[hider=Pre-approved Supernormal Powers] This is my combined list of documented Super aspects in the RP world including super-powers, afflictions, species and super-technology. New powers will be added to the list as they are discovered. If you have any questions about powers, overtech and the super-physics that they are based on or a new power you'd like me to add to the list just ask me. If- you're planning on submitting a new power I strongly suggest you submit the power first before making a whole sheet. [u]IMPORTANT TO NOTE[/u] The more primary powers you have the weaker each one will be. For example a superspeedster telekinetic will not be as fast as a straight up super-speedster. Some powers however make each other stronger. for example a metamorphic shapeshifter with regeneration would have the regeneration cause the metamorphic changes to function better and the metamorphic changes would cause the regeneration to function better. However the Metamorphic changes would not be as good as those of a pure metamorph. Some powers make each other weaker. For example super-durable skin and cloaking. Trying to make the skin do two opposite things greatly hampers both. If you are not sure whether two powers are sympathetic, neutral or conflicting then please ask me, I will be happy to tell you. Additionally Psychokinetic powers are strictly one per character. Psychokinetic abilities are general with varying amounts of focus on range, raw power and fine control. Taking a limiter such as restricting yourself to an element allows you more of those things but you can't restrict your self to more than one thing as that's hardly a restriction at all. Telepathic and Psychokinetic powers may not be used in AIs or non-sapient organisms. Other than that the only limit on organic powers is how many food calories you eat. In order to do something you have to have the energy. That means you get tired and hungry after fighting. [b]Physical Abilities[/b] | Abilities that have to do with your own body, senses or mental processes. Super-metabolism | The ability to consume large quantities of food and burn the energy gained therein. Typically a required secondary power with most other powers as they tend to use great amounts of energy especially psychokinetics, speedsters and such. Many supers eat extremely high calories super foods because of this. Others just seem to eat constantly. vampires have the thirst and werewolves have the hunger. This is essentially super-metabolism. Super-stamina | The ability to carry large amounts of stored energy. Typically a required secondary power with most other powers as they tend to use great amounts of energy especially psychokinetics, speedsters and such. Sometimes manifests as layers of body fat. Goes hand in hand with the high metabolism that nearly all supers tend to have. Even if someone already has super-stamina they lose it when they become a vampire or werewolf. Additional body parts | Things such as claws, extra arms, tails, wings, spikes, tentacles, cybernetics, etc. Metamorphic Shape-shifting | The ability to bend and stretch body parts, even ones that normally don't bend and stretch, into a given shape and colour scheme. Typically used to imitate other people or to stretch and bend like a rubber person. (Limited by organic structure. If you make your arms too long your heart won't be able to pump blood to them anymore. You also have to make sure you don't crush your internal organs.) Cloaking | A lesser form of metamorphic abilities where you can only change colour and not shape. It's like a chameleon only way better. Unfortunate side effects may include character nudity. Unusual coloration | Things such as naturally pink hair or purple eyes. This is, in fact, one of the most common mutations. Unusual body chemistry | Things such as immunity to poisons, toxic flesh, transparent skin, etc. Regeneration | The ability to regrow damaged or lost parts of your body. Regeneration is typically an automatic process. Speed of the process depends on power level and diet of the supernormal in question. Typically bones are the slowest to grow though. All vampires and werewolves have regeneration. Super-durability | Organic structure that can take more punishment than a Human being 'normally' could. This can come in a variety of forms from basic toughened skin and bones to something as exotic as flexible metal skin or an exoskeleton. This ability comes with a natural increase in density. Typically a required secondary power in order to make other powers more viable such as being able to use super strength without crushing your own fist when you punch things. Super-strength | Muscles that can bear and lift great weight and pull with great force. (This ability increases jumping height as well but not as much as equivalent super-speed because jumping height is mostly a matter of velocity as you leave the ground. Super Strength increases your load bearing potential rather than your muscle velocity.) Super-strength muscles are very dense. All werewolves have a medium form of super-strength. Super-speed | Muscles that can move at exceptional velocities thus allowing the user to perform actions very quickly. (Also makes the user able to jump very high.) Strictly speaking, super-speed is simply an alternate form of super-strength. Super-speed muscles are also very dense. All vampires have a medium form of super-speed. Super-dexterity | A great degree of control over the precise movement of your muscles. Especially in the fingers. Typically a required secondary power for other powers such as super-accuracy. Super-agility | The ability to change body position rapidly and accurately without losing balance using coordination, and dynamic flexibility. Typically a required secondary power for