[center][i]A talk about Team 7 and 8. Present and perhaps the future? A promise that bond Kensuke with two. A collab between Roran Hawkins and Lesli. Summary : Kensuke Nimatsu has been invited to come and visit the house of Aiko, Zakito and their two twins. There they have a talk of the present teams that they both lead as well introducing Kensuke to one deadly assassin... in training?[/center][/i] [hider=The deadly assassin] Sighing, Aiko rocked a bit. Kei maybe stopped crying, but she was sure that the little girl would cry again if Aiko would stop. Figuki was now taking a walk with Akimoto, so that meant that Aiko was on her free day alone with Kei. [b]''Sshhh, it is alright.''[/b] The barely two year old had her head leaning against Aiko's chest, calmed down by her mothers presence and words. Though Aiko was sure that she wouldn't have to do anything today, she was expecting somebody to visit her. For that reason, Aiko had dressed nicer than she would usally do. Today, she would get somebody to visit her that she actually had little contact with. Hopefully, that would be different after today. Noticing that Kei had fallen asleep, Aiko planted a kiss on the forehead of her child before placing her on the couch. A worried expression shifted over her face. She had checked already twice if the house was properly cleaned. Not that she was genuinely worried what her visitor would think about her, she wanted to give the idea that the home wasn't messy or filthy. Knocking on the door he awaited a response, and gave his clothes a last check. He was wearing a green shirt with a modernized version of the typical yukata-like neck opening, and his clan's symbol somewhere on his chest. He was wearing his baggy shinobi trousers and his headband apart from that, as usual. Summed up, he didn't look remarkably decent, but presentable enough for an informal meeting like this. However, this was the wife of the x-hokage, and his teacher though. Running his hand through his hair to check if it suddenly hadn't gained the urge to stand upright as it sometimes had in the morning, and with a lot of effort resisted the urge to check his fingernails for dirt. He couldn't help feeling funny about feeling more nervous for this than for an upcoming fight. He could already imagine Ryo, Tsubasa and Katsuko spying on him from a distance, laughing their guts out. Ha-ha... Funny guys. He already imagined him saying, when he heard approaching footsteps from inside. Just when she wanted to check the living room again, Aiko heard somebody knocking on the door. Seems that the moment of truth had come after all. While heading to the door, Aiko shook her head lightly. That was quite a silly thought. The moment of truth, pfft. Opening the door, she could see a tall young man with blond hair. [b]''Kensuke Nimatsu? Come in.''[/b] Stepping aside so that he could enter the house, Aiko eyed him. So this was the promising student of her husband? What was he called again? Something with a Falcon? Truth be told, she didn't see any similarities with that bird. Stretching a hand towards him, she smiled. [b]''Aiko, pleasure to meet you finally.''[/b] [b]"Nimatsu Kensuke, we've met before."[/b] He replied with a sheepish smile, and shook her hand. [b]"Then again, it's nice to meet you too."[/b] He added, suddenly realizing that this had been the first time he had thought about his friends without turning in a depressed mood. He noted that down in his mind, that nervosity killed sadness very effectively. Next time he'd feel sad he'd just go read a book in the middle of Konoha and it'd be solved. Instantly, Aiko felt stupid. They had met? Probably, cause he said so. [b]''Sorry, I forgot then. But come! No reason to keep standing in the hall all day.''[/b] Beckoning him to follow her, Aiko hoped that he wouldn't think she was some goofhead. It wasn't a problem if he thought if her husband was one, cause he was one at times, but she had her pride of not being seen as one. [b]''I hope that I didn't disturb you with my invitation. I was hoping you could visit without needing to cancel any important meetings or similiar things.''[/b] Aiko said, while leading him to the living room. Quickly, she tried to look for anything that could look messy or dirty. But nothing seemed off. Except that Kei wasn't laying on the couch anymore. [i]Oh no. Why now.. Stay calm, Aiko. Not a goofhead, not a goofhead.[/i] She thought, turning to Kensuke. [b]''Want something to drink?''[/b] Entering as he waved away her apologies, he took a look around. Cozy. [b]"It's okay. It was during the civil war, and we were talking about complicated politics. Nothing I'd want to remember either."[/b] He replied as he tried to discover what decorations were here because of Aiko, and which were here because of Zakito. He saw a tree outside, and instantly checked to see if his old sensei was sleeping in it, already recognizing a branch where he would probably sleep if he were there. He wondered how often Zakito slept there, and if he would sleep there should Aiko send him to the couch. Taking a seat on the couch, he grinned as he imagined the situation. [b]"Yes please. Some tea would be nice."[/b] [b]''Oh that time.''[/b] Aiko looked for a moment less happy, her smile having vanished. [b]''But I will get some tea then.''