as of yet. [b]“They’re fine, and they’re inside,”[/b] the Thegn rumbled, his eyes leaving Orran to sweep across the area he had come from, searching for potential foes to vent his wrath on. Sigrid held Dagny close and kissed her cheek before stepping quickly into the house, giving her to Raudr. [b]“Go sit with Tora, do not move from there.”[/b] She went back outside, standing behind the men and she glanced around, spotting Faolan. Moving swiftly, her beads clicking together in the quiet dusk, she grabbed the slave and spoke in a low voice,[b]“Go get Loker at the Jarl’s Hall, tell him to bring as many armed men as he can. Harald’s declared war and we’ll need his aid. Bring back torches, we’ll need fire. And bring me a spear, I’ll not stand empty handed.”[/b] Ragnar beckoned to Faolan as Sigrid left him, waving him over to him. The Thegn reached to the seax hanging from the small of his back and removed it, sheath and all, from his belt, holding it out to the slave. [b]“They know you,”[/b] he said, gesturing vaguely in the direction of Harald’s hall. [b]“You should be able to get there and back unnoticed in the dark, but take this in case. You’ve my permission to carve their guts out if any of the fools try to stop you.”[/b] He nodded, glancing at Ragnar before turning to sprint off up the slope toward the Hall, the long knife gripped in his hand. Sigrid looked at Orran and met his eyes, giving him a nod of appreciation for saving her children. [b]“I’ll be inside, Ragnar,”[/b] she said, finally obeying his command.