other powers such as super-speed. Super-reflexes | The ability to quickly process and react to stimulus without actually thinking about it. (or not a lot anyway.) Just like when you touch something hot and pull back only faster. Typically a required secondary power for other powers such as super speed. Super-accuracy | The ability to aim at and hit targets by intuitively figuring out the math in your head. Technically an Intuitive ability but worth its own separate slot. Super-senses |One or more senses that can perceive more than 'normal'. This is a category of sub-abilities and can mean heightening of the normal senses or an altered version of normal senses (such as seeing UV light) or an entirely new sense altogether (such as sensing EM fields like a shark does.) Super-intelligence|When any of a number of processes of the brain simply work more efficiently. This is a category of sub-abilities and can mean the brain works to greater capacity, faster, parallel, or whatever. Since it's a pretty broad category you'll want to be specific about what way you are intelligent. Intuitive abilities | Abilities that allow one to understand something as if by instinct. This is a category of sub-abilities and examples can include the ability to precisely target, knowledge of biology or other sciences and immediate grasp of languages. (They cannot do so without any contact with the information though. for example you can't learn Spanish if you've never heard of the language before but you can learn it very quickly if you have "Intuitive abilities: Spanish".) Learned abilities or skills | Things like acrobatics, martial arts or knowledge that you study or train in. goes under powers even though most might not consider these to be powers. . . . [b]Secretion Abilities[/b] | Abilities that generate chemical effects. These are usually part of the mouth (or sometimes the hands) unless otherwise specified in your sheet. Fire breathing | The ability to secrete organic fuel and ignite it as you spit it out. Venom | The ability to secrete bio-hazardous materials (usually liquids.) Acid | The ability to secrete organic compounds capable of quickly corroding certain materials. . . . [b]Unusual Abilities[/b] | Abilities that aren't quite physical and aren't quite psychokinetic. Radio Tranception | The ability to absorb, understand and emit radio waves of various kinds. typically carries subconscious decryption as a secondary power. Otherwise all you’d get is all white noise all the time. This power is typically used to listen to music, access the internet and send messages. Healing | The ability to control cell growth and inject materials into an organic subject by touching near the area you desire to manipulate. typically used to heal or hurt but can also be used for cosmetic changes. This ability is completely at will so it requires active thought and concentration to work. This ability [i]does[/i] work on your own body body but unlike regeneration you have to do it on purpose. You don't heal yourself automatically. It's also highly likely for you to make big mistakes with this ability if you don't have major medical training. Psychometabolism | The ability to control your own hormones and nervous system to enhance your own bodily functions, though without an outwards change in appearance. Those with a high enough level of this power can use it like healing power except without the ability to affect other people. Kinetic Blast/Grappling | The ability to project force through air (or water or whatever) to push things away. Also the ability to draw things towards you and cling to them. Essentially the same as magnetism but for any solid mass instead of only working on magnetic metals. Microwave Blast | The ability to project microwaves from any part of your body in order to fry stuff. The amount of collateral damage this power can cause is frankly staggering. Plasma Blast | The ability to ionize and superheat air in a stream as you breathe it out. This effect is basically the same a blowtorch in form and function. A very dangerous and tiring ability with devastating damage potential. The organ for this power is bulky, cumbersome and very obvious. Organic LASER | The ability to generate photon beams capable of causing concentrated heat damage. This is achieved by a separate organ that works much the same way as a regular LASER does. It is not the same organ as the eyes since that would make you unable to see. The organ for this power is bulky, cumbersome and very obvious. Electrocution | The ability to to produce a jolt of electricity capable of causing pain and convulsions. This power is more like a taser than a bolt of lightning. Generally not aimable. EMP Blast | The ability to charge up and release an organic electromagnetic pulse. This ability takes a bit of concentration and time to charge up and a lot of energy with each use. The range is low but the collateral damage is typically pretty severe. . . . [b]Psychokinetic Abilities[/b] | Mental abilities which allow one to to manipulate a specific particle or force depending on which ability they have. These abilities burn calories (food energy) and require mental focus. Psychokinetic is often shortened to PK. Sometimes also known as telekinetic abilities. [u]The Body Rule[/u] | Psychokinetic abilities cannot manifest control inside of human beings. This is due to interference from the psychokinetic organ found in all humans. Most of the time this organ is dormant within normal humans aside from this preventative measure. It’s only in proper psychokinetics that it’s able to affect the world around them. You can, however, use them on the inside of your own body. PK abilities also cannot manifest control within kinetic barriers, radioactive materials or anything else with