Jurgen nodded to himself as he considered Eve's explanation for her initial remark. It did make sense, he wasn't much of a fighter, and he certainly wouldn't make it in the arena. Then he chuckled as the android said that just about anything would be all right, so long as she got to stay activated. That seemed to the sentiment around here, of late. Anything was better than being deactivated. He smiled at the compliment as he fished for a lighter that worked. His father had smoked for as long as he could remember, and so there were just as many empty lighters, as there were working ones. He checked several before finding one that lit when he flicked it. The cyborg tossed that one to the robot, deliberately screwing up the throw, just a little, wanting to see what her reflexes were like. "First one's free." he said, in response to her offer to find employment and pay him back for the cigarettes. "If you want more than that pack, you'll have to start paying." he added, mostly because he only had the one pack left. Then the man started wondering about how he was going to make money off of this automaton. They were going to need enough to feed her smoking habit, and pay rent, and he needed to eat, too. While he showed his new android where outside was, he began wondering how much they could make in an arena. "Outside is just over here." he pointed out, showing Eve to the fire escape door. He keyed it open, revealing a little balcony with a ladder going up at one end, and a ladder going down at the other. "You can smoke out here, just keep the door closed, and lock it behind you when you come back in." he said, laying down the rules. That was how his father had done it, and that was how things would continue to be. Once Eve was out smoking, Jurgen started rushing around his apartment. He was scrounging for cash, and looking for some papers he was sure he had lying around. The cyborg wanted to make some money, and he was pretty sure he had the means to do so, now. First, though, he needed an initial investment, and those papers...