[center][b]Spades[/b] ---Mysterious Tower---[/center] Spades sat in her room frowning down at the corner of her dress. When she had been brought her from the falling battle lines at the boarder of the Card Kingdom in wonderland by that pair of wizards the outfit had all been reds and yellows. Now all the yellow had become black and white. It was an odd side effect of her linage apparently. Anything she wore would become as black and white as any card of the suite of spades. The rabbit had told her when she was young that a 'leopard can't change its spots and a card can't change its suite.' She was clearly of black suite of cards by blood, any outfit she wore for a certain amount of time would begin to lose color and fade to a monochrome. She didn't like it. She preferred bright colors! Sure the red would last a while longer than any other as it to was a card color, but there was always so much red in card kingdom that she was nearly as sick of it as she was the black and white all her clothing faded to with time. She looked at the tips of the blue half of her hair, she could already see the dye fading and the natural white that lay beneath showing through. She sighed drawing up and knees and pursing her lips. It was silly to be sulking about her color scheme while her world was fighting for its life against the darkness. The wizard in blue with the pointy had, Merlin his name had been, told her that her world would likely last longer than others. Wonderland and its people were wholly unique in all of space and time and even the darkness that consumed hearts didn't know exactly what to make of the world. But it was still a losing battle, even with the specially weapon she found at her command they had been steadily losing ground. There was a knock at the door and the familiarly voice of the temperamental blue fairy called in about a meeting of some sort. the sudden noise surprised Spades and she fell from the ceiling onto her bed with a 'oof' of impact. What, did I forget to mention she was sitting on the ceiling? Oh well silly me, these little details like up and down can get a little touch and go sometimes. Spades was only half wonder land though, and could only maintain such shenanigans while not really thinking about it. When alone, or when the moment was just right and she felt she could she would do some of the unexplainable stuff that many of those from her world could do, like ignoring basic rules of reality. It reminded her of home. She hadn't been gone long but already she missed it greatly. She worried for the rest of the card kingdom without her there to back them up. I mean, yeah she was just a maid on paper, but she had the only decent weapon they knew against the darkness. She sighed standing up and straighten out her dress and picking up her hat frowning a little at the now black, once yellow, rose. She placed it on her head, put on her best smile, and left the room. She was about to meet the other people that the wizards had taken from other worlds, and that something worth smiling about. She burst into the room and saw the other kids, all sitting quietly and trying not look at one another. She frowned deeply at this and crossed her arms. "No no no!" she exclaimed "This won't do at all! Sitting around like a bunch of hedge sculptures! How positively uninteresting. How about introductions to break the ice?" she walked forward to position herself between the group as to have their full attention. "I am Pik Annie Card, but my friends all call me Spades. So unless you don't want me to be your friend, please call me Spades."