[center][b]Nadia[/b] ----Mysterious Tower----[/center] After being forced to flee her home once before, Nadia had never expected to leave Radiant Garden ever again. Her friends were all there and fighting the darkness, just like they had before. Aerith, Yuffie, Cid, Cloud... Leon. A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks as she thought of the handsome brunette. She wished she had never been chosen by a Keyblade. Then she could once again be fighting alongside them. With a sigh she took her Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee membership card out of her pocket, looking at her own neat, cursive, handwriting spelling her name out on the back. If things started getting really bad they would have to flee their home again. Traverse Town no longer existed, so hopefully they would find another place to get to. None of them were weak enough to get consumed by the darkness. Not unless they wanted to. And short of Cloud, none of them had ever even considered it. A knock sounded on her door, breaking her out of her thoughts/fantasies. After stuffing the membership card back into her pocket, Nadia rose to her feet and answered the door. It was one of those fairies that helped Yen-Sid around the tower. In was the one dressed in blue. The fairy told her to go to the main room, because the two wizards wanted to talk to everyone. Nadia had been here for a couple of days while everyone was being gathered. A couple of days since the darkness starting taking Radiant Garden again. Her thoughts once again crossed to the people she cared about more than anything and frown appeared on her face. After thanking the fairy and watching as she flew off to tell other people, Nadia left the room. Closing the door behind her, she made her way to the main room where the two wizards and another person were waiting. After glancing at the other person she took a seat on the chair next to him. [center][b]Yue[/b] ----Mysterious Tower----[/center] People thought Yue was strange where she came from. The people here probably would too. She had spent the entire night sleeping on the floor, ignoring the nice, plush bed that was in her room. She had taken the pillow and blankets off the bed and made herself a futon. Because that was what she had been used to. Her world had barely gotten to the era of using steel to craft weaponry, let alone any of the technology that this world possessed. It was going to take a lot of getting used to. Her entire world had been flipped upside down just a few short hours ago. By her own choice, but still the shock had been huge. Though understandably scared, she was eager and ready to do some fighting. She had even shortened her skirt so it would be easier to fight in. Though now the length, and the loose hair she was currently brushing, made her resemble a concubine on her world. Once her hair was brushed through, she returned it to her usual braid, pinning a few clips in strategic places so that everything would stay neat and tidy. Satisfied with her appearance, Yue opened the door to go exploring, only to be greeting with the sight of something not entirely human. Having never seen anything none human, aside from the monsters who had attacked her home, Yue shrieked when she was the fairy. Who jumped at the sudden, piercing, loud noise. After a moment of calming the Chinese girl down, the fairy then delivered her message, pointing to the portal that would take her to the main room. One apology later, Yue was on her way to the main room. Pausing for a moment before stepping to the portal. She saw there were two people already there, along with Yen-Sid and another dress wearing weird old man. Yue moved over to the chairs where the other two people were already sitting and took a seat near, but not next to, either of them. Not yet ready for contact with people from other worlds.