a significant energy signature. However once you control something you maintain control, even if it enters something with a significant energy signature, until it is completely surrounded and cut off from you. As long as part of it is outside you can still control it. [u]The Bootstraps Rule[/u] | Psychokinetic abilities that lift substances cannot be used to fly by lifting yourself up or standing on lifted mass. This is because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It would be like trying to lift yourself up by your bootstraps while still wearing your boots. However, you can push yourself up by applying force down. Meaning you can hover as long as there is something within range of your to power to push down upon. The reason powers of this type do not crush the user is because they can brace themselves by controlling two different things at once to help cancel out the force. [u]The One Per Character Rule[/u] | Unlike other powers, Psychokinetic abilities are limited to one per character. Essentially every Psychokinetic power that involves moving something is simply a quantity of raw power, range and fine control. A power that’s limited to a specific element is able to increase these overall quantities at the cost of what objects they can control. This limitation wouldn’t exactly be a limitation if they could control more than one thing. ~ Hydrokinesis (Water-Mover) | The ability to control the location of H2O (water particles). For example, to make waves or gushes of water. They can force state changes of water particles into a gaseous or solid state effectively creating steam or ice but the temperature won’t actually change so as soon as they let go it will revert to normal. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. You can use this ability to hover but only over a mass of water. Ventrokinesis (Wind-Mover) | The ability to control the location of N2 (nitrogen particles) AKA air. For example, to create pressure waves for wind, vibrations for sounds or to achieve flight. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. As there is almost always air around, you can use this ability to fly, so long as you don't go so high that you freeze and/or suffocate. Pyrokinesis (Fire-Mover) | The ability to control the location of O2 (oxygen molecules). For example, to control the strength and shape of a fire or to make someone feel dizzy or lightheaded. Heating a small area or object to flash point is possible with a high enough level of concentration. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. This ability is rarely strong enough to lift a Human body so hovering does not apply. (You're welcome to attempt being a Human rocket.) Electrokinesis (Lightning-Mover) | The ability to control the location of free electrons (electrons not bound with covalent bonds). Main source being electrons in metals. For example, to make magnetic fields and lightning bolts by spinning or hurling the electrons respectively. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. This ability is rarely strong enough to lift a Human body so hovering does not apply. (You're welcome to attempt magnetic lift though.) Psammokinesis (Sand-Mover) | The ability to control the location of silicone particles (quartz, sand and glass). For example, to make shapes out of sand, move or shatter glass into shards or simply into sand. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. You can use this ability to hover but only over a mass of silicone. Remember, sand is heavy and is the main component of most rocks and dirt. Arborkinesis (Tree-Mover) | The ability to control cellulose (the stuff paper, cardboard, lumber and other plant materials are made of). For example, you can make paper airplanes actually fly, wrap someone up like a Christmas present or throw logs at people. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. You can use this ability to hover but only over trees or rolls of paper or the like. Trichokinesis (Hair-Mover) | The ability to control keratin (the stuff that skin, hair, nails, scales, feathers, wool and shells are made of). For example, you could snare people with your hair or use sharpened feathers as darts. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply (body rule means you can only access dead cells on other people, not live ones.). You can use this ability to hover but only over keratin. Remember, most of dust is made up of keratin. Osteokinesis (Bone-Mover) | The ability to control Calcium-Hydroxylapatite (the stuff bones and teeth are made of). For example, to make skeletons walk, throw teeth around or sharpen bones. This is a specific particle power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. (you can’t take bones that are inside of a person unless they’re dead.) You can use this ability to hover but only if there are bones on the ground. Metallomorphosis (Metal-Shaper) | The ability to reshape metals or mostly metallic alloys. For example to turn a manhole cover into a sword. This is a particle shaping power, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. The only way to lift the metal is to reshape it so that it is taller. Metallomorphotics literally have no access to hovering in the first place. Carbomorphosis (Diamond-Shaper) | The ability to reshape carbon into its various allotropes (graphite, diamond or nano-tubes). For example to create objects out of diamond or nano-tube mesh. This is a particle shaping power, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. The only way to lift the carbon is to reshape it so that it is taller. Carbomorphotics have no access to hovering in the first place. Microkinesis (Precision-Mover) | The ability to arrange many tiny objects in precise waysbut with severely limited raw power. For example, to