Nyima placed the cloth on counter and turned away from him. She heard the water shut off but ignored it. A moment later she heard the water escape the glass. She gasped as it splashed on her head and slid down her back. She laughed and looked at him as he proclaimed his victory. Grabbing the cloth again, she wiped off the spots on the plate and placed it in the cupboard. She looked at him as he walked away. She extracted the water from her shirt and held the ball between her hands. She walked around the island, "You forgot something." She tossed the ball to him and as it neared him she lessened it control allowing it to explode like a balloon on him. She laughed again and crossed her arm, curious as to what he would do. She assumed he might just turn and walk back into his room. Remove his wet clothes and go to bed. But that seemed so boring. Them living together was getting mundane. She'd leave before him for work, she'd get back before, most nights, and make dinner, they'd eat, he'd clean, there may or may not be training and then they'd go to bed. They needed something fun. She still wasn't sure when she was going to manage to move out and she didn't want to start getting bored living with Rayn. She liked him, he was great. She found herself thinking some night that she might even have small crush on him. But she was seventeen and he was twenty two. She was just a little kid to him and it was highly unlikely that that would ever happen. So, more often than not, she pushed those thoughts out of her head. All the same, whether she liked him or not she didn't want to get sick of him and their boring existence.