Ryuu looked up as he heard somebody speak to him. With a shock, the boy realized he could read the man's lips and even guess at what he was going to say before it was said. It took Ryuu a full 10 seconds to realize that the dark thoughts he had been having earlier must have activated his Sharingan without him meaning too. Upon reaching that conclusion, the boy forced his Sharingan away, so his eyes returned to normal. No point in wasting his Chakra for no apparent reason. After doing this the boy looked at his teacher again. "Is there something you need to know, Sensei?" The boy said, ensuring that he was being polite. After all Ryuu would need the Valuable lessons that he would learn in order to prove himself worthy of being an Uchiha. With that the boy straightened up from leaning back against the tree. Waiting patiently for his teacher's response to his question.