assemble the gears of a watch or to pick a lock or to vibrate an object to make a sound. This is a generalized power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. This ability is rarely strong enough to lift a Human body so hovering does not apply. Essentially this is a pk power that has total raw power limited rather than being limited to a specific material or force. Macrokinesis (Heavy-Mover) | The ability to target and move heavy objects or multiple lighter objects but with severely limited fine control. For example, to lift a car or even yourself. This is a generalized power, so the body and bootstraps rules apply. You can use this ability to hover over solid objects or to super jump. Essentially this is a pk power that has fine control limited rather than being limited to a specific material or force. Proximokinesis (Short-range-Mover) | The ability to move heavy objects or apply fine control but with a severely limited range. (I'm still trying to think of a good name for this power.) Photokinesis (Light-Shaper) | The ability to make photons (light) 'bounce' off of nothing as if they had struck a one-sided mirror. This applies to the entire EM Spectrum. For example, you could make light bounce back and forth until you had enough for a LASER blast or you could make a mirage image (You can sort light for colour and brightness, this power is essentially a set of virtual mirrors and filters.). This is a photon shaping power, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. Gravitokinesis (Weight-Changer) | The ability to create false gravity (Force exerted by mass that isn't there with deep but very narrow gravitational troughs.). For example, you could make sideways gravity to stand on a wall or vertical gravity to float through the air. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fly by having the gravity pull you up or whatever directions you want to go but dirt and stuff will go along with you. Magnetokinesis (Magnetism-Changer) | The ability to create artificial magnetic fields. For example, attracting a collection of paperclips to a specific point in space. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fly by wearing magnetic materials on your body and having the magnetic field pull you up or whatever directions you want to go. Chronokinesis (Time-Changer) | The ability to speed up or slow down relative time within a bubble. For example, you could slow someone else down, or make yourself faster. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fly if you make your bubble of time skintight and swim in the slowed down air as though it were water. You [i]canNOT[/i] use this ability to travel back in time. Ostrakinesis (Barrier-Maker, Qi-User) | The ability to create and move transparent objects that feel solid even though they have no mass. For example, to create a wall to protect you or a stabbing weapon to attack with. Each ostrakinetic's objects have a specific colour; one ostrakinetic user might make red fields while another might make blue fields. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fly by standing on a created object and lifting it into the air. Ætherkinesis (Portal-Maker, Teleporter) | The ability to fold space until it overlaps in order to make wormholes (portals). For example, to get from one side of a wall to another or to get up on top of a wall without a ladder. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fall through the air and open a portal under you to a higher point to get up to a higher altitude. Phantasmokinesis (Ghost-Flyer, Hammer-Space) | The ability to twist off a section of space to make a pocket dimension off to the side of reality that you can move around at will. For example, you could store items or you could go inside of it yourself and travel 'through' a wall. This is a natural force manipulation ability, so the body rule applies but the bootstraps rule does not. You can use this ability to fly by having just your feet in the pocket dimension while you move it around. the pocket dimension will not have a source of light or air unless you bring one. People trapped in a pocket dimension can physically push their way out, though. Psychokinetic Mimicry | The ability to sense PK abilities in others and copy them. You can only copy PK abilities from one person at a time and when you sleep or are otherwise greatly distracted your mind resets to none. You can sense the 'flavour' of a PK ability but if it's one you've never seen in action before you won't know what it is until you try it out. Unlisted PK powers | Particle abilities can be specific to any particle, this means that if a particle or compound exists there is a PK ability to control it (Keep in mind that uncommon substances lead to uncommon powers). You can pick a specific molecule from unusual compounds like acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) to more straight forward compounds like Carbondioxide and have a PK ability to control it, it might be near useless but you can do it if you want to. . . . [b]Telepathic Abilities[/b] | Mental abilities that allow you to sense and command with your mind. Those with Telepathic abilities have a special organ in their brain that is separate and different from the one for Psychokinetics. Unlike psychokinetic abilities it allows for multiple telepathic powers on the same character. Mind Reading | The ability to sense the thoughts of others (including words images, sounds, etc.) Cannot delve deep but rather only senses currently or recently active thoughts. No access to memories, repressed thoughts, subconscious thoughts or deeply buried secrets. Thought Sending | The ability to send suggestions (including words images, sounds, etc.) to communicate mentally with people. You can’t force people to do