Mike (Darkness): Mike found himself trapped in the darkness, he yelled out trying to get someone to hear him but there was no sound from his mouth. He could hear and see nothing as the darkness was pushing against his body and soul hard, he could not breathe and slowly he was dragged down into the darkness. Mystery tower: Mike woke up in a cold sweat gasping. His sister sat next to him with her nine tails as she gave him a glass of water and asked "Did you have the dream again Mike?" Mike nodded and coughed a little as he said "Its getting stronger and stronger with each passing night Sashia, I feel like its going to kill me". Sashia held her brother close to her as she said "We need answer Mike, Master Yen sid can help. I know he can" The sibling then heard the morning bell and Mike said "Lets head onwards then". Mike and Sashia got dressed and then went to the meeting room. Sashia scanned the room before she walked up to Yue and sat next to her as her nine tails wrapped around her body somewhat as she said Hello to her. Mike did not sit down at all as his dragon wings did not allow him to sit down well.