[center][b]Damian Strath[/b] ---Mysterious Tower---[/center] Damian snored loudly as he slept, dreaming about the times before the darkness had come and forced him to fight or flee. Before people forgot about his parents or who they were and said that he was the only Strath they'd ever known for the entirety of their lives. As he dreamed, he snorted slightly in response to a bug landing on his nose and sleepily swiped at it, most likely at least chasing it off and allowing him more sleep for the time being. Or, at least it would have if he hadn't been woken up by the loud banging on his door. "Whoa!" Falling out of it, he does his best to extricate himself from the tangled mess of sheets and blankets as he stumbles over to the door and flings it open. "What?! What did I miss?!" He was still rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he yelled this and when he stopped, he realized it was the blue fairy. "Oh, s-sorry." Once she had told him to go to the main room, Damian closed the door and got the bed as fixed as he could before going to the main room, stepping through the portal after giving it quizzical looks for a moment. As he emerged in the main room, he took note of the other four in the room, staring in amazement at the girl in the red dress. [i]Wow, she's cute. Maybe...nah, not her. I'm too much a ship boy for it.[/i] Taking a seat away from the others but where he could see them if he turned his head, he waited for Yen-Sid and the other person to finish conversing.