anything but you could make them think they thought of it if you’re clever. Empathy |The ability to share emotions with other people including sensing theirs and sending them yours. You can also send them original emotions you're not actually feeling. For example you could make them angry or relax them. Illusions | The ability to influence people's senses to put them in a world of your creating. In other words you sense everything they sense and you can then alter what they are sensing. This functions a lot like dreaming and sleep-walking. Zombie Speak (Necropathy) | The ability to sense and control zombies You can also use any of their senses they have that still work. For more on Zombies see the affliction section. Animal Speak (Zoopathy) | The ability to sense and control the behavior of animals. You can also sense what they sense. Many with this power are limited in what animals or category of animals they can control. Virus Speak (Viropathy) | The ability to sense and control viruses.This tends to be a more esoteric version of animal speak. . . . [b]Super Afflictions[/b] | Essentially infections that you can catch but for which there is no known cure, even with healing powers. Although, sometimes immune system abilities can prevent you from catching them in the first place. They occurred naturally as far as anyone can tell and have been around for ages. Once they get into your body they change what you are into something else and then stick around in order to maintain your new form and to spread it elsewhere. Vampirism | Vampires are many times faster and more agile than baseline Humans. Most can lift twice their own body weight. They have enhanced senses (especially in the dark) but those senses can be overloaded (Loud sounds, bright lights etc.) They also have regenerative powers so they can regrow any missing body part as long as they're still alive and being fed. They have the thirst. Their super-metabolisms are always in high gear and they have low stamina (for a supernormal) even if they had super-stamina before they were infected. Vampires are especially susceptible to sunlight. (Ultraviolet radiation causes cancerous growths that, coupled with their speedy regeneration, can kill them rather quickly. Regenerating a tumor just leads to a bigger tumor.) Vampirism is considered an STD. Vampirism also tends to make you immune to other diseases including lycanthropy. Lycanthropy | Werewolves are usually strong enough to lift six to ten times their body weight (They are also fairly heavy) and are reasonably fast and agile. Werewolves are colourblind. They have amazing senses of smell and hearing but those senses can be overloaded (strong smells, loud sounds, etc.) Werewolves normally subside in Human form but when they have an adrenaline rush hair grows suddenly covering most of their body and their nose, heels and nails change into a more wolf-like shape, hence the name. (they are not actually wolves, tho, and some of them resemble other animals entirely.) While in this form they operate much more instinctually and have trouble controlling themselves. They have regenerative abilities so they can regrow any missing body part as long as they're still alive and being fed. They have the hunger. Their super-metabolisms are always in high gear and they have low stamina even if they had super-stamina before they were infected. Lycanthropy is also considered an STD. Lycanthropy tends to make you immune to other diseases including vampirism. Zombification | Zombies have a brain that has basically turned to mush. A blithering idiot searching only for food in the stupidest, most straightforward way you can imagine. (walk towards food, bite, repeat as needed.) Zombies are also completely immune to disease as their flesh is lethal (Most anything that tries to eat them dies,) and they have a tendency to keep moving even when their heart has stopped. In fact most zombies don't stop unless their brain is no longer hooked up to their limbs or they run out of juice. Whichever comes first. It is an incurable disease that completely kills anything recognizable as the persons mind. They are therefore considered dead by most governments, so you can legally kill them even if they are not threatening you. PK powers and most other powers that require complex brain functions will cease to work once zombified. Zombies are also not protected by the body rule. Doppelganger | Doppelgangers are infected with transmutic cells. These cells have the ability to 'scan' people and objects at extremely short range. It's sort of like a cat-scan where you can see all the different layers except this is much more detailed and much higher resolution. The transmutic cells are then able to form a cocoon around the body and alter every atom of your being. Each time this happens you are fully remade into an exact copy of a person the transmutic cells have scanned recently in the exact way they were when they scanned them. (Including clothing and equipment.) The cells usually only remember the last 7 or 8 or so organic sentient life-forms who have been scanned. They always exclude non-sapient life-forms. Those infected with transmutic cells do not actually have any control over any of this. Usually upon your death the transmutic cells choose an organic sapient life-form for you to become based on how you died. Occasionally this ability is triggered by severe injury or even seemingly at random. The ability furthermore causes severe memory loss each time it is used due to transcription errors in your memories. You typically only remembers things that have happened recently or things that happen frequently. Also many doppelgangers have access to some additional special ability, usually to do with the transmutic cells in some way.[/hider]