[/b] Turning around, her face however became a mix of being worried and disturbed. She knew how her children could be and right now she wanted to pass a good impression on the young man. Not that she was hoping to gain something out of it, but it wouldn't be any good for a person who was gaining some fame to think ill of her. Even worse, ill about her children! While Aiko was trying to quickly make some green tea, she thought where Kei could be. Hopefully in Zakito's study room. Perhaps taking a nap there? For once, Aiko wouldn't seriously mind that. After pouring the warm liquid into two mugs, she would head back to the living room. [b]''Hope it is any good. Oh wait!''[/b] Putting the mug down on the coffee table, she felt stupid once more. [b]''Do you want any biscuits or any sort of that?''[/b] Cracking a smile again, Aiko started to feel she was acting maybe a bit like a goofhead. Looking around he took an interest in his environments, and saw several framed pictures on the walls of Zakito and Aiko, and their two kids. He saw a baby toy lying on the floor, and on the closet, and on the couch itself. And on the floor again. It was obvious that there lived kids here, and it made him grin involuntarily. Suddenly Aiko was there with tea and a nervous question if he wanted cookies with that. [b]"Oh, thank you."[/b] He said, and after nipping the tea continued. [b]"Well, I guess I could store a biscuit or two in here."[/b] He replied, trying not to be impolite and not want any cookies. Turning around, Aiko walked already to the kitchen. But as she was turning around to walk, Aiko stopped. Her hand went to the toy that was laying on the floor. Slowly turning around, Aiko narrowed her eyes before she suddenly threw it to her left. It simply hit the wall and bounched off. [b]''Kei.''[/b] Aiko started with a stern voice. [b]''Introduce yourself properly.''[/b] Still staring at the place, there was some mumbling coming from behind the cupboard. A small hand would appear before a small girl came out of hiding. [b]''Sorry.''[/b] Aiko told Kensuke, before she shot a glance in Kei's direction. No words were needed, as the girl pouted and then stared in Kensuke's direction. Her cheeks started to blush a bit as she placed her hands together. One as a fist and the other embracing it. With a bow, she mumbled something. [b]''She is a bit shy, but I hope that you're not bothered with children. One moment!''[/b] Turning around to head to the kithcen once more, Kei had already straightened her back and kept staring with her green colored eyes towards Kensuke. At firsts surprised by Aiko's actions, then amused, he smiled at the young child that reluctantly greeted him now with a shy and softly muttered greeting. [b]"I don't mind, don't worry."[/b] He said, before turning towards the little girl. She had her mother's blinding red hair, and for a moment he wondered if her twin brother would have inherited Zakito's white straw hair that made him look serious and laughable at the same time. [b]"Well hello there! You must be the famed Kei Hon, the daughter of the ex-hokage and a master of the art of hiding! If it weren't for your mother, I probably would never have found you!"[/b] The girl suddenly seemed to pout. For a moment it seemed she wanted to say something, but she crossed her arms out front of her chest. Heading back into the living room with a small plate, on which some biscuits and cookies were placed, Aiko noticed how her daughter was looking. It caused that Aiko smiled as she would continue to head towards the coffee table. With her mother's presence, Kei quickly walked towards the back of the chair, where Aiko sat. [b]''I am glad. They are nice. Though she is a bit shy.''[/b] Looking over shoulder, she could see that Kei was making use of the chair and Aiko. Peeking over Aiko's shoulder. [b]''Anyways, I heard that you were assigned to be a jounin-sensei. How is that going?''[/b] Chuckling as the child went into hiding again behind her mother's proverbial skirts, he replied Aiko's question after munching away on a cookie. They were delicious. He already knew that Zakito did not take care of buying the cookies. He had a really bad taste. [b]"Yes, I am. Well, so far it's sort of okay. We have done a few missions so far, but they keep getting themselves into trouble. Admittedly, we keep getting missions above their level, but it's a bit demoralizing to have to step in so much."[/b] He replied, growing a bit more serious as he spoke. [b]"And then I haven't mentioned a word about their attitudes yet..."[/b] That made Aiko giggle a bit. [b]''Don't worry, I have experienced some problems with my current team. Just be a bit stern and if that doesn't help, give them a common goal to work with. Even if it is actually trying to bond with another. Kind of being nice while mixing it with some sad words. Really, worked for me.''[/b] Aiko said, though she wasn't really meaning it like her talks with Yukara and Katsu were fake. They were genuine. Only now she could joke a bit about it with another jounin-sensei. [b]''Though, I wouldn't mind to hear about them. Then I could start about my own students, if you wish to hear that.''[/b] She said, smiling while raising her mug to her lips. Kei was still peeking at Kensuke, her cheeks still a bit flustered with a reddish tint. Nodding as he accepted her advice, he began talking. [b]"Well, first off we have Ezuri Hyuuga. Yes, they went as far as to put a Hyuuga in my team, and yes, Hideyori already tried filing an official complaint for it. He said something about me having a bad influence on their clanmembers or something vague. Anyways, Ezuri is quite capable for his age and rank, both in skill and thinking work, but that's also exactly where it ends. He is incorrigibly overconfident and painfully reckless."