Mizuki looked to Zenji walk out and frowned, her shoulders slumping. Dead bodies. She hadn't seen any since her parents were found that horrid winter night. A shiver ran through her, though she tried to hide it. She knew all too well how much it hurt to see people you loved and cared for laying on the ground, unmoving, cold to the touch.. Death was unfair to most of the souls that it took. "Sure.." She had mumbled in parting, she ached for Zenji's loss. Looking up to Masuto, she offered a feeble smile in a poor attempt to lighten the mood. "I suppose we must come off as rude.. It looks as if you were having a party here, your birthday? Sorry about the party-crashing.. Especially since we must seem so unfamiliar to you.. But, if it is.. Happy Birthday!" She glanced to Zhou as if expecting him to share in her well wishes.