[u]Kumogatarui Dobustu[/u] Origami Tsubaki was the one who was going to help them on their mission, she was an impressive woman, but now wasn't the time to think about that when they had to tell her the plan. Kumoga looked to the other two. [b]"Shiratori-san, Fujiwara-san, would either of you like to explain the mission?"[/b] She said briefly, gesturing towards Origami as she looked at them, she had said she didn't want to lead, so it was best if she could get one of them to explain instead. --------------------- [u]Niji Yakei[/u] Niji's retort to Shinichi was quick as he made a slight joke about her apparently being excited. [b]"Well excuse me for being excited about finally getting to do something aside from training."[/b] She at least accepted the map and looked at it briefly. [b]"I mean let's be honest, when [i]was[/i] the last time we had a mission?"[/b] With map in hand, and regardless of Shinichi's response to her, Niji would begin leading the walk to the town they were supposed to be helping out. (Sorry for the tiny post, I've got nothin' to really add right now.)