[/b] He said, sighing deeply as he recalled carrying the unconscious boy to the hospital, pale by blood loss and pain. [b]"Then we have Shisen Inuzuka. A bit of a shy and introvert girl, who'se fairly skilled, but she has this cocky side, especially about things concerning Arashi, her ninken. That dog is a bit untamed, and has the tendency to grow threatened by her own team and well, bite them. The genin have a certain degree of unspoken teamwork when I force them to work together, and I sincerely hope that that'll improve over time."[/b] He continued, taking a moment to drink from the tea. [b]"And I shall admit beforehand that I have put them on a rigid training schedule. I don't know what is expected of them, but I want to see them be as tough as Team 4 used to be back in the old days."[/b] He added with a touch of melancholy, remembering the countless occasions when he, Ryo, Tsubasa and Katsuko had found themselves in a [i]'hopeless situation'[/i]. Listening to what Kensuke told her, Aiko couldn't help but to keep smiling. She kept examining on how he spoke. This was after all one of her husbands students and if she thought about it, one of that had reached a rather good and high ranked position. One with a good name already. [b]''Seems like you're having a handful. Reminds me a lot of the first formation of Team 8. Though I will spare you that tale.''[/b] Though she knew it wasn't probably a good thing, she however couldn't stop herself on commenting on the Hyuuga part. As a clanleader herself, she was aware of the situation Kensuke could be in. [b]''And besides, about that whole Hyuuga affair, don't worry too much about it. I suppose that he can just try and complain, but that will accomplish nothing. Maybe he will lose his face, but I don't really like what I have heard from him.''[/b] Shrugging, Aiko noticed how Kei slowly moved past her. Her stare was still focused on Kensuke as she slowly moved towards the coffee table. [b]''Though I had my hands full with my current team.''[/b] Letting out a sigh, Aiko thought about it. [b]''We have Koike Hon, my best student at the moment. He is cold and distant and that is both to blame on how I trained him and his past. He is the sibling of the host of the Kyuubi that ended in a coma and later was kidnapped. Next to that, his past is anything but fun and laughter. He is in overall a very good asset to the team, but his teamwork isn't the best. That is the only kind of skill he should work on.''[/b] Aiko thought about who she should pick now. Katsu or Yukara? [b]''Next is Yukara Cho. Like me, she has some good chakra control and is not a bad genin for a starter. While she can understand things that sometimes goes probably too far for some genin, she is however a bit... quick to judge. This caused some hostility towards Koike, cause he for example didn't greet her like she wanted him to. Even going that far that she started to really crossing a line... But, she is doing better now.''[/b] Now there was only Katsu left on which she could start about. [b]''Then we have an Uchiha, but he hasn't awakened his sharingan yet. I am not sure if he will do so, cause apparently the chance for that to happen isn't that big. But he is a hard working and clever boy. Don't yet want to call him a genius, but he is doing it well. Only thing I am worried about is that he maybe overreacts or is sensitive to some situations. When Yukara started to show hostility towards Koike, on which the later didn't really react to, he started to overreact. Imagine it? I was there, hiding out of sight and hearing everything. Though the team has really improved from the first test, I was close of butting my head several times against a nearby tree.''[/b] Smiling again, Aiko noticed how Kei's left hand went towards a cookie on the plate. Only briefly did she look at the plate to see which cookie she wanted, before she stared again at Kensuke. Once the child had managed to grab one, she quickly turned around to head back to her mother. While Kei was trying to climb and sit on Aiko's lap, the latter took a sip of her tea. [b]''It just takes the right motivation and goal to make from a team that doesn't seem to work, one that does work.''[/b] [b]"Well, I guess every genin team is a disaster of its own kind."[/b] He replied with a laugh. [b]"Gets me thinking. My team was probably hell for Crabby-se... I mean Ushio Natsua. We were his first ever team, and oh boy! I was so innocent and shy, and in a squad with a voluptuous Uchiha and a jealous outsider."[/b] He recollected, chuckling with his hand over his face in a sentiment that came nowhere close to guilt. Suddenly however his shinobi senses picked up a rapid movement as a tiny girl shot forwards and grabbed a cookie off the plate, only to climb back in her mother's lap again, staring at him as if he was an alien. [b]"My my, I am honoured to have witnessed Kei the master of hiding strike twice in one day! The cookie stood absolutely no chance!"[/b] Kensuke stated with a serious face, as if he was truly overwhelmed. [b]''That sounds like one... interesting composition.''[/b] Aiko managed to say as she barely could restrain herself from laughing out loud. She wasn't sure if she knew this Ushio person, but that kind of formation would likely not be Aiko's favorite kind. Helping Kei with her left hand to get easier on her lap, Aiko heard what Kensuke said. [b]''Hey, he is giving you a compliment. Shouldn't you say thank you, young lady?''[/b] Aiko asked. This caused Kei to raise her head and look at her mother with her cheeks huffed. Then she simply lowered her head, staring at her cookie. [b]''I...I..''[/b] She muttered. Gently rubbing Kei's back, Aiko was wondering why Kei was so shy. Was it because Akimoto wasn't around? Before Aiko could say that, Kei then spoke one sentence that caused Aiko to look surprised. [b]''I am a hero. Like papa.''[/b] Taking a bite of her cookie, she threw a frown towards Kensuke. Her cheeks were really red now. [b]''You are, sweety. Anyways,''[/b] Aiko turned her attention back to their guest. [b]''I am sorry, but there is also another troublemaker. I only had her stay, cause she had fallen and didn't want to go outside for her daily walk. Normally she isn't-''[/b] Aiko couldn't finish her sentence. Kei huffed and puffed. [b]''H-Hero. Papa.''[/b] Not sure why Kei was getting excited, Aiko softly ruffled through the hair of her daughter. [b]''She is just a bit shy.''[/b] [b]"Ofcourse you are Kei."[/b] He replied, shaking his head and raising his shoulders as if there never was any doubt. Taking a bite of the cookie in his hands he smiled at Aiko. [b]"It's okay. I was even worse, once."[/b] Then he turned his eyes back on the little girl. [b]"Your daddy sure is a hero. He was my teacher once you know? He told me how much of a masterful shinobi you already are, and I didn't believe it at first, but now I met you in person, phew! Am I glad we're not enemies!"[/b] This caught Kei's attention as she had took a bite of her cookie. She wanted to say something back, but she first chewed and swallowed her bite. Aiko took a sip of her tea again, letting Kei en Kensuke talk. In her viewpoint, it was more than adorable. It had just something that she couldn't phrase in a word or sentence. Kei lifted her right hand and pointed to Kensuke. [b]''You worse than Aki?''[/b] This caused Aiko to almost spit out her tea. Coughing, Kei huffed her cheeks. [b]''I will learn you about hero.''[/b] Lowering her head, she started to nimble on her cookie again. [b]''Sorry..''[/b] Coughing, Aiko briefly send a glance towards Kei. Not that the child caught Aiko's glance. [b]''She and her twin brother have some competitive sense with each other. It can get quite tense... Then again,''[/b] Aiko smiled. [b]''I think they do watch over each other.''[/b] However, seemed that Aiko's words wouldn't really have the desired effect as Kei mumbled something loud enough that Kensuke could hear. [b]''Aki is stupid.''[/b] This caused Aiko to sigh and lower her head a bit. [b]''It aren't always genins that can be troublesome or a handful.''[/b] Kensuke shook his head in response, noticing Aiko's flustered reaction. [b]"Me? Worse than Aki? I'm not sure, but I do think I could beat him in a game of arm-wrestling."[/b] He replied as if he was seriously thinking about it. He ignored most of Aiko's words, nodding in a friendly way as she spoke, but cautiously awaited Kei's reaction. [b]"Well, I should ask Aki first if he is stupid though. Do you think he agrees with you that he is stupid?"[/b] He asked in response to Kei's remark. [b]''Aki is the worst... like. I-I.''[/b] Kei seemed to think about it. Frowning, it had some funny to it. Like she was expecting an answer from the cookie she was holding. [b]''He is half a hero.''[/b] She mumbled before nimbling again on her cookie. Aiko shook her head lightly. [b]''Like I said, they have this going on for quite some time. But when they were mere babies, they couldn't go without each other.''[/b] Aiko explained. Kei mumbled something, but it was too soft to hear what she was saying. [b]''I recall the first time that they walked around the backyard. They were both trying to reach for the oak tree, but when Kei fell, Aki turned around and tried to help her up. Only to fall also.''[/b] The memory was almost a year old, but Aiko clearly cherished it. [b]''Sorry, you didn't come here for some baby visit or hear me ranting on about my children.''[/b] She apologized. [b]''I am a bit wondering, you know. I heard that you're the current head of your clan. Yet, you are quite young for such a position, am I correct?''[/b] Stopping himself for laughing out loud about the girl's description of Aki, he decided to remember that for later. He sipper from his own tea as Aiko tried to change the subject, obviously ashamed by her daughter's shameless description of her brother. He couldn't blame her, but it was hilarious. He turned a bit more serious again when she started talking about his clan. [b]"Yes, I am. I inherited the position from my father when he died two years ago. I am indeed pretty young for my position, but I must admit that most of the leading is done by my sister. I am only a clan-head in name and title."[/b] [b]''I see.''[/b] Aiko said. To think somebody of his age had such a burden on his shoulder. Being a jounin-sensei and a clan leader, while being so young? [b]''I can relate a bit, as I have since a year or so taken the duty of being the leader of the Cho clan. So I know how busy one can be when being both a clanhead and a sensei.''[/b] Aiko said with a very friendly tone. [b]''If you need some help or any advice, I am always willing to give it to a friend of the family.''[/b] Hoping the message was clear, Aiko noticed that Kei yawned. [b]''Come on, take your nap.''[/b] Aiko said. This earned some muttering whining from Kei, who held her half eaten cookie up. [b]''Eat your cookie and then you should take a nap.''[/b] This seemed to satisfy Kei a bit, after which she quickly and rather shyly shot a look in Kensuke's direction. [b]''So, like I said. I hope that you will realize that even while we aren't that close, that I want to invite you to be welcome whenever you want. I know that my husband really is fond of you, Kensuke. So please, if there is any help or if you want to drop by, please do so.''[/b] [b]"Oh, I sure will, thanks for the offer! Thereby, how could I dare pass the opportunity to meet Kei again?"[/b] He replied on a light tone, drinking from his tea again. He couldn't speak from experience about truly governing the clan, but the fact that he was seen as the head of the clan by the higher-ups made it quite a hassle already, so he perfectly understood her position. By hearing that Kensuke mentioned her name, she looked up with a curious look in his direction. This caused a brief smile, before she looked away again. [b]''Hahaha, seems she has a liking for you.''[/b] This caused Kei to look up to her mother, with a frown. Puffing her cheeks, she wanted to say something, but then focused again on her cookie. [b]''But if we have talked anyways about our students, did you hear about the coming Chuunin exams already?''[/b] Aiko asked, sounding actually curious. Smiling as she mentioned Kei liking him, he then turned serious as she asked her next question. [b]"Yes I have, but I am a bit indecisive about them joining. Individually they would certainly stand a chance in the fights skill-wise, but I fear their character might get in the way. Additionally, individual duels might not be the best idea now I am trying to promote their teamwork. However, they might hold this against me, especially Ezuri, and I am pretty sure that if he stays focussed he has a decent shot at it. In any case, I guess it couldn't hurt to let them try. They have been in situations serious and dangerous enough to deal with the chuunin exams, that's for sure."[/b] He replied, pondering. She shrugged. [b]''They should be grateful that you take enough care to not throw them in the snake pit. If you believe they aren't ready, than you're a lot more caring than I am with my students on that topic.''[/b] Aiko had to admit that her ways on how to threat her students with the Chuunin exam were very different, she wondered how good Kensuke's students were now. Not that she was trying to see if hers were any better, cause that would be something silly. To try to see which of them had the better ones? They weren't some jealously children with new toys. [b]''I often ask if they want to enter the Exams and then sign them up. Of course, training them for it. For now, I am sure that Koike will be able to do well in the coming Exam. Katsu also expressed he wanted to join, but I am not sure if he is trying his luck out or has enough confidence in himself. Both are capable genins, but then again, the exams are always full of capable genins.''[/b] Taking a sip once more from her tea, she decided to try to give him some advice. Not that she deemed herself better cause she had more experience with leading and turtoring genins. [b]''But if you want some advice, I just say that you need to stick to your guts. If you think they aren't ready, then don't sign them up. In the worse case they will be a bit mad about it, but at least they won't be disappointed when they are being beaten up by some other genin.''[/b] [b]"Hmm, I'll think about it."[/b] He replied, rubbing his chin, before sipping from the tea once more. She was probably right. He could send them to the chuunin exams anyways, there were usually not that many casualties, and if anything they'd learn from the experience. If one of them'd die however, he knew he'd blame himself aswell. Discarding the thought for a later date, he then decided to change the subject. [b]"What about Kei and Akimoto? Are they going to grow into shinobi aswell? Some people like to pass on their knowledge and skill, but I could imagine you wanting to save them from such a fate."[/b] To save them from such a fate. Aiko looked at Kei, who heard her name being said by Kensuke. [b]''I will let them choose. If they want to become non-shinobi, I am fine with it. As long they are healthy and able to take care of themselves. That is all I want for them.''[/b] Aiko said. Kei looked up to her mother as she smiled. [b]''I want to be a nin. Going to beter than Aki.''[/b] Sighing, Aiko couldn't help to smile a bit while she looked back at Kensuke. [b]''Though seems that they already made up their mind. Yet, I will wait before I allow them to enter the Academy. I think that some are sent towards the Academy at a too young age. It is a bit idiotic that some are trained in the ways of the shinobi in this time and era, while they barely know how to use a jojo. Or how fun it can be to play hide and seek with friends.''[/b] [b]"That sounds like a good idea."[/b] He answered, actually wanting to ask something else, but less appropriate. He'd only worry Aiko too much for no good reason, and he shouldn't do that. Instead, he drowned his words in more tea and a cookie. [b]"But what if Aki becomes better than you?"[/b] Kensuke then replied to Kei, wondering how the girl would react. The question of Kensuke made Aiko smile as she then turned her attention to Kei. She had finally finished her cookie and had stuck her thumb in her mouth. The question seemed to annoy her, probably cause she hadn't an answer at the ready for it. Leaning back, with her head against Aiko, Kei stared at Kensuke for some moments. Then she pulled out her thumb of her mouth, to give him an answer back. [b]''Then I will become better than him.''[/b] Moving her thumb back into her mouth, she looked in another direction, a little frown seen on her face. [b]''Children.''[/b] Aiko mumbled, but loud enough for Kensuke to hear her. [b]''But time for you to head to bed. Else you won't be awake when daddy is home, will you?''[/b] This question seemed to annoy Kei, but she said nothing in return. Pushing herself off Aiko's lap, she took a few steps away. Turning around to Kensuke, her cheeks started to turn bright red again. [b]''Good day, Mister Kensuke.''[/b] Making a bow in his direction, Kei turned around on her heels, but almost fell. Walking away, Aiko smiled. [b]''Seems like you have made a little fan.''[/b] He cracked open into a smile as he waved Kei goodbye, and sighed deeply before sipping from the tea again. [b]"Maybe... I don't know why, but I am quite fond of children. They can have the most amusing ways of interpretting things."[/b] He replied a bit dreamy. His response made Aiko briefly chuckle, almost laughing. [b]''You can say that. Certainly when they are so canny like her and her brother.''[/b] Aiko replied, making her think of a question back. Not really a serious one, but one she found quite amusing. [b]''So when are you going to start with children?''[/b] He almost drowned himself in his tea when she suggested children. He was about to say that he wasn't nearly old enough to get children when he realized that he was 21 years old. Most shinobi parents got children starting from the age of 25. [b]"Me? Children? I uh... Never really thought about it, not this way at least. Things are complicated enough as they are now, and..."[/b] He said, shrugging, imagining a situation where he would have children. His first idea was with Matsuri strangely, and that made him feel very uncomfortable as he was currently in a relationship with Kaori. [b]"... That's pretty strange since I'm a clanleader, and people expect me to have heirs eventually."[/b] He finished after realizing the situation himself only moments before. It sounded hilariously funny. The heir to the Nimatsu clan, Kensuke's son, or daughter. Ryo would probably laugh his ass off, while Tsubasa would try to be supportive and stuff, while Katsuko would pretend he didn't care that much, but man... As his mood darkened a bit he wished that those three scurvy bastards would've been around to see his children. If there was anyone in the village but Zakito, Kiyomi or Matsuri to whom he'd trust his own life, his children's lives, it'd have been them. Taking a sip of her drink again, Aiko enjoyed the first reaction. It was just like she had assumed it would be. [b]''If you're incapable of making a child due some complicated situations, then why not thinking about adopting one? I am not saying you should, but you probably knew Kaname. She was adopted into our family and nobody seemed to be disturbed by it.''[/b] This made her think about the past daughter she had. Only thing she was aware off, was that Kaname had ran and died in an accident. Quite a shame as Aiko had a good bond with her adopted daughter. [b]''Though, there is time plenty. That and you first need to find the person for it. Which makes me want to ask.''[/b] A smile started to creep on the thin lips of Aiko as she became clearly curious. [b]''Is there a lucky girl out there or somebody you already met and.. have feelings for?''[/b] Gladly taking the subject of adoption over his darker train of thoughts his mind flashed back to the mission inside the caves near his village he had gone on with Kiyomi, where together they had killed Kaname. It was a memory filled with blood, and Aiko seemed to be oblivious of her undoing, or at least seemed to have come to terms with it, so he wisely decided not to start about it. [b]"Ahaah. Why did I expect this."[/b] He replied with a frivolous glare. [b]"Well, there's this one girl I met a few years ago when being drafted into assisting Kiyomi with shopping..."[/b] He suggested, still doubting about wether or not he should tell more, just for fun. [b]''Cause it is fun to talk about. I imagine that you may find it odd to talk with me about such things as I am not your mother. But, I do find it fun.''[/b] She said, smiling. Listening to what he said as a start, Aiko made a gesture with her free hand while she kept on smiling. The thought that he was probably thinking she was some sort of goofhead came back, but she didn't mind it. If he had that thought, it was kind of too late to change it. For a moment he tried sending a slightly annoyed look, but he broke into a grin anyways and gave up. [b]"Well, I met this girl again not such a long time ago, and ... how shall I put it ... It was a pleasant meeting. We have chocolate milk."[/b] He continued, neglecting to add that they met during a party and that te chocolate milk was the next morning, a nosebleed and a night of partying later. [b]''Really?''[/b] Aiko asked, sounding both interested and interested to talk about the subject. [b]''And how long ago did this all happen?''[/b] She asked, but then raised her free hand and lightly shook her head. [b]''Sorry, I am prying maybe a bit too much into this. But it is kind of sweet to see a busy jounin still trying to spend time with a girl he likes.''[/b] She laughed. [b]''Kind of reminds me of the cheesy novels I had read in the past about such stories.''[/b] [b]"About 10 months ago now, if I recall correctly."[/b] He replied, before shrugging and drinking from the tea again. [b]"Cheesy novels eh? Oh dear, that sounds really bad."[/b] He then continued, barely managing to hold back a wave of uncontrollable laughter. Him and Kaori, a chiché couple doing all kindsof cheesy stuff. Yeah, that sounded about right. [b]''It is kind of is. But they can be fun. If you want, I can lend you some. Who knows?''[/b] Aiko smile changed a bit as she winked in Kensuke's direction. [b]''You might pick up something. Just a suggestion. After all, you need to learn from books, right?''[/b] Aiko asked with a rather innocent tone, though she giggled briefly. Almost had she been laughing out hard by her own suggestion. He needed a moment to stop himself from chuckling too much before he could reply. [b]"I do not believe any [i]'skills'[/i] as found in cheesy novels would do much to improve ... anything at all actually."[/b] [b]''It just depends on what you pick up, I guess.''[/b] Aiko said, but deciding to not further go on the subject. Somehow it was getting a bit too odd. Not that she had minded it, but he probably didn't see her as some kind of person he could talk about this. Clearing her throat, Aiko decided to switch to a more mature and serious topic. [b]''I also wish to ask you something. If I am not getting spooking you with being open.''[/b] He subdued the last waves of chuckling in the last bit of tea in his cup when Aiko mentionned something about a question. [b]"Oh, don't worry about that. What did you want to ask?"[/b] Kensuke replied, waving away her concerns. She seemed to think about how she would word her question, putting down her drink. [b]''The thing is that you have been trained by my husband. I will be honest that I have tried to pry for some information, but even without your reputation, I think that many can and will vouch for you as a capable sensei.''[/b] Aiko spoke in a serious, yet friendly tone. However, the smile from before was absent as she looked serious at Kensuke. [b]''My question is more of a request. It is maybe too early, but I have learned in the hard and unforgiven way that fate has a twisted humor. My children might or not choose to follow the path of becoming a shinobi.''[/b] Pausing, Aiko slightly lowered her head as placing her hands on her lap. Like making a small bow towards Kensuke. [b]''I would like to ask if you would in the future think about mentoring my children. I ask this as a mother, cause I am a bit picky of who I would allow if I had anything to say in it.''[/b] Raising herself from the bow, she smirked. [b]''Though I can probably try to influence the whole ordeal, I hope you will consider it.''[/b] He blinked a few times when he realized the weight of her request. To be asked to mentor the children of the Third Hokage, Zakito Hon, was a great honour, not even mentioning an even greater responsability. [b]"Ofcourse I would."[/b] He replied, a bit at loss for words. His mind raced for things to say, as for what an honour it would be and whatnor, but then Tsubasa shook her head in his mind, helping him remember that this was not an assigned position, but a request in a friendly conversation. Ryo had both his arms behind his back and gave him a large grin before the vision faded. [b]"If you can really get such a thing arranged, then I will gladly fullfil your request."[/b] At first it seemed that Aiko was surprised with his answer. Standing up, she looked at him with still a surprised look on her face. Then she moved. Walking around the table, she seemed to raise her arms, like she was doubting if it was the right thing to do. But slowly a smile was growing on the lips of the mother. Slowly, Aiko would embrace Kensuke as she kept smiling. [b]''Thanks. I am really in your debt if you would do this.''[/b] At first a bit surprised as she hugged him, he then returned the gesture. [b]"Eh, it's nothing."[/b] He said a bit sheepishly. She sounded so serious about it he felt a bit awkward that he wasn't. Well, he was probably even more serious than her right now, but he didn't quite feel like he was, so all he could do right now was smile and shrug. Slowly moving away from Kensuke, Aiko shook her head a bit. Already turning around to head back to her seat, she mumbled something. Only loud enough that Kensuke could hear her. [b]''Nothing? I bet you really can learn something from one of those cheesy novels.''[/b] It was however meant as a joke, which became clear with her playful smile. Sitting back, she coughed. [b]''I am sorry for that. It is just that I might be the typical kind of mother that tries to make sure that her children are in good care when I can't provide it for them.''[/b] The smile faded, but was soon replaced with a laugh. [b]''Maybe you will understand one day when you have children your own!''[/b] [b]"Me, children of my own. Pfff. Let's pray that that'll be a long while in the future. I already have next to no time left for my girlfriend, nevermind hobbies."[/b] He sighed out loud. [b]"Perhaps that's exactly why one would worry about one's children though."[/b] He continued. [b]"Because as a jounin and a clan leader, you tend to have little time for anything aside of your duties."[/b] Raising her chin, Aiko briefly looked at the ceiling. [b]''Seems you figured that one out pretty fast.''[/b] She scoffed. [b]''I regret at times. That my sense of duty always makes it unable for me to spend much time with the two of them. To not be there to see them make mistakes, like burning their fingers. Or cursing.''[/b] Closing her eyes, Aiko crossed her arms, lowering her head again. [b]''It is ironic, you see. I am protecting the clan and village that they are part off. But have to pay it with that I can't be spending that much time with them as I would like to.''[/b] Opening her eyes half, Aiko stared at her glass. [b]''But it is worth it. Every moment of hardship, it is worth to come home and see them smile. To hear them laugh. I may be sounding a bit cliché, but that is what keeps me going. What makes me get up and do what I have to do as both a clan leader and kunoichi. For something simple as that.''[/b] She smiled. [b]''To hear two children laugh.''[/b] After a moment of silence, as all reasons why he ever killed flashed before his eyes, he nodded and could in all seriousness and honesty add with a stern face that he shared that feeling. [b]"I disagree. It takes a lot of effort to create such a safe environment that allows children to grow up without danger, where they can take as much time as they want to be children. A child's laugh is an expensive gift."[/b] He replied, thinking of the last time he had been inside his village, still not recuperated from the Hon attack two years ago. It was hard to find happy children there, amidst the gravestones of their parents. [b]''It is. But is something I find very precious and rare these days.''[/b] She softly replied. [b]''However, it is much more simple than wealth. Power or influence. It is something more simple, yet more valuable. I would give my life up to make sure that Kei and Akimoto keep on laughing. If that means I need to go or be put down, I would die likely with a smile. Though I have always found that odd.''[/b] She looked up to Kensuke. The expression on Aiko didn't reveal much, as it was more or less bland. But it were her eyes that betrayed her. That gave Kensuke a clear idea how she felt about the current turn of the topic. [b]''Regardless of what crime I have to do, I will need to make sure those are safe. Which is ironic, don't you think? I kill in order to protect. I hurt others and create discontent and hatred among others, to make sure that love and peace is being kept in another.''[/b] Looking back at the glass, Aiko sighed. Her left hand went through her hair. [b]''I think that it is true about what they say. That you need to give something in order to gain. I always thought it had a sad ring to it.''[/b] [b]"Such seems to be the way of life."[/b] He replied absentmindedly as the begging face of a roughly 12-year old boy flashed past his eyes, with dirt on his cheeks, tears streaming freely from his eyes, and sunburned cheeckbones. He had killed a lot of people and caused a lot of grief for the wellbeing of those he strived to protect, and it still jarred him that if he would've been born in another village, he would just as easily kill people he now deemed friends. [b]''But enough of this. Kind of twisted turn, don't you think? Hahaha, I am still think you should think about kids.''[/b] Aiko said, trying to not sink in the thoughts and memories of the past. About what it truly meant to live in despair and realizing that you were out there alone. Then to only know that in order to gain something you either had to give something up or worse. To take it away from others. [b]''If I and Zakito have the time for it, why wouldn't you have it?''[/b] Shaking himself out of his dark thoughts he sheepishly grinned in response. [b]"I don't know. I just do not feel quite up to the task yet."[/b] He replied. [b]"Perhaps I still feel like I want to enjoy this little spare time I still have."[/b] He added with a misschievous grin. Children weren't always as nice. She laughed at first. [b]''Are you sure? Cause I wanted to ask next if you want to babysit Aki and Kei. I would like my little spare time back.''[/b] Looking at the left, at some pictures, she smiled. [b]''Not that I regret it, but I loved spending time just walking around Konohagakure with Zakito. Just not thinking about anything that resolved around killing or sneaking around. Like civilians just do.''[/b] Shaking her head again, Aiko wondered if she was really getting odd. [b]''Sorry, I don't want to bring up old stories that you're not interested in.''[/b] [b]"Babysitting? Well, I guess I could do that..."[/b] He replied, raising his shoulders. The idea was actually quite attractive to him, despite his earlier thoughts about becoming a father himself. He was only 21 after all. [b]"And don't worry about stories, you can't beat Zakito in telling useless stories."[/b] He replied with a grin. As reaction, she laughed. Aiko placed her hands at her stomach as she did so. [b]''I think we think more alike than I could ever predict. Thank you Kensuke. Or may I call you Ken? Is that okay or maybe a bit weird?''[/b] She asked. Was this why Zakito was so fond of the young man? Aiko always had a good opinion on him, but getting more personal with him like this? Yes, she could understand why she had heard good things about him. [b]"Perhaps we are, and no, that's not a problem."[/b] He replied with a smile. He hadn't ever heard much of Aiko except that she knew what was right for her clan, and herself. It was a bit strange that he knew so little of the wife of a man he knew better than he had known his own father. [b]''Thanks. I appreciate it.''[/b] Aiko said